PC 01-25-56 KLá1'N1.NG Ç,°lllr¡1.2.S1.QN {, "1\' '. c CITY OF CU..-:mTINO P. O. BOX 597 CU..: ERTINO, C,LIFORNLi Si'ECLL IIELTD:G OF THE i'L,NNING CO¡,¡¡USSION J;,NU,RY 25, 1956 ?l~ce: Cupertino Union School, Cupertino Ti'::e 8: 00 J; .ii. I. ROLL CLL g,:ld S,LUTE 'ro FL",G CO"è':issioners .ê'resent: Leonerd, Bell, Cali, Neilsen, :2aizi, Co~:issioners ,.bsent: (None) Salute to the Flag led by Chairnan Leonard. n. IHNUTES OF THE L..,3T ~1EETING A. The Secretary WAS instructed to read the !l1nutes of the previous neeting, January 4, 1956. Minutes were approved AS read, III. SCHELULEL HE"RIiWS ¡reI' iUBLISHED NOTICES ~. Use ier~it: rlrchbishop of Ronan Catholic Church of Ssn Fr8ncisco; Pqrochial ~chool to be located east side of Highw3Y ;(9, 600 feet froI:l Stevens Creek Road. Father ¡hilip Ryan presented his architect to the Connission who stS\ted five cla.ssroo'1s 9nd 8n3d':1inistrative wing were i",'c.edi3tely necessary. Future plans included three cl9ssrooI:ls and library. rresent idea is sn asphalt ~2ved Dlayground which would also be used for a p~rking sp8ce. Lue to l~ck of sewerage facilities, the present septic tank, which is four tines the size of a residential tank, will be used. The septic tank is in the proposed loc8tion of the future convent. Moved by CO"lèissioner Bell ~nd second.ed by COr:!:'1issiol1é,r C31i, the J?l"mning Co"nission approve this Use ..er::it subject to County approval. Carried 5 - o. Discussion: Mr. ~edgwick, Superintendent of the Cupertino Elenent3ry School Listrict. whose property is located about )02 feet froM Highway v9, st~ted under the present zoning, his property is zoned Com·~ercial. Does not care to have his property rezoned. Chairman Leonard st~ted the City has in- herited a zoning ':1ao from the County which was adopted by Ordinance 002. Rezoning could be a pieceoeal procedure thru zoning requests and amendments to the present ordinance. Mr. Ch8rles Beer, who has property on the west side of High- way "9 and ~tevens Creek Road stated he has no'objection to e parochial school. B. Rezoning of Blabon-',¡,Üsh property into four parcels. 1. "ttorney Longinotti was presented to the Commission by Mr. John Stone who is requesting C-l-H zoning Stevens Creek Road opposite Randy Lane; M-I-H zoning for a parcel located )00 feet behind the aforementioned property a'1d M-I-H for another par- cel a~proxim~tely 600 feet from Stevens Cree~ hoed and behind the two previously stated parcels, this property to be used for a contractor's yard by Mr. Jesse ieacock. J1r. Dariel Csmp is desirous of M-2-H zoning for the fourth parcel consisting of two acres between l200 and 1400 feet from 3tevens Creek Road for a cement batching plant. Mr. Camp stated he would have a p:wed yard and would p:we this private road out to Stevens Creek Road. ~.ttorney Longinotti explained the tax benefits which would be collected by the City of Cu~ertino. The estim~ted real prODerty tax on Mr. StoTIe's property would be ~)600 and ~)OOO on Mr. Camp's property. The State collected ~17,000 last year in State sales tax. The attorney presented two petitions with a total of twenty two na~es of people who approved of the proposed bp.tching plant. The attorney further stated the property owned by the C'Üi Erothers is alre'1dy zoned H-l-H. .,mong the spectators objecting to an industrial area in the center of town and amongst the residences, were ¡'¡r. George Fernandez, Hr. Sedgwick. and 11r. Shoe of Bl'mey ...venue. 11r. J:'eter Tormey reported the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce has invited the industries and businesses to Cupertino, and further stated the Chamber of Commerce spproves of IiI'. Camp establishing? cement b2tching plant within the City. Commissioner Cali declared great care should be taken in choice of light industry to be allowed in the area. Commissioner Bell suggested M-I-H zoning for the are8 within Highway ,,9, Stevens Creek Roed, Blaney .>venue and Rodrigues ..venue, which c?n be extended. with the power of the Planning Commission to restrict this area from slaughter houses and other offensive or ddorous businesses. Moved by Com~issioner Bell the 8pplic~tions of Hr. ~tone be tabled until February 8, 1956. Seconded by C011r.1issioner Cali Bnd c~rried 5 - a. " discussion by the 2l~m1ing COT:l'Tlission reverted to CO'Tl11issioner Bell r s suggestion of '·'n are,'} rezoned to M-I-H. CommissionEr Celi stated he did not be- lieve an M-2-H zoning reèuest could be ellowed in an M-l-H zoned areB. Moved by Commissioner Bell a he8ring date be scheduled for are& west side of B19ney, bounded by Rodrigues ",venue, Hi"hw8Y ,,9 and Stevens Creek Road for a desirable light industrial area, Seconèted by Commissioner 29izis and carried 5 - O. Febru9ry 8, 1956, was the date est2blished. for this he'1ring. IV. Hr. Fred Lawrence requested approvol of his plans for archi- tectural approve.l and subsequent building per'3i t for a bpI' and rest~ur~nt to be located on the southwest corner of Blaney and Stevens Creek Road. Moved by COMmissioner Cali these plans be ~pproved and a bUilding perr:Jit issued. Seconded by Comoissioner .2?izis and carried 5 - o. V, CONSIDER.TION OF fiE .UESTS FOR REZONING ro. Peter Bianchi requested rezoning of two lots to R-J-H at southwest end of Bianchi '.Jay, apµroxir:lately )00 feet south of Stevens Creek Road, for construction of a duplex Moved by Com~lssioner Celi this ~8tter be scheduled for 9 hearing Febru8ry 8, 1956. Seconded by Commissioner Bell snd c9rried 5 - O. B. \J. S. :linsworth, realtor. representing Henry ~md Lillir:.n Cohn, requested C-l or M-l zoning for approximately 7.S~. seres locsted at the southwest corner of Miller and Stevens Cree~ Road. No mention of "H" restrictione atbt· I10ved by Com;;lissioner Cali a letter inviting Mr. ..inswort::-¡ t" :o')pes.r "it ;neeting of February 1. 1956, for 8. more elaborste explsnation be written by the Commission. Seconded by Coomissioner 2ell and carried 5 - o. ,C. Mr. William Charron requested com~erci81 zoning for lOG foot frontage on Stevens Creek Road near Randy for con- stru~tion of a furniture store.. Moved by COT:l~issioner Bell this request be scheduled for a he~ring February 8, 1956. Seconded by Commissioner ?aizis snd c8rried 5 - o. ·. . ... SDencer S 'l1d Lilli ~n B. \riolf re :'uested cO:l"Jerci c 1 zoning for s lOa x 100 foot p:rcel of l?nd located 0,1 the E3st sldt of R::,niy Lc:tlc 8pproxi,·'ctely 309 feet fro-. 3teV811S Creek Bo~d. I1ovi;;d by Co,~~issioner Bell this :J"'ttar be scheduled f9r å public hc~ ring Febru~ry 8, 1956. Seconded by Co::m:iss ioner C~li nd c~rriEd 5 - o. V. CC:'¡SILER,T'Im, OF HE JJES'T3 FOR USE i;<;RNITS &. Mr¡ St~nley C. Jsrvis rEquested ? c8ncBll~tion at this ti:\e for per~ission to estsblish 'õ\ sr:\2ll.'1gchine shop on South In~ney. 13, III'. J~ck L3tt'1 representing en undisclosed chiroprBctor. requested ~, postpone!'lent of 8':pec.·rqnce before the .'i:'l~nning Co'rission until February 1. The proposed office would be in 3 single fasily dwelling frontin~ on the \'.'est side of Highw9Y ;,9 which is zoned R-)-H. C. Mr. FrAnk Spinosp, represented by Mr. Don BAndley, requested" building p2rDit to operi"te a used Cf'r lot loc~ted on the Southe3st corner of Stevens Creek Ro~d 'md HighWPY ;·,9. Chair::¡::m Leon2rd st<>,ted the cor~plcted for:\s for architecturAl and site Gontrol <;pprlJv'Ù were neceSS'3ry before ~cti0n ":.ould be t".ken by the il'3mling C0:;),:,isEion. VE. CCìMm:IC 'II'~NS .~. \:,~'ri tt',,,=ü 13;0 Or'?1 VIII. HISCELLA~~OU5 '" Chqircpn L:orprd rccorted thE County is no;~ notifyi!1g the School Districts upon ~eceipt of qprlic?tions for subdivision tracts. B. CO:l:1issionE:r Bell sugg,:sted a rcco:;J''Jen<Ì3tion be :ngde to the City Council reg?rding the need of professional pl?n~ing 9ssistance gnd further suggested that one-hal~ of the inc08ing revenue collected by the ?lqnning Com:.'.ission be '18de 8vailable. Unani:'lous CO~1cur,ìnce W'1S noted. IX; ..DJOURNiIEN'I' at 11:00 i.M. by Ch~ir'1gn Leom?rd. Respectfully sub'1itted, Edith H. authony, Secretary pro-tern ,