PC 02-01-56
fLA];iNINQ C0.t1¡~lS31QN
P. O. BOX 597
FEERU,.RY 1, 1956
Cu;;ertino U:ÜOl1 School. Cupertino
8:00 a1
Co::rÜssio:1crs ?resent: Leon~rc1. Bell, C"'li, Neilsen, ?c.izis
CO'7:'.üssio:1ers .,bsent :
S~lute to the Fl'Jg led by Ch2iru,m Leona·rd.
~. The Secretary was instructed to read the Minutes of the
previous ueeting, January 25, 1956. Minutes were approvE
?S re2d.
nI. COl¡¡m:nC,TI«)NS
". Written
1. ~1rs. Terr3nce G. Boyle, Css'ò del Sol subdivision,
suggest2d .i?lc·iming CO'ë::.ission eli;Üns.te the r.\Uddy
condition of ~hil Lane.
!ioved by CO'~êissioner ?3izis "md seconded by Co",r:;issioner
CoryuissionEr Neilsen the Secretgry write 3 letter of
thsnks to Mrs. Boyle for her co~~unity interest and advisE
her this M.9tter should be referred to the sub-divider.
Cc,rried 5 - O.
2. III'. ¡'3ul '" l'Ipri'?ni, Jr. con."ented on the excellent
quelities of the ?lanning Co~'issionsrs; further
co~~entec' on the need for 8 light industri?l areJ.
10c?\tion of which was not recory""ended by Mr. Hs-riani.
Moved by Co~~issio~er Cali, seconded by Con~issioner
i?izis. the Secretary gcknowled~e this letter of interest.
Carried 5 - o.
3. J. i. Sinclsir, Iivision of Highways: Public hearing
scheduled for 2:00 ~"'l., Febru'ry 17, l'¡ount:Ün View
Union High School, !1ount~in View regarding proposed
freew8Y froI.1 ..zule to .B~::,rsh()re Highway. Co;noissioncr
Cali ex~ressed the desire to ttend.
". W. S. .insworth, represent':tive for HenrY3nd Lilli'-m
Cohen. Elpbor",tion of plans for property with 128.2
foot front9ge on Stevens Creel¡ ROJdsmd 745.86 foot
front9ge on ¡·Uller.venue. Hr. ..insworth requested
Co'·oc',erc1.'>l 9nd Light Industri"l zoning for the 7.91
~cres 8CrOSS from the proposed site of the High School.
l':r. ...insworttl is desirous of g g8S st~tion on front
?req "'nd either '3 shopring center such 88 the Los "lto
RaQcho shopping center or an industri?l area, Type of
industry for this location was not st2ted. The pros-
pective clients were not receptive to a uultiple
dwelling zoning. Com~issioner Bell stated he does not
arrove of s zoning chsnge '3t this tiue and heavy
traffic is not considered desir::;ble for:my school are'!.
Moved by C02missioner C81i this zoning request be tabled
for further study and master zoning plan progress.
Seconded by COT'èissioner Bell 2nd c3rried 5 - O.
B. III'. Jo.ck L'Jtta, representing l1r. Gilbert ..ylesworth, the
owner of the lJroperty 3nd Dr. Hitch"nn. prospective
buyer, re~uested a Use ?er~¡it for 8 single family
residence, 10625 N. HighwaY;,9, to be converted into a
chiropractor's office. Health Inspector Elwyn Turner
will approve the premises upon the coopletion of 3 new
,. ....__._._~
SUr:1p. iresent surl'p is five feet too close to the
property line. Nine residents within 300 feet have
signed 9. consent petition. Mr. '0nd ¡Irs. Durkee,
o~mers of three parcels of property in this area,
have not signed the consent petition.
Moved by CODl'lissioner Bell, seconded by CO":::!Ìssioner
Neilsen, cJ Use \~ermit be gre,nted upon Heslth InSpEcctor's
approval of the required su~p.
NOES: Co~missioners, Cali, Leon8rd, Neilsen, isizis
,.YEJ: Coc":;issioners, Bell
Moved by Commissioner Neilsen, Mr.Jnd I1rs. Durkee be
notified by letter of a he9ring on this metteI' 2/8/56,
notice of he9ring to be posted st 10625 N. Highwqy ~9.
Seconded by Cocnissioner Bell 2nd c?rried 5 - o.
C. Fr::nk Spinosa, used C3r lot on SE corner of Stevens Creek
Road 2nd Highway ~9.,rchitectur9l ~pprov?l 2nd site
control forms to be sub::Jitted to the il'mning COLcl1ssion
for approv::l. Building permit h?s been iss~ed and
electricity connected with his c?r lot.
D. The date of the following unfinished he"rings h3s been
ch2nged to Februry 15, 1956:
John H. Stone C-l-H on front3ge
John H, Stone M-l-H on 2nd parcel
John H. Stone I1-l-H on 3rd parcel
DS1riel CS:1P Ì'1-2-H on 4th V.1rcel
Peter Bienchi, R-)-H
Willi9ô Charron C-l-H
S. Wolf C-l-H
Industrial Park M-l-H
v. NEò: BUS I1J¡;;SS
". J~y C. Williams. Foster 8nd Kleiscr Co. Mr. Willisms
offered the services of his leg~: and technical stsffs
and stQted regulqtory control is the respollNlbility of
the City. The City ::lay control the erection snj npkoc],>
of signs with a license t>x "Inri pCCr5v.LÜ property tax.
Commissioner Dell is interested in acquiring the sign
ordinances of other cities.
B. Rich'"rd Te.ylor, Foster "'11<1 ¡Ueiscr Comp2.ny requested
perrJission to erect three sl'ns on the Fred L?Wre:1ce
property 10c8ted on Stevens CreeK R02d. Guring the
discussion between Mr. Tr;Ylor "nd the E18nning COGJ;:,is-
sion 0:1 the d'è,te of construction, !-II'. J8Y "illi2,JS
rcquested ~. postponement for thi s request.
C. Mr. ~21ter Flynn Bnd Mr. Ernest Rothe. Neither parties
gppeared et this ti~e.
". COI::"èissioner Bell proposed <>n "industri'1l parl,1I 2t the
meetinc held J'3nup,ry 25, 1956. Un",ni:r;ous ?,greeoent by
the Plenning CO::1~l1ssion w\s noted rcg''\rding the need of
an industrially zoned arca, for revenue pur?oses.
HIG'" - Y . 9 NT" ~T~V¡;N-' CRT."~·· RO H. "'RO' ,'I' G--'
[1',LJ.. it ~'" "",' .::> tJ ....... ~ .cú':....1.\. ~L.tI 1'>J .,. ~.
'. Cor:¡-'issioner Bell suggested cOC:rsrcisl strip zoning of
a 400 foot depth on Stevens Creel, [(02d 'lnd HiChwr:ry ,;9.
Listqnce of commercial zoning on either road wss not
deterê1ined. Com"lissionsr Csli st:1tCQ Leek of sewer9,:;e
qnd stor'TI dr'Õ\inage facilities were detri--:cnt" 1 to
presently zoned cOffiê1ercial 8rea. '