PC 02-08-56 P. O. Box 597 AX 6-706~_ PLAi'!NIEG C 0 1.; ,. I ó' S Ion ._. .__ _.d ___ _ _ - - - -- - - CIT! OF C!JP;,~HTI;'T(\) C,,:,TJ:r. MHFJTES OF "vmm: S:;SSICiN" of 2/6/56 Time: 8 PI1 2/8/56 Place: Library room, Cupertino Union ::;chool Present: Bell, Cali, Leonard, Neilsen, Paizis Absent: Fane I. The meeting was called to order at 8:03. noll call and salute to Flag followed. II. The minutes of the meeting of 2/1/56 '.'lere approved as read. III. The Chairman cnnounced that the a,,:enda for the evening had of necessity been chio:nged; th[',t the meetin,,' would be a "Fork session" rather than a "hearinG session';. (Further det8ils per box sec- tion on the agenda sheets distributed.) IV. Communications: A. 'i'ritten: None B. Oral: l. Hr. ,C;tone, Mr. Camp, Hnd ¡,,II'. Lon"8notti "ere ppec ent and ready to pr'oceed on the Bll\bon-"alsh D,.rtition enò re- zoning. DurL,::¡: the discussion that follower'1, it vias definitely ar:reed that this matter '.Iould be continued to Friday 2/17/56 at "hich time it W2S expected that the second hearing could be comnleted. 2. Mrs. H. S. Gatjen an( ~r8. Edith Rero~li8 snoke in opposition to 2 pending BPplication by Peter Bianchi to rezone 2 lots on Bianchi 'a '." to permit construction of two duplexes. l:¡r. Don 12,nc'le1, 2nother neighbor, Vias in a position to furni sh some a(~_(l_i tional information concernine; the development alon£ EÜ,nchi Way. The memb(32s of the Commission su[;gested thQt ti18se interested people return on 2/17/56, the reassi':ned date for the first hearing on the Bianchi aDnlicat~on. 3. Mr. Jack Latta reported further on the status of the Aylesworth-Hitchman negotiations to use a single family dwelling as a chiropracter's office. Neighhoring o'vners, whose views vere uncertain the last time the COITll'l1ission considered the use permit application, now appear to be willing to allo1"1 the 8Pplication to GO thru v'ithout ob- jection. The Commission suggested that the use per~it application he put on the agenda for 2/15/56. v. Unfinished Business: 1. Routine items: a. The Chairman subrr.itted Dropo",ed Coml-nispion replies to letters received from ~rp. Terrance Boyle 2nd Mr. Paul A. Müriani Jr. It "'188 the conCenS~)8 of the Commipstoners that the replies ner,) in order ene' thEt the Ch[ ;rman should sign and mail them. bor., c. The Cha.irmen su'::::,;ested systemetic fol.low-up of minor items in the inc'ivic1ual files of the Com'11ic'pioners. Short recess. 2. See item below - 2 - VI. New Business: 1. Chan::;e of mÐe'~inG cIa tes: IWTIOIl: Moved by Bell that the Commission meet on Fridays 1egi';Iling"""27I7/56. SeconcJ.ed by Neilsen. Carried' 5-0 2. Announcements: a. The Chairnmn reported on recent BouncJ.'ries Commission activities: (1) Cupertino received 8pnrov~1 on two inhebited annexa- tion proposals: Q,uito l-C consisting of about 450 acres froll Stevens Creek Road toward Butcher's Corners betvleen Blrney End, 'olfe; end Stelling l-C consisting of about 4"10 acres runnini' southward from aoout McClelland to about Prospect between Hic,hvmy 9 f'nd :::~tell1ng. (2) Two San Joc'e nroposrls to annex pr,rt of' the Stelling 1-0 territory by uninhabited Drocedures were dis- approved. (J) A Sunnynla propose,l to cut Quito I-C in hilf by meûns 0:':' pn uninlwbited ;1roc3dure \'IPS not acted upon. b. The City Council has proceeded wi th the formal resolu- tIons ,.nnouncing intention to 2nnex Quito l-C and StellinG l-C 3. Jecent inquiries: a. A plot plan and perspective vie\'l of a proposed shopping center VI'~.S examined by the Commission. The material was furnished in advance of the meeting by Mr. Joe Sorci who says he is considering annexation to Cupertino and com- mercial development of the front 10 acres of his approxi- ill8te 35 acre parcel on the south sicJ.e of Homestead about opposite Samedra Drive. No specific action was requested or taken. It was suggested thet'·'r. .'Corci impel',r in person for further elaboration of his ide3s in this matter. b. ¡Jr. Joe Mello spoke with re9Dect to his protJerty on the south side of Stevens Creek Rd. about 5001 eaøt of Blaney. He claims to hL~ve lost two business ooportunities becau,øe of the existing R-3-H zoning. He ~ould prefer C-l-H zon- ing. ^fter an exchrnße of views wlth the Commispion he concluded to hold off on mcking formal apnlication on rezoning uhtil he has a concrete proposal for commerciel development. V-2 and VII -1-2-3 ~ork session discussion of master plan elements continued until 10:58 PM VIII. ,Miscellaneous. A copy of the t.~enlo Master Plan, secured by Ci ty Clerk Hartin, VISS examined Fi th interest and indexed into the múteriúl avsilable to the Commission for study. IX. AdjournMent followed at ll:02 PM Respectfully submitted ( ~ GEORGE PAIZIS Acting Secretary ( t