PC 02-15-56 P. O. Box 597 AX 6-7064 PLANNING COlT MIS S ION _.. -~ - _. _.. - - - - -- -- - -. - CITY OF CW' ',RTP·O. C!' TT P . MINUT:CS OF "''-'ORK ~ESSI ON" of 2/15/56 Time: 8 PM i.,cednesc1ay 2/15/56 Place: Librcry Room, Cupertino Union ~chool Present: Eell, Leon8rd, Eeilsen, Paizis ¡,bsent: Cali (out of town on business) I. The meeting was called to order at 8:l4 PM II. Salute to the Flao followed. III. The minutes of the 2/8/56 meetin[; Here not ready, so the reading of minutes was postponed. IV. Comraunications: A. Written 1. A letter for our files from the County Planning Commission was read and circulated in which they reported their tech- nical "'!1fÜysis of plans for the follo\ling peneling projects: a. Rodrigues store building b. Parochial school c. Burger Pit d. Fred Lawrence resta.ura.nt and bar e. 2pinoza used car lot. B. Oral 1. Mr. Joe Sorci discussed his shonnin~ center plans. ryuring the discussion it was brou~ht out that about 500 existing homes pre "¡ithin a mile or less of the site. Mr. ."orci was of the opinion that various P8rcels now optioned or sold total about 300 Beres Bnd will be fully built by the end of 1959. If these estimates are correct his proposed location woulò have about 2,000 homes as potential custo.. mers. In further discussion it W2S developed that the Comr~ission has no jurisdiction at this time because the site is not within the City; that the City is not in a position at this time to m8ke a commitment on either sanit8ry sewers or storm dr:".ins; è1nd th8t Hr. Sorci is not yet ready to make a decisive statement on a time schedule of building. ¡';¡OTION: Moved by Bell th,t the inquiry be tabled for th3 evening pendinc further study by all parties. Seconded by Neilsen. Carried 4-0 2. Mr. Sam DiBella, Mr. S8m Evanovich and Mr. John Osterlund appeared for ~.Ir. Charles Di=->ella to discuss the proposed building of rental units on a parcel on the east side of N. Highway 9. The property is zoned R-3-H. One commercial building End one sio;nle f,rÜly dVlelling are novl on the property. Hi;':hwcy wideninc;, storm drpinage and seweraße facilities may present difficulties beC8.use the':'tentat:Lv& plan is crowded. It was sug~ested thrt the DiBella repre- sent!",tives telÅ“ their preliminery Dlens to the County Health Depe rtment for Guidrl!1ce before goJ.ng further. Mr. DiBella complained of chuckholes end flyin~ rocks Ft the intersection of Mariani Ive. anc1 the unnemed 11-S street alonr; the east edGe of the Collins School nroDerty. He noted that the unnamed street is not [) logical Droject·i.on of either T,inwood or Randy, and thet perhEDs a relocl'tior. should be considered. In discuss;on of these observat'ons it was suggested that some thoueJ1.t shoul.d be given to the extension of Hariani .l'venue on thru to Bll',ney. MOTION: Moved by Bell that these views be referred to road commissioner Saich at the next Council meeting. Seconded by Neilsen. Passed 4-0. - 2 - 3. Mr. Spain did not CDDeS.r to discuss nroposed commerclal zonin(' on S parcel roup;hly o7)nosi te the DiDel.la Droperty. 4. Mr. Komnanica did not heve a renresentative on hen~ to discuss a possible service st"ton site. ). ~r. Bverett Lynch reque'ted informetion on the possibility of annexing about 3-l/2 acres into Cupertino. The property in question has been known i':S the Sam Hawley parcel. It lies just "est of the Aoelffel cam1ery property in Monte Vista. In the discussion th2t follo\led it 1"as brought out th2t the Hawley land is not contiguous to present City boundsries; that the land is in fact subdivided, but not as a ¡natter of record with the County; and th'~lt building permits are being denied by the County on uncertain grounds thought to be storm dr2inace in part. Mr. Lynch proposes construction on 10,000 ft. lots with septic tanks. Proposed homes would sell at an avera'ée of ',16,000. Jlbout 5 vacant lots would be available. It was the concensus that further study might develop the pertinent facts more adequately, so the matter was tabled. V. Unfinished Business: A. Items referred to the Commission by the Council 1. Renaming "El Vista" street. It was generally agreed that residents and ovmers on the street together with the postal authorities should be consulted; and that some interested party should SDonsor a petition proposing a more accentable name---perhaps "LaVist8 st." The general opnosition eyneri- enced by a neiCßboring city in the matter at renaming streets and roads was cited. 2. Various types of sign ordin8nces were discussed. The tougher ordininces wi.th penpl ~)rovisions (like Palo Alto) were thouCþt to be expensive to am1inlster anr enforce because of possible litigation. It was suggested that the City Clerk 1,'rite neighborinfi cities asking for copies of their sign ordinences for study prior to offering any sort of a sif';I1 recommendEtion to the Council. B. Use permit for a chiropracter's office. 1. Jack L1'.~ta appeared on behalf of Gilbert Aylesworth, seller, and R. W. Hitchman, Buyer. After discussion of the existing commercial character of the neighborhood, the likely widen- ing of Highway 9, the possible need of a street thru one of the Garden Gate Streets, and the lack of opposition from neighboring owners, there was a MOTION: Moved by Bell that a use permit be granted. Seconded by Neilsen. ëã'ÏTied: 4-0 (rritten report to be prepared and filed to support the action.) VI. Further discussion of eventual policy statements continued for some time but did not lead to decisive action. VII. Miscellaneous. Commission Hearin~s announced for 2/17/56: Highway Department hearing on thè freeway announced for 2/l7156 2 PM lIt. View High School. VIII. Adjournment followed at lO:30 PM. Respectfully submitted George Paizis Acting Secretary