PC 02-17-56
.t', O. Box 597
AX 6-7064
8:00 ?I"'I.
,} &"-'("~)17, 1956
Union School, Cupertino
Commissioners Present: Leonard, Bell, Cali, Neilsen, Paizis
Com~issioners Absent: (None)
A, The Clerk wes instructed to read the minutes of a
previous meeting, 1/25/56, which were approved as read.
First Hearings:
1. Williem F. Charron, rezone p3rcel 100' x )09' from
R-)-H to C-l-H on the north side of Stevens Creek Road
near Randy for the purpose of expanding existing busi-
ness. Mr. Charron felt that Stevens Creek Road should
be rezoned commer~ial, In response to a question by
Commissioner C3li, Mr, Charron said that he would build
immediately. Com~is8ioner Bell noted that the plan
made no provision for off-street parlÜng, He also
questioned a building of the indicated size on that size
lot, Mr. Charron said he would erect as large a struct-
ure ps the Planning Commission would allow. Commissioner
Cali moved that the first hearing be closed, with a
second hearing scheduled for March 9, 1956; seconded by
Commissioner Paizis, and passed 5 - o.
2. Commissioner 2ell moved that the Wolf hearing be
continued to March 9, in as much as his property
adjoins Mr, Charron's, Commissioner Neilserr seconded,
and the motion p8ssed 5 - o.
3, Com:T:iss ioner Bell referrec1 to reter Eiimchi' s duplex
build ins zone request, He st8ted th3t thp prorerty
extenâ.s b?cl{ into sin[:l:, fs.mily zonJ.ng, Co'_mty rules
do not ~ermit this. Chsrles Bianchi said th9t they
inte:1ded to rent single family nui.ts or ò:1plexes. l1rs,
Saroglia objected that the rO'3dwa~' there Wé\S not 8deqwite
for multi,:>le family use, Mr, Eianchi 8ai th:it the
street conformed to the )6 foot width required by the
County, ì1rs, Gatjen and lor, ¡"3nc:lcy a1';0 registered
objections to Mr, Eiancl1i I S ¡::r·Qr;os81. Comrntssioner Cali
moved th2rt a second hearing be set for' ::'}rOr, 9.
Commissioner Bell seconded, anâ. the motion passed 5 - o.
4. Commissioner Bell geve "orne reasons why the'èro¡:osed
industrial park be located in thp 50 acres bounaea ~y
Stevens Creek Hoad, south High"ay 9, eastward projec.Liorl'
of Rodrigues Avenue and South Blaney, Namely, that it
is near what is now the center of town; there are few
buildings there at present; it is close to an existinb
st.orm sewer; into Calabassas Creek for c~rainage; we neE:,
to maKe known the fect that we welcome inJ.ustry in this
area. Chairman Leonard said that existing storm drains
can cover the area in question. In answer to a questi~:
from the floor, Chairman Leonerd S!ÜU tint an ~I-l-H are'
will eventually be necessary and that the evidence now
at hand indicated thst this was the best location,
Commissioner Bell put his feeling in the form of a
quccstion, 1. e., "WhB.t els~ should we put there?".
- 2 -
Chairman Leonard then rea.d an extensive list of businesses
which couldn't go into M-l-H zoning. Commissioner Cali
added that locations away from the railroad were re-
stricted to cert8 in industries, Chair",:'\1 LeonaY'd [è.:Üd
that th~ croblem of traffic indicated use of Stevens
CreeK Road as the artery for new traffic. Mr. Shue
Obj0cteC to the ~roposed zoning of this 50 acres. He
claimed the City needed a master nlan. Chairman Leonard
said th~t we do not have sufficient area zonEd for
industry, IiI', Leeman objected to the Droposed industrial
zoning as detrimental to his home.
IV S=COÌ\:D r-rE/-:..hINCS
5. Chair~8n Leonar'd s9id th~t the rr'cse~lt zonln~ 5-1-2-2
'(J,1:i 11 not t~);~E ;::.J batch rl~~n"c, YlOl' 1-\,1111 II-l-;-1. H-2-H or
A-2-P plus llse ~(?rmit is necessary to 9¡,)r¡Jve Mr. C9mp's
request. T"!p. Lon.:~i~otti, áttorncy for l\lr. Cam:) exp13ined
the desirability of this rezonin; frofosl~ion. He esti-
Iìl3teè the f,r"Operty tax 2ccrL\i!1r::' to 'vl1t:~" City froC1 the
batch ,·ls.nt at .,6600.00 yearly. " clgimê:d theloe would
be nothiTI: obnoxious:"bo:).t t:.l:?: 1;: t~~1 r-19J.1t o¡:cr~.-tion.
1':11'. C¡-:;¡m,~ ~,~<:::;3ed. out ~'"":,ictu~'(::s of othc'r ~-;l~'lnt.s simil:,::"r to
his, fo.1 the :::;urpose of shovi th(;::'y ltJer'e not utlsi¿'htly.
Mr. Eandley reaffir~ed his objection to the batch plant
on the :~.r0unÚs th3.t the ciust degra.""J. the néòarby fruit.
He said tllat he W?S in sympathy witll plans for li~ht
inductrial an~ commerci~l zonin~, nJt 9 G~tctl plant.
Mr. Lozano voiced his 8~ree!Dellt witll M,-. E~,nQley.
Chai.rman Leonarci ,said that the -cl'affic sit:x.:.'\.tion Wc1S
more serious th&u the dust f3c'tor. In 8nswer to questions,
Mr'. C~;n~ saicL that the plsnt would orerate between the
hü:¡r·s of 7:008.11. and 3:00 i.~i.J approxim8tely, and thc~
the 11013e would be nesli[iLle 8S far 83 resi'Aenti81 crebS
are COll.crrned. He ,qcidecl trL:J,t hejJoul(~, Ö'..-lild 8 rO:Jd to
county s~::'!=-ci.f1.cat.ions. CO:i;';lissiO'j'-:'l' C::'li C~Uf;;:3t.ioned i'Îr.
Cc-;¡~':lp C:';:::; to '~h(: basis of t]~le fig~J.rcs he suLTiitteð. ::::.¡s tax
estl-:1'~d~":,~~. Hr. Conn: felt he coulc; sell ::out 3000 Y8rds
a f1:orrt:,;18rL::i. thst t~11s l'1ould S1,JDst'-·, tJ.cl. red~_lce the
price i'l this l1'2ighborlJnoG.. C011"¡i"'~:Jin:'! ,.. :'...'11 TDOV':Ó to
close i~'lP h~2ring 2nd ~'0'~ossd ~ L"],'j.LtcJl rspor-t to be
dJ?liv "',c'.',d b:;'" 7et:c1F'ry 25, :~'j_Vi"Y'l~j !:!~::_ec1,;::'~!()'.l. COGPl:issionc't'
?sizis seconded ~he· motion; j~ 03SS0d, r' _ O.
Y>?SI)ectf~J,lly S lL 'ni tted
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