PC 03-16-56 P. 0, Box 597 PLANNINß COMMiSSION CITY OF CUPERTINO, ChLIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE PU1NNING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1956 AX6-7064 Place: Cupertino Union School Time: 8:00 P.M. I ROLL ChLL AND SALUTE TO Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: FLAG Leonard, Cali Bell, Neilsen, Paizis n NINUTES OF THE LAST ~lEETING A. Reading of the minutes of the last hearing was waived. III COMMUNICATIONS 1. Written A. Santa Clara County ~lanning Commission - Agenda; Summaries of actions; Report on Stevens Creek freeway; Santa Clara County's transportation needs. B. Coldwell-Banker & Company - Millsdale (Industrial Park) brochure C. Vina Vista Development Co. - brochure on a "Planned Industrial City" near Ontario, Southern California. D. McCandless and Jett - application for engineering work. 2. Oral None IV UNFINISH=D BUSINESS l. Further discussIon of a Sign Ordinance reco~~endation, Com¡!1is8ioner NeUsen felt that signs should be prohibited sinc.e they bJ'QU,>lt no revenue, He referred to advertising signs, other th'ln thQse erected on one I s OIrJn property. Chairmi'ln L201181'd referred to Ordinsllce 1149 of the Building Code of P:Üo Aleo. This Ordinance prov Ided that any person may erect ~0 rr,C':'2 than two 5 ¡ x 8' signs, r.êhese signs may not b8 el'ecteri on residentictl p,"opEêrtj: anè. requ5.re a ::Þ5c"OG ê.8posit. Permits for sucn S'.g:1S are issued for six months and the deposit is forfeit i; not removed. They are also subject to inspection of the Fuilding Inspector. Commissioner Neilsen felt that enforcement is a problem and thAt for Cupertino's purposes, prohibition would be better. City Attorney Anderson felt that it was not simply a question of planning, but thqt the concept of police power is an issue here, Chairman Leonard said that all frontage zcning has an "H" after it, and that we might proceed according to County specifications. He solicited any ide8s that might make the ;rocedure quicker and less cumbe~some for appli- cants. Chairman Leonard added th9é sone signs are legitimate and meet County speciL':'8'~ic:,s, l....hile others do not. Commissioner Bell said t~.Y¡; 0'l.1:nYI'2l8 requires payment of an annual fee with pr~)' c.s1:)'. s ~"J::' :!.nspection. He also said that Sunnyvale's Si~:ll :.:~'èj~,ancl-J is quite controversial and required consIrierub':"e revisi()~1., It is the latest Ordinance on the subject 111 this area. City Attorney Anderson repeated th3t the County might enforce a Sign Ordinance, but that responsibility :or the content of the Ordinance would rest w~õ~ the City cf Cupertino. Litigation invol'iing a r::......pe2tino Sign ~;T'~5.::ét:".;" would require court action ':>:r the C1 ty c f Cupertinc. In any event, CommisEn0::2r BeJ..i. i'8, ~ that we 8"v~:1:: arrive at an understanding so that interested citizens were not shuffled from place to place in an attempt to get an answer. - 2 - 2. Chairman Leonard read a proposed Ordinance, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF C,'.LIFORNIA AI111ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 002 RECOGNIZING GREENBELT AGREEMENTS, FARM ZONING, ANt PROVIDING FOR AGRICUj~1;EAL ZONING OF AREAS THAT MAY BE ANNEXED. Commissioner P21~j2 ooved that the Plan- ning Commission recommend this O,-"U::,xc.ce to the Council for passage; seconded by CommissiO!lc,,:, E2.;:. and carr19¿ 4 - o. 3. Further discussion of proposed. lV;..,;.-F ·;;'.(U.;st.·~al Park .. Chairman Leonard expressed intereÓ't~:", oreat!.ng a sub·- committee to get further action b;v Lhe!'8sted p3,rties> Commissioner Bell agreed that availaJ~J.~ëY of such infor- mation as drainage, elevation, soil ';)71.citions, pcpulation and maps would put the proposition in a more favorable light. Mr. Powell, speaking from the floor, said that people had already been impressed with the activities of the Planning Commission and Council in this matter. V NEW BUSINESS 1. Request by P.G.&E. asking for a policy statement on non- conforming commercial uses near Azule Station which must be moved to clear a power-line right-of-way. (The Swain Nursery Buildings to be moved next doorJ Under the circumstances no member of the Commission had any objection. The Commission felt they lscked jurisdic- tion and that it was a subject for the P.G.&E. to handle. Respectfully submitted. j, (Lw-\íi.(9--~Á 1<. Lawrence K, M~rtln Ci ty Clel'k I U (c"C'.-<^ \ :..-