PC 04-06-56 p. O. Box 597 AX 6-7064 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ~ 0 N CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALtFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 6, 1956 Place: Collins School Time: 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL AND SALUTE TO FLAG Commissioners Present: Leonard, Bell, Neilsen, Paizis Commissioners Absent: Cali II MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING A. The Clerk read the minutes and the following correction was noted: Item IV-) page 2 line l5, "Mr. Powell" should read "Mr. Powell Humphrey". III COMMUNICATIONS A. Written 1. A letter from the Trl-County Planning Council was read. B. Oral - Monta Vista Church on a proposed site on Stelling near Stevens Creek Road, Chairman Leonard described the proposed site as south of Stevens Creek Road on a plot approximately 180 x 650' across the south side of Blanchl Way, sllghtly east of the Wllson property. Another Church is lnterested ln property nearby. Since the Church applications are dependent to a certaln extent on the Bianchi property, Chairman Leonard discussed Bianchi's building permit and proposals, which were also on the agenda, at the same time. He said that Bianchi Way was not a legal street since lt did not comply with technical requirements. Bianchi has tendered a proposal for a single- family dwelling on another spot. Since the new plans appeared to be almost identical with the previous plans designated as duplex, the Planning Commission prepared a letter which Blanchi agreed to sign. This letter contalned several conditions. all of which stated that the building was actually to be used as single-family dwelling. The Blanchi hearing was handled as it was largely because of the knowledge that a Church (now 2 Churches) is interested in nearby property. Chairman Leonard said that the usual procedure on a Church application involves the issuance of a "use permlt-. Publication would appear and each person within )00' would receive a notice (The Bianchi matter is not at the moment in the form of a hearing. Mr. Bianchi may encounter diffi- culty when and if a second set of kitchen utilities are installed. ). Chairman Leonard asked representatives of both Churches to deliver plans and specifications to the office of the City Clerk. Ed Kirklsh identified himself as the represen- tative of the Monta Vista Assembly of God Church, and Lou Paviso, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, was representlng Cupertino Union Church. Commissioner Bell moved that no further action on the Church proposals be taken until both sets of speciflcations are filed; seconded by Commissioner Paizis and carried 4 - O. Chairman Leonard requested that they make formal application for a "use permit". The City must publlsh, and send lncUviduål notices to nearby owners, and must hold public hearings. 2. Mr. Charron presented a rough plan for proposed changes on his Stevens Creek Road property. He told the Commission that he would llke as large a buildlng on the property as is agreeable to the Commission. Commlssioner Paizis noted that parking facilltles on Randy Lane appeared to be a problem. IV V ( , " ; ~ - 2 - The question of overall zoning arose and Chairman Leonard observed that Cupertino incorporated only three to three and one-half square miles. The City inherited cer- tain zoning which the present Commission and Council can- not see fit to rescind. If Cupertino could enlarge, the problems of commercial zoning would be easier to decide. If annexations develop properly, the Commission might consider the matter of overall zoning. After the election the City may see some changes. In any event, Chairman Leonard said that there is too much commercially zoned land for the size of the town as it now stands. The Highway 9 situation creates a problem for Cuper- tino. The reason for R-)-H zoning lies in the fact that the road is narrow and heavily travelled. This R-)-H zoning was intended to discourªge many structures along the road. J. Mr. Lupertino asked the procedure for receiving a permit. He wondered if several property owners could combine on one application. City Attorney Anderson thought this would be legitimate if the property was contiguous. Chairman Leonard added that a favorable hearing might bemxe difficult to achieve if many owners and many parcels of property were involved. 4. Commissioner Bell reported that the County allocates certain funds for advertising purposes to the Chambers of Commerce, with which money each Chamber extols its own area. The Chamber must show receipted bills to receive this money. The Cupertino Chamber of Commerce has been alloted $)50.00 to make brochures of the City. Next year the City may be entitled to $850.00. However, if the money is not used, they reduce the allotment. Commissioner Bell suggested preparation of a ~amphlet, 8 or 10 pages in length, on the order of the brochure labeled "Vina Vista", recently examined by the Commission. He thought about 2000 copies could be prepared for ~J50.00. Chairman Leonard suggested that a suitable letter to the Chamber be drafted. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Bianchi Building Permit and Proposals (See minutes above - Bianchi question considered with Church applications) 2. Setbacks on items recently considered - Spain on North Highway 9. It was noted that the building site lay on the extreme rear of the Spain property. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the County. The "use permit" was oonsidered merely an interim procedure. J. With regard to work by the County Staff on the master plan material for Cupertino, the road system appears to be a central factor, as usual. City Attorney Anderson reported that discussions on County Greenbelting would be on the Board's agenda the following Monday. He said that the Greenbelt statute expires 90 days after the 1957 legislative term closes. 4, Chairman Leonard suggested that the àdlting on a summarized master plan be done during the following week. ) j ADJOURNED at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, T\~ f<. t((Q~ Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk