PC 06-01-56 P. O. Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ~LANNING COMMISSION JUNE 1. 19S6 AX6-7064 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 1'.11. I ROLL CALL CommisSioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Leonard, Bell, Cali, Neilsen, Paizis (None) II READING OF MINUTES of Work Session of May 11 and Regular Meeting of May 18, 1956; approved as read. III COMMUNICATIONS 1. Written: Santa Clara County Flanning Commission 2. Oral: R. A. Boyd - reauest for clarification of status of access from Sunrtse to Highway 9. Mr. Boyd came forward with infor- mation on parking aspects of the Rodrigues Subdivision. He felt that access to Highway 9 was further reduced by the addi- tional parking area recently provided. Boris Stanley, representing Mr. Rodrigues, reported that his client wishes to expedite the traffic in what ever way the Planning Commission desires. He acknowledged that the parking situation was awkward at the moment and repeated that Rodri- gues was willing to accept any reasonable suggestions. Mr. Boyd went on record as being opposed to diagonal parking on Sunrise. He felt that this type parking added to the diffi- culty and hazard of the traffic situation. It was moved by Commissioner Bell that the discussion be tabled until June 15th during which interval the ~lanning Commission will look at the actual traffic conditions; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and ~rried S - O. IV HEARINGS 1. Monta Vista Assembly of God Church - Use and building permit for a Church on about 4 acres, Alves Property, east side of Stelling near Stevens Creek Road: The Church had come to a decision on the site, having voted in favor of the Alves Property. They plan to build con- tingent on a use and building permit from the City. Chairman Leonard said that it would be necessary for the Church repre- sentatives to take their plans to the County Architectural Review Committee, if approved by the Cupertino Planning Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Cali that the Planning Commission grant the use permit, subject to review of plans by the County; seconded by Commissioner Paizis and carried S - O. 2. Texaco - Requests a rezoning to C-l-H, plus a use permit and architectural and site approval for a service station to be located on the Kompanica Property, southwest corner of Highway 9 and Homestead Road: Commissioner Bell said he felt he was speaking for the group when he said that the Commission does not question the building plans, but rather that it is a question of service stations themselves and the locations accorded them. Chai ,e;!.nl1 Leonard produced a County paper on the subject of gas station<: located at intersections. He enumerated the princip13 advan- tages and disadvantages. Commissioner Bell thOllght that m,:¡re time should be taken before establishing a policy on service stations. Mr. Dunwoody, speaking for Texaco, stated that surveys showed this intersection to be ideal for oil companies, and he did not feel that the surrounding residential property would be damaged. He added that Texaco requested their option be extended until June 30th. Chairman Leonard declared that - 2 - rezoning requires a second hearing, notice of which hearing would be set for pUblication in the San Jose News on June 5. Moved bv Commissioner Bell that the appllcation be set for second hearing on June 15; seconded by Comwissioner Cali and carried S - o. V FURTHER DISCUSSION OF A SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. Meyerholz referred to the setbacks along Hlghway 9 with reference to construction on the Spain Prope~ty, wherein a recent use permit was granted for commercial purposes. Spain would like to erect a new building in front of tte one recently constructed" Chairman Leonerd mentioned the setback figures recently reported by Commissioner Bell and noted there were some suggestions that the plans for both highway widening and setbacks honor all existing structures. Chairman Leonard suggested that Spain ask the County to allow a 751 setback. If the County allowed, it would be satisfactory to the Cupertino Planning Commission. VI MISCELLA1ŒOUS Mr. Ken Miller addressed the Commission on the subject of commercial zoning for the northwest corner of South Blaney and Bollinger. He had nothing definite in mind other than a shopping center of some sort. VII ADJOURNMENT at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ tl.. It((~ Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk