PC 08-17-56 i. Ú. Box 591 AX (,-1061t ¥ ~ A IYU 1 ~ 9 c v ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ N C1 QF CIJPd,'¡'!lI1û, C;,LIH)HIUii '"I,~trl' ~:d ... ",,;l ,",,·~UL'ii nn~O!,1;',I;;';)I 0. "1&oes GQllln$ .¡eilool, l:e:noherll. ~. ·'l~1ø. aaCf" t.t;¡. I ",¡.w;.. ~.d...L Co_la.1ocera Pr'lla.nt: Leor.aÑ. ''::¿ill,:;IIiI:''h:e!l. ?aU:.l. CORal..iOller» A~».Otl ðcll II f¡Lr.hl)lN.; vi< !'tlîìUES of J"e¡;;ubt' ..t1ng olu.,,;;lou>1; J, 19561 .,11'1'0"84. .e 1'4Ni14. 111 COAKUi¡ÇATIQJ~ ". .!U·\.tt._ I. :3bte cl.... CO\lJ1tf Uaøn1n(;, C')1M\1111S10D - "WIIiiiIor Qr Miltl04. ¡.i/l - A&enðe 8/15 - &a.t.ide Int~rla PLeA - ~0UDdar.r ~o..laaloa 2. Leagua of ;1~1.. - W looe.l ¡CIJV'U'Dllltlut >Iud l.o,U 'f H.ulill ,J""velo:pllOJ:l.t 1:$. ~OIØ :i_laloa waa JWO.....,., ,..lat.l". to tiu~ ~150. 00 _..Ie cl.rawaIJT L.$n.¡¡; CQn.atrutloD ":OI!PII'ftJ in t'nor of ~ Jo.. A!:IU..-ct.. Utie Jo. Tlie,.. _a nothlU¡¡i, ln wl'1t.1Þii to .., p~l..1J .~~ tno *75~.OO W~. tor. nor to whom 1t .no~14 &0. ~ nl:øelt WIIIII \IIB.Un;.¡. to Uk. :.h~ oì,Q" p&14blo to .1t.Aer ttu. City Qf CU¡)lu·t,lno or t\'¡~ Cupf1rUnø ;c,¡mU:IU'7 L:ll11tt'lct. ¡;,\U·lt\¡.> \:obit 00\1.1'.. of 'M nlll'¡Qtlat).O!ls 1t 'We. Dot _4. ohlu' whetiher tiUI on.ølJ IIIhG'J14 Q~ \1$0,1 for ..nl tll' .l7 ....,.., .to.re ......1'. Qr hOlM> ... 1111t 1.1111.t~n·m1n111'd WltI. In an.v ev.¡:!!;, tìu: pajllu),..t \I!HI 'Iol\&.ntõaJ7 bIio...' :m the a8M1.f :ptlOJ1 tða' ~ and t...eo W.~ wi111n~ to Þ~l a falp abare ot th«! ..pCl\1iI!~ .!ÌìQ.I"t,l¡ t.o 1". Incurred by th~ :'lIInlt~u'7 r1str1et. 'I'h. t~ot th,..t tt'!OIiI area. 111 ;¡t¡..t.10fJ l¡q 1II1th1n tho ~1tJ' 111111t.», !J'n<\ :r;"At tOf! G1tJ a..lf '"!!III OOUOO'Mutd with tbe $~it.r¡ ¡;latriQt ~ttair8, rlu5 the tsot t..t tne ~lt7 ";QI.Illoll grM;tt:>d the .-.&0.;11111£ which .:-:¡J3de 1;1'1. ..M'\O. .-'t1on po¡u11$le, r;,¡rt.h~r CO¡,t'IUI(t4 tb.1I 1.111\1.. Qr J\&lIIt I<n!l:t 1I "U~ to 'b4J Hna with r.!1e()150.00. ¡he ;:;.M'108 ,>t4.ltloll j!r~rU.8 u4. \he lOtteI' ..t. ton. ';;;o\Woll neiirlu¡ ¡, in wh1ah H¡,. "It.all1t; 8114 \t.. pet'lll1 t W"'f¡ &1'..111..4.. Mark 'tnoaaa, Ma.a~er Gf ~3e ~a~.rtlnQ ~~~lt~ Dlatrlos, aUOi:,.."eã. t.l1l>t hr. ~n¡¡, ¡¡¡aa:. j¡be (1111110111 par_bioi!! to f¡.he _tON- mentl~ ,;an Jo.. Ao.'rao\;. à 11tle ~Qœ~~ tG be be14 1. ..orow, b~t ..veral ~~la la~e~ fie ~vl~.ntll ~~lda4 otberwl... ah,Q. . Mabel' of 1118 t11'11 ~.11'141"<1 th.e ¢I\.c~ to tbe ;;H.t ,;l...."'.. "'fIlo.. 'Ù.~ eM",", W3.11 tLCia "'.llv;;¡rerJ, to .:"lrNl MlOUI'4, CI1.1r.. of ttt. ilamûtl£ ;;:01llIllU810D, tor Nt.um to iiiI'. Lan¡¡;, t.n. Iilo\¡;pOl.li 1.1011 ~lr" ¡¡ì'liIt. .....J~... ",ú,,¡,l,¡j, ~.liu!l"'e tt." "b......¡: 1. f3"1or or the ;:ianl '\1\1'1 L1I1tI'10'>. ~_\..l...q.r J'JI.lz1. aqye4 I;..I', .¡::.:O ton., Gi<II''''' "'. I·.tur::.c';' .\.'" ¡¡¡.J;¡,;hA¡:¡.....(! t':;r one 1IilI¿e ot,tt tG the $en.1t-!kr¡ L lIIt-rlot J aecond.elil \;1 Goah.loner ~.11.en aDd. cwrrltiJd. ét - Q. IJ j..,J.~~tl;';"~ß..t0.h v,": .;~:;~..H~¡'~"J..,..;"'.':¡~::' ¡:¡1.ÍWìt ;,;;;...)!~a II fI-....1 ¡UtI.ualon follow84 oonll<"u·n.i~: pOlldble rO\1'~j. ot tM propo..d. ....,. ulna. V ,~,JCUh.KbNT a' 10&00 ~.~. ~. peotfally fi\1b¡¡;,itt~ ____ ,/ R. Q, " .... - ",--~