PC 09-07-56 F. O. Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEl1BER 7. 1956 AX 6-7064 Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge Time: 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Leonard, Neilsen, Bell Cali, Paizis II THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR !1EETING OF AUGUST 17TH WERE READ; it was noted in Item III-A-2 that the word "individual" should read "industrial" . III COMMUNICATIONS A. Written The letters were all of routine nature, describing minutes and agendas of past meetings and times and places of future meetings. B. Oral ëõmmissioner Bell moved that Commissioner Paizis' motion (of the August 17th meeting) "that...LLang1s check for 8750.0Q7 be returned in exchange for one made out to the Sanitary District" be withdrawn and that the check be for- warded to Otis Forge to be placed in escrow, at the request of the San1tary District: seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and carried , - o. IV DISCUSSION OF SEWER DISTRICT PROPOSALS It developed that Sunnyvale has indicated tentative approval to Cupertino's request for permission to lay a sewer main underneath Homestead Road. (At the time of preparing minutes, a Resolut10n of the City of Sunnyvale was on hand "Grant1ng consent to the Cupertino Sanitary District to construot sani- tary sewers in that part of the Homestead Road between Lawrenoe Station Road and Stelling Road~ whioh may lie in the incorporated area of the City of Sunnyvale".) V MASTER PLAN IDEAS Sam Anderson mentioned the street lighting question in connection with the proposed master plan; The question involved future street lighting of the City including the location, budget facta; benefit to the City as a whole and burden of expenditure. Street light development would prooeed on a different pattern depend1ng on the method of handling the current street lighting "distriot". VI ADJOURNMENT at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, k f. / . ~~A.l. 'é, . Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk t(( (t",L