PC 11-09-56 PI o¡ Box (0,,/ f LAN N I N G C~ M MIS S I 0 ~ CrTŸ oti' CUl'ERTIN , CALIFORIHA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANnNG COMMISSION NOVEMBER 9, 19"6 Ax 6-7064 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Leonard. Bell, Paizis, Neilsen Cali II THE lUNUTES 01" THE OCTOBER 5, 1956 MEETING WERE READ AND APPROVED. III COMMUNICATIONS A. Written Santa Clara County Agenda for: 11-7-56 Actions from: Recorded subdivisions: 10-1 11-1-56 League of Cities Dinner meeting - Millbrae 11-15-56 Calif. State Department of Finance Possible planning assistance Tri-County Planning Council B. Oral Chairman Leonard read a copy of City Council Resolution No. 32, a resolution of the City of Cupertino establishing a policy on certain pUblic land and buildings lying within the limits of the City. Mr. Glen Taylor, purchaser of the 2i acres of school property east of El Vista inquired whether the proposed rezoning, if effected, would apply to his property. Glen Atkinson, representing the School Board, furnished the schools opinion on the matter, which in brief amounted to the fact that the State required the District to realize as great a price as possible from the sale. He said that the land surrounding the school..build- ing itself and still remaining to be sold totaled 3.2 acre: After a short discussion, Commissioner Bell moved that the Plannin~ Commission recommend to the C~QQ1l that the portion of the school property already sold be excluded frf any rezonin~ at this time and retain its R-3-H status; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and carried 5 _ O. Commissioner Paizis then moved that the resolutiol be returned to the Council for clarification inasmuch as the land in Question was not clearly defined; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and carried 3 - 2, Commissioners Bell and Cali opposed. IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. The matter of the Eldridge application W8S considered alon€ with storm drainage in the immediate area plus the eventual street system. It was the consensus of opinion that Silverado is not suitable as a through street; it can hard- ly be widened with the houses already in existence on eithf side. An east-west road between Highway 9 and the eastern section of the City, in the neighborhood of Blaney or MillE is definitely a problem. No obvious solution ap~ears,sinct projection of MCClellan would run into ditch trouble plus property line trouble, McClellan itself W<JS cOllsidered appropriate as a 90' right-or-way in time to come. Chair- man Leonard suggested that Eldridge be notified, in keepin€ with the prior agreements, whereupon Commissioner Bell moved that an appropriate letter be drafted at the eariiest ~sible moment and forwarded to Eldrid~e. thus lnform_n~ him of the rpmainin~ undecided details; seconded by Com- missioner Neilsen and carried 5 - o. -2- 2. Union Oil Company - No representative present. J. Republican Sign - Chairman Leonard explained that the local Republican headquarters had been granted permission to eret a campaign sign adjacent to the animal hospital subject to removal after November 6. A ~lO fee was placed on this account and Mr. Leonard suggested return of same when the sign was removed. Commissioner Cali made such a motion; seconded by Commissioner Paizis and carried 5 - o. v NEW 1. BUSINESS Cupertino Electric Company Request for rezoning from R-J-H to C-l-H for an electric store - also use permit covering warehousing, shop and service truck operations - west side of Highway 9 between McClellan and Kirwin. Moved by Commissioner Bell W.E. publication announcing the first hearin£ be set for the e~rliest con- venient time; seconded by Commissioner Cali and oarried 5 - Ö. Walter T. Berg request for subdivision approval - twelve lots on Silverado east of Highway 9 near McClellan. Chair- man Leonard explained that a formula was being evolved to determine Sanitary District requirements iu connection with new development. The Commission dedided to table the Berg application until a decision was re9ched on the afore- mentioned requirements. 2. VI ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned to abide by the school request that the room be vacated by lO:45 P.M. - A work session was schedule for the following Friday, November l6, at which meeting the only official action taken was in the form of a motion by Commissioner Cali that we transmit to M. W. Eldridge a letter presented for approval by Burrel Leonard relative to the gas station application at the corner of Silverado; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and carried J - o. LRBspeotfully submitted, i!tL~(J.~ f<- l({e-J:: Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk