PC 12-07-56 P, O. Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALI?ORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE .2Li'N~'ING COMHISSION DECEl1BER 7. 19'56 Ax 6-7064 Plaoe: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Bell, Cali, Leonard, Paizis Neilsen II THE IUNUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF NOVEt1BEF. 9 and NOVEMBER 16, 19: were read; the roll call was corrected to show that Commis- sioner Cali was present at the November 9 meeting. III COl1IIUNICATIONS A. Written 1. Staff report on Cupertino Union Elementary School District's proposed sChool site, immeGiately west of Garden Gate Village. 2. Notice of hearing of the Assembly Interim Committee 01 Conservation, i'lanning, and .l?ublic eJorks. 3. Letter from W. M. MacKenzie relative to the sale of school. property, rezoning, etc. 4. Item from Hahn, Wise, and Associates concerning aerial surveys. Oral ~County Planning Staff has discussed with Sunnyvale the width of the Highway 9 right-of-way. The latest plan is to widen the highwsy equally on both sides of the' center line. B. IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Eldridge proposals: Silverado and Highway 9 _ Eldridge not present. B. Spencer N-H"J proposal: Craft property - they prefer to wait until the next meeting, so as not to involve moVing until the slack season. V FIRST HEATIIvGS A. Cupertino Electric Co. (Eugene Ravizza) Re0uest for rezoning from R-3-H to C-I-H for an eleotric store and serv ice yard - also a use per~í1 t covering ware- housing, shop and service truck operations _ west side HighwAY 9 between Blossom Way and Kirwin. The application covers a parcel 310 x 214 feet abutti the highway. Four nearby residents were on hand to object to comme cial zoning in the neighborhood on the grounds that it would create an immediate traffic hazard, and that it would be commercial encroachment into a residential area. Mr. Ravizza claimed that the machine shop would not be noisy nor would it contain obnoxious fumes, odors, etc. The retail store would be located in front. Chairman Leonard noted that non-commercial land is bOU8I'+; with the ho::e of rezoning due to the higher prices att'clched to real estate zoned C-l-H. VI Report on disèussion with County Planning Department regarding Possible technical and advisory work - Chairman Leonard repor- ted that the County Planning Director, Karl Belser, is in the hospital. The details of Cupertino's contract will be worked out when he is well. VII Report on progress by Cupertino Sanitary District _ Otis Forge reported th?t 300 feet of line had been laid, VIII MISCELLl\''JEOUS A. ChA 1 r¡Dai."l J>:;'c'·~'ç....d re~)orted an ~.TI:U:./7 ::" ~ ~ :.1 '7- 1:;~_s 1l0r~" -;,~_ (,~.!":;·,e:~· :,Y"C SO":J.th ::ti.8j ~-'/ ~,-n-_<: - "i-::l!.C'!'t~,·¡i7..\ :":;"'~::·13er.. :8" ~','-')l+::~,' "";'(?' +;:'!.(~ ::\t<:'"': ,~~ ~'1..:>,'::r.·;'.'5_{:~.'~' l'~-?"~" "~') . ~':':;:·~;.\.C\~ \_¡ ~... .::,"':: .' ......,. +:') ~:'(~'Z ,.;.;.~ì.}r; '·~t::~-'l" ::., :):: . ,".: '1 ~,~..t.-'_..