PC 01-04-57 P, 0, Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Ax 6-7064 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ELANNING COM1USSION JANU.">RY 4. 1957 Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge Time: 7:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Bell, Cali, Leonard, Neilsen, Paizis Commissioners Absent: None II THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 21 WERE READ AND APPROVED, III COMMUNICATIONS A, Written 1. Walter Gray - Building construction will be reported to the City at the end of each month, 2. League of Cities - Notice of movies on municipal planning nearest showing to be held in San Jose on January 20, 3. Summary of action by County Planning Commission, 4, O.K. by Haas on the proposed neon sign for the Sunset Market. Comraissioner Paizis moved that the sign permit be approved; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen, and carried 4 - O. (Commissioner Bell not present at the moment) . IV BACKMAN MATTER A Shell engineer presented a proposed plan for the gas station which provided for pump islands to be set back further when the highway is widened. The engineer estimated that construction would take about three months. Mr. Backman said that he is satisfied to abide by the same conditions required of Eldridge and Texaco. It was moved by Commissioner Cali that the matter be tabled unt 1 the outcome of the Eldrid e a lication is known" seconded by Commissioner Paizis, carried - O. In order to acquire a uniform set back the one stgtion would have to be settled before the other could be determined. V AHT ELLIS Mr, Ellis reported that he reQuested multiple zoning of the County for his property just outside the City Limits. The County requires that the City approve any plans so close to its own border. In this way the County would respect the plans of each municipality. Mr, Ellis said that the County approves his request for their part but doesn't want to approve anything contrary to the Cupertino Planning Commission. With regara'to general plans for Blaney Avenue it was felt that proper storm drainage along the Avenue would clear it for a small subdivision which in turn might encourage a sewer line down the street. Commissioner Bell moved that we table the Ellis request until the next meeting at which time Mr, Ellis would present an acreage plan, ,1 VISTICA APPLICATION Mr. Vistica stated his willingness to deed enough property to make Bollinger 90 feet and Blaney 60 feet. This amounts to a dedication of about one acre. He reported that the City Manager of Sunnyvale had given him permission to connect to the sanitary Sewer on the east side of Blaney, The nearby storm drain has no more capacity but Mr. Vistica thought that the Calabazas channel ~ould handle the runoff. Çommissioner Cali explained that the problem does not lie entire- :y within the jurisdiction of the City but that the County would have to take steps before Cupertino can solve the problem even assuming it has the finances, At the present time it would appear that the City cannot offer much help with the drainage at this particular point. Mr. Vistica estimated the buildings at 40,000 square feet, This would make a parking ratl~ of 4 - 1. The total construction cost he estimated at $435,000. ChairmC'TI Le01c,ard prc-posed to check the fif':u,efJ of ó",1 ~(,~'1'.'1ding ;, u·.~'·~ -:-~:l b:'-: ':' ,~' ::; ~ l': ,~ ..:. '''': ~. . ~.r~.> ~.: . .' ~; ~ \... ..., ;,..,.1....