PC 01-18-57 p.o.,. Bbx 597 ~ LAN N IN G COM MIS 3 tON CITY OF CU?ER~INO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 18, 19'>7 Al 2..4505 Flace: Collins School, Teachers Lounge Time: 7:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Commlssioners present: Comm1ssioners absent: Bell, Call, Leonard, Nellsen, Palzl. None II THE 11INUTES OF THE MEETING OF JMruARY 4, 1957 WERE BEAD; the followlng corrections were noted; Item II should be December 21, not January 21; Item VII add "held January )1, 4:00 i.M.· III COM!MHCATIONS A, Written Santa Clara County ¡lannlng Commlsslon S~mary of Aotions: Meeting of 1-2-51 Agenda: Meeting of 1-16-51 League of Cit1es Dinner Meeting (Metropolitan planning) 1-17-51, 7:'0 IV UNFINISHED BUSIt~SS A, Eldridge (Eustice): Request for un perm1t and bUlldlng perm1t on service stat~on, Silverado at H1ghway 9. Chalrman Leonard suggested a motlon recomm6Ddlng to the City Councl1 that they accept or conflrm the Planning Commission 1ntentlon to grant' a use permit, Commlssloner Bell so moved, A lengthy dlscussion then developed ooncernlng the nature of ' the permit, defin1tions lnvolved, and the time element. ~he possibillty was mentioned that certa1n condltlons be etlpu- lated ln the use permit, such as "unless otherwlse stated the use permit be understood to run --- number of years·, Commissioner Bell withdrew his motion. Cha1rman Leonard suggested that the Commission propose a pollcy to the' Counci: that, in granting à use permit, unless otherwise stated. lt shall be wrltten for the length of the lease plus options. 1n any event not to exceed 25 years, Attorney Anderson said a resolution could be prepared statln¡ the policy of the Plannlng Commission with regard to servlce stations, Comm1ssioner Bell suggested that the deflnltlOR 0: a service station be incorporated lnto the resolutlon, Commissioner Bell moved that a use permlt be reoommended ~ø the City Council for the llfe of ~he lease plus options nøt to exceed 2'> Years; seoonded by Commissioner Palz1s. A vòte was not taken due to further discuss10n of a servlce station definit10n, Mr. Eustice offerred this: "A servlce stat10n ls defined as p~emlses for d1spensing gas, oil. lubricatlon, and minor repairs, and malntenance but exclud1n¡ major repairs, as associated with garages". Commissioner Cali moved that the use permlt be granted sub- ject to the above definition of a service statlon ~ subjec' to previous conditions as stated bY letter, hereln referred ~; Commissioner Neilsen seconded, carried 5 - O. B. Backman - Shell: Additional sketches on proposed servioe station, Bollinger at Highway 9 Chairman Leonard noted that one of the problems 1n the Backman application is in discovering the po1nt whlch ls supposed to be the mlddle of the road. Commissioner Call moved that the Backman ap~lic3tion for rezoning the parcel ~t the northeast corner of Bollin er and be set f rein' February 1; seconded by Commissioner el1sen, carrled 5 - 0,' -2- V NEW BUSINESS Cupertino H1gh School. Request for road detail on Miller 'Avenue near 3tevens Creek~ Commissioner Bell proposed tl1at the Plann1ng Comm1s'Sion request that the school district send a representative to attend a Plann1ng Comm1ssion meet1~. VI MISCELLANEOUS A, Oommissioner Neilsen mentioned that Chester Damico appeared t<,)'be in no particular hurry to build the water tank, planned for the east side of Stelling Road about 400 feet south of Homestead. The tanks are for storage, not pressure The object is to permit 24 hour pumping. B, Walter Berg was told that the subd1v1s1on ordinance was not yet complete. VII ADJOURNMENT - 9:15 P.M, Respectfully Bubmitted, ~ - . -"'--1AAt ,{ \\l(t~ wrence K. Mart1n City Clerk