SC 12-08-2017CITY OF CUPERTINO SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, CA and Sunnyvale SMaRT Station, 301 Carl Road, Smmyvale, CA Friday December 8, 201710:15 a.m. MINUTES ROLL CALL The meeting convened at 10:25 a.m. at the Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, CA. Commissioners Present: Angela Chen, Meera Ramanathan, Anna Weber, and Vignesh Swaminathan Commissioners Absent: Gary Latshaw Staff: Gilee Corral, Sustainability Program Coordinator; Keith W andry, Recreation Coordinator; Cheri Donnelly, Environmental Programs Manager (met at SMaRT Station) FIELD TRIP TO SUNNYVALE SMART STATION The Sustainability Commissioners and staff proceeded by bus and cars to the Sunnyvale SMaRT Station in Sunnyvale and met Cheri Donnelly at the SMaRT Station. Commissioners and staff were greeted by Debi Sargent, Solid Waste Contract Administrator with the City of Sunnyvale Environmental Services Department, who conducted the tour. Ms. Sargent explained key features of the SMaRT waste transfer station, how waste is sorted and separated at the station, and plans to open a new machine in January which will process food waste into animal feed onsite. (Commissioner Ramanathan left at 11:30 a.m. before the group entered the facility to tour the transfer station.) Ms. Sargent led the group on a tour through the transfer station and answered questions. Discussion followed. The Commissioners and staff departed the SMaRT Station and returned by bus to the Environmental Education Center in Cupertino. ADJOURNMENT-Chair Chen adjourned the meeting at 1:54 p.m. at the Environmental Education Center with Commissioners Weber and Swaminathan and Gilee Corral present. I