Teen 11-08-2017CUPERTINO Cupertino Teen Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, November 8, 2017 6:00 pm Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room 10185 N. Stelling Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014 CALL TO ORDER@ 6:11pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: All Staff Present: Mestizo APPROVED MINUTES MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 1. October 25, 2017 -Commissioner Rajaram motions to approve minutes. Commissioner Krishnan seconds motion. Motion passes unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS • None OL D BUSINESS 2. 2017-2018 Work Plan Discussion Commissioners were presented with an updated draft of the 2017-2018 work plan . document. The commission recommended a few updates in sections III and adding a new section for commission outreach. Commissioner Lau motions to adopt the work plan with recommended changes. Commissioner Rajaram second the motion. Motion passes unanimously. 3. HBV Presentation Sindu Naranyan, a junior at Cupertino High School, led a presentation on the Hepatitis B virus, a "silent killer" and the virus' prevalence in the Asian community. She is spreading awareness by starting a school organization and has requested the Teen Commission's help in spreading the word and getting community feedback. Her goal is to organize a 5k on World Hepatitis Day, July 28 th , 2018, to spread awareness of the disease. 4. Teen Workshops Commissioners Krishnan and Subramanyam completed the application and presented it to the Teen Commission. Commissioners made edits and updated the form. Staff Liaison Mestizo will review the form and the next steps will be to post it online and begin marketing . Once applications are received the Teen Commission will review submissions and proceed accordingly. 5. Teen Commission and Tree Lighting In an effort to connect with the Cupertino community and spread awareness of the commission , the Teen Comm ission decided to volunteer during the December ist Tree Lighting Event organized by Cupertino Recreation. Staff Liaison Mestizo will be working with the event coordinator to organize assignments. The Teen Commission will also be volunteering at the December 16th Gift of Hope event organized by West Valley Community Services. 6. Teen Stress Brainstorm The Teen Commission brainstormed ideas on addressing the issue of teen stress including an article in the Scene and a presentation. More ideas will be discussed at future meetings. The Teen Commission agreed to present at the November 16lh Public Safety Forum organized by the Public Safety Commission on the topic. NEW BUSINESS 7. <hack> Cupertino Planning Staff Liaison Mestizo provided the following updates: website account has been purchased, sponsorship packet created, to-do list has been created. Input was requested from the commission on the sponsorship packet. 8 . Cupertino Historical Society Presentation and Museum Tour The Cupertino Historical Society gave a brief presentation and museum tour to the Teen Commission. CHS also requested the Commission's input on getting youth interested in Cupertino history and their proposed Ideathon event. STAFF & COMMISSION REPORTS a) Staff Liaison Report Daniel Mestizo presented the Teen Commission with the following information: • The Teen Center has "Monthly Food Features" in which a different food item is featured and given out to drop-in participants. November's feature is Pizza My Heart and will take place on November 9th at 6pm. • The Teen Center is having extended hours at the Cupertino Teen Center during the Thanksgiving Break. b) Commissioner Report • Commissioner Sahni presented the following notes from the November Mayor's Meeting: o Library Commission is organizing workshops for all ages. o Proposal for a Teen Driving Workshop from an unidentified commission . MISCELLANEOUS -NO ACTION REQUIRED ADJOURNMENT At 9:02pm the Teen Commission adjourned to a REGULAR MEETING which will be held on Wednesday, November 22ND at 6:00pm at the Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room, 10185 North Stelling Road, Cupertino. Respectfully submitted,