PC 02-01-57 T!, 0, BoX 597 Al 2-4505 P L ~ N N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF rrEE PLANNING COMIUSSION FEBRU~RY 1, 19S7 Place: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 7:00 P.M. I ROLL C~LL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Bell, Leonard, Neilsen, Paizis Cali II THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1957 were read and approved, III COMMUNICATIONS A, Written 1. Santa Clara County Planning Commission Summary of Actions: Meeting of 1-16-57 Agenda: Meeting 1-30-57 2. Flood Control District announcement of 2-8-57 meeting at First and Rosa, 10:00 A.M. 3. Bay Area Regional Planning Agency Proposed statute granting enabling powers, B. Oral r:--Chairman Leonard referred to the previous days meeting with Karl Belser relative to County planning services. A first draft of a contract with the County for planning services was read at this time. Commissioner Paizis moved that the draft be submlbted to the Council for examination by that body, the City Attorney, and proper County authorities; seconded by Commissioner Bell, carried 4 - 0, 2. Fremont High School Listrict request for approval of plans on site on Miller near Stevens Creek Road, Mr. Stevens briefed the Commission on details of the high school project. He expects the school to open in the Fall of 1958. He figured that the parking lot would accommodate about 400 cars, The school has 40 acres between Stevens Creek Road and Tilson Avenue. Mr, Stevens said that the school authorities tried to orient the school so that eventual development could cause only a minimum of inconvenience to the school and its environs He related that the school signed a contract in 1955 with the City of Sunnyvale for sewering three high schools; the cost runs to $20 per month when the school is in ' sesslon plus an inltial undisclosed amount, On January 20, 1954 the County F1anning Commission approved the plans, IV DISCUSSION OF STROM DRAINAGE A, Chairman Leonard observed that flood control and water con- servation have been handled separately thus far. In connec- tion with water conservation, Mr, Leonard referred to a memo on a Possible City policy for water conservation and storm water drainage, prepared with the help of Otis Forge, President of the Sanitary District. The brief included a proposed resolution by the Cupertino Planning Commission, Among other things the resolution contained the recommenda- tion "to the Cupertino City Council and to the Board of Directors of the Cupertino Sanitary District thgt the two groups confer on the feasibility of authorizing within Cupertino the use of reverse wells under favorable circumw stances for capturing and percolating potable water which would otherwise become dirty, run-off water," After a reading it was moved by Commissioner Bell that the resolution be transmitted to the Council and the Sanitary District; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and carried 4 _ 0, ~ -2- VI V UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Vistica, Inquiry on nelghborhood sho~~ing center at Blaney and Bollinger. Mr. Vistica was in Orovil1e and will be on the agenda for the next meeting, February 15. A digest of vlews was read presenting the statements made by Vistica and questions and statements by the Planning Commission. It was noted that four affirmative votes are required to effect an amendment to the present City Zoning Ordinance. B. Damico~ Request for a use permit to erect a water storage tank near a public utility well on the east side of Stelling slightly north of Garden Gate Village. Mr. Damico was not at the meeting. He eVidently intends to pump both the Home- stead and Stelling wells into this tank so that he can pro- vide service twenty-four hours a day into the 110nta Vista area. Certain uses, including churches and puùlic~ilities, requirs a permit to operate in any zone. Commissioner Bell moved that the matter be set for hearin~ and that the legal adver- tising be published and that all residents within 300 feet be notified, seconded by Commissioner Neilsen, carrled 4 - D. C, Backman. First hearing on rec;oning and use permit for appro- ximately t acre, corner of Bollinger and Highway 9 for service station use. There were no objections at the first hearing although Mrs, Baer observed that Highway 9 was rather narrow. The second and final hearing on the rezoning was scheduled to be held on February 15. BUSINESS Camarda house moving permit - west side of Randy about 400 feet north of Stevens Creek Road. The house to be moved is prescntly alon[side the Richfield Station east of Doyle on Stevens Creek Hoad. The movers propose to go down Handy Lane; the set backs appear to be OK The survey has been made and the site has been recorded as a separate parcel. Commissioner Bell suggested that an engineering study be made to guarantee the stability of the house on its new foundation. Paul Geyer, Inquiry on proposed Garden Apartments west side of Miller near Stevens Creek Road, 7 lots, up to 140 units. Inquiry on so~e type of commercial on two acres frontlng on Stevens Creek Road. The parcel does not have the proper zoning for this type of development. The present zoning is R-l: B-2 (single residence t acre minimum lot). These apartments would probably rCQuire R-4 zoning, with the Stevens Creek Road frontage now R-J-H changed to C-l-H to accommodate some type of commercial. The apartments are intended to be two stories hi¡:h with parking stalls for each unit, access from the rear; cul-de-sac to provide parking for non-residents and visitors. The plans submitted to the Commission were not represented as the actual plans for this particular set of apartments but were supposed to be a close resemblance to the buildings planned. Mr. Geyer was asked to present a more definite plan to the Commission for con- sideration at subsequent meetings. NE';J A. B, VII ADJOURNMENT - 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, J~ .<.~t~ Lawrence K, Martin City Clerk