PC 03-15-57
p. O. Box 597
MARCH IS, 19')7
A1 2+4;0.5
Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge
Time: 7:00 F.M.
Commissioners Present: Bell, Leonard, Neilsen, Paizis
Commissioners Absent: Cali
following oorrection was noted: Item IV-A-Llne 15, delete
"hearing", substitute "discussion".
A, Written
1, Santa Clara County Flanning Department
a, Summary of actions 3-6-57
b. Agenda for 3-13-57, 3-20-57
2. Eugene K. Kennedy, attorney for '". W. Britt (boat shop)
Commissioner Bell suggested that Kennedy turn to the
owners of the property in the hope of securing relief
for his client.
Letters denying a use permit to Britt were reveiwed.
Britt was given about nine weeks to comply with zoning,
Commissioner Bell suggested that the Planning Commission
write to Mr, Kennedy to learn whether Britt's least
includes mention of commercial zonlng. Consensus had
it that Giuffrida should be held responsible.
3. League of California Cities
Peninsula Division meeting at Hickey's 3-21-57 (Keller
& Carpenter on legislatlon)
B. Verbal
1. Santa Clara County Planning Department
a, Base map for Cupertino. The Planning Commission
feels the needs for such a map, from which tracings
can be taken so that streets, shoPPing oenters,
storm drains, sewer lines, etc" oan be outlined.
b. Denlal on McIlroy application.
A. High School site at Miller and Stevens Creek. Road detail,
sidewalk detail, site layout.
Chairman Leonard reported that the architects say that all
they want from us are the grades on Miller, The County
staf' believes that the buildings are too close to li1ller
and the parking areas are too far from social life centers.
Counoilman ¡'¡eyerholz says that the school should put a
sidewalk around the property.
The Commission deolded to contact Mr. Stevens, the Super-
lntendent of the School Distriot, before taking the matter
any further.
B. Old Cupertino School House
Council action on proposed training school use. Chalrman
Leonard reveiwed the recent Council discussion of the
Plannlng Commission Resolution including deletion of the
clause requiring Ampex Corporation to build in Cupertino.
C. Paul Geyer. Further discussion of proposed garden apartment~
opposite the high school on Miller,
Chairman Leonard noted that the Commission does not yet
have a formal application for a rezonlng of the Geyer pro-
perty which is presently zoned R-J-H to a depth of )00 feet
from Stevens Creek Road. The current zoning would make it
necessary to rezone a substantial portion of the seven acres
ln order to accommodate the apartments. In addition, there
has been some lnquiry on commercial zoning for the Stevens
Creek Road frontage.
Mr. Geyer estimated the eventual development of about 1;2
unlts on the seven acres. Mr, Leonard said that trafflc
appears to be a problem on Miller. In response to questlons
about the density of population, Mr. Geyer said that he
considered forty faml1les to the acre heavy density and
twenty famllles moderate. He also said that he knew of no
better use for the property. At present he has FHA financing
for one building. This FHA f1nancing is contingent on demand,
The other five units will be built only as the market indi-
In addition to the road dedic~tions required by the City,
Geyer must dedicate forty feet from the center of the creek.
Mr. Geyer expressed his willingness to dedicate for both
the roadway and the creek and to strive for a sewer plan
satisfactory to the City of Cupertino. In this respect he
would allow seveD or eight months time before hooking on to
the Sunnyvale sewer emanating from Rancho R1nconada. Chair-
man Leonard stated that four affirmative votes are required
to recommend rezoning to the City Council. Commissioner
Bell moved that the Gever app11cation be set for hearing
at the next meetlng; seconded by Commlssloner Palzis, carried
4 - O.
D. Mr. Balas stated his w1llingness to pay ~750 to the Cupertino
Sanitary District. He said that he plans to install two 30
inch tlles for drainage. Commissioner Bell moved that the
Balas application for rezonin~ be set for hearing at the
earliest possible date; seconded by Commissioner Paizis,
carried 4 - O.
A. Inquiry concerning a possible outdoor movie on Miller roughly
opposite the high school site, Applicant not present.
B. Kawamoto
A Mr. Williams wishes to discuss a proposed rental building
on north Highway 9 for his principal.
Mr, Williams presented his plans to the Commission, Chair-
man Leonard noted that the area was not zoned for the type
of structure depicted on the plan. He mentioned the
posSibility of issuing a use permit, in that it might
expèdite the sewer line. The application suþm1tted is for a
building permlt. The Commission may need to conslder rezon1ng
rather than a use permlt, Mr, Leonard said. He suggested
the possibility of rezoning in blocks, several parcels at a
time, rather than consider individual pieces of property. H~
offered for the consideration of the Comm1ssion a proposal
to rezone on the initiative of the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Bell agreed that it was not fa1r to ask
people to request rezoning for uses antedating incorporation
of the C1ty. The County manual on use permlts indlcates
that they can be used to allow continuation of existing uses
contrary to zoning, Mr, Leonard said.
Commissioner Bell observed that the ft.tll title 1s "noncon-
forming use permit". The possibility of rezoning the area
containing nonconforming uses appeared reasonable.
Commissioner Bell was in agreement concernlng rezoning
by Planning Commission initiative but felt that the Kawamoto
application should be considered at present,
In summary, Chalrman Leonard proposed that the Commission
consider rezoning those properties whose owners are w1lling
to dedicate right of way, contribute to sewers, etc. The
matter should lead to a hearing for those owners lnterested
and cooperating, People with like position will receive
like treatment.
A question arose concerning the mechan1cs or prooedure
for lmplementing th1s proposal. Specifically, should the
condlt1ons for rezon1ng be stipulated before the hear1ngs
or should the hearings be announoed and the details developed
at the meetings?
Wlth regard to Kawamoto, Comm1ssioner Palz1s moved that
hls appllcat10n be set for harlng at the earl1est Posslb~e
date. 1f Kawamoto makes application for rezonln~ bY Tuesday
or Wednesdav of the following week; seconded by Commissioner
Bell, carried ~ - 0,
C. County Planning Commission. Resolution endorsing a Bay
Area Regional Planning Distr1ct.
Mr, Leonarc, 1n summarizing opinions concerning the
proposed d1strict sa1d that many Commissioners are appar-
ently endorsing the concept in principle but maintain
certain reservations on the details. A heavy majority 18
evidently needed to get action from the leg1slature,
Comm1ssioner Bell observed that mechanlsms resulting
from such schemes are seldom to the advantage of small
cities, Metropolitan regions would control the machinery,
he said,
Respectfully subm1tted,
t\1.~ f{, ((0~'
C1ty Clerk