PC 04-04-57 if ~, ~ m P L å N N t.N 2- C, O,M,M I S S I 9 N CITY 0 ~t&ERTINO - CALIFORNIA MINUTES of" THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMiiISSION APRIL 5,1957 Al 2-4505 Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge Time: 7:00 P,M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners PreAent~ BAll, Cal~, Leonard, Neilsen, Paizis Commissioners Ab8'~nt' N')ne II TIiE ~!INUTES OF TH::: MSE'rT'¡G OF MARCH 15, 1957 were read and approved, III COMMUNICATIONS A, Written 1. S, C. County Planning ÐepHrtillent Summary of actions ;-2~-)7 Àgenda 4-3-57 Preliminary shoreline develcpmert plan Subdivisions recorded in March (incl~ding Thunderbird, ~ract 1621 City of San Jose, Cuper~lno School District, 2. League of Californi3 Cit~8S News Bulletin of 3-18-57 J. Inter-city P15nning C:úuncll Minutes of 3-8-57 meeting and plea for endorsemeµt of Bay Area Regional Planning Commission , Chairman Leonard read his letter to the City Council concerning the Bay Area Regional Planning CommissiQn. He suggested sending the same letter to the Regional Planning Distrjct. This was agreeable to'the Com- miªSlonani:: the gi'tyeJ.èrk was "sked to copy verba,tim this i¿~ter to the dist.riot, B, Qrã! Loule Mlr>er: B'lil'iJng pform;.t u.1der Egr:,ol;ltural acreage exemption for' a\:_¡r.p:'r~és house. Chairman ~e0~hrd ty.?le~n~d ~hat a separate parcel of land is n0t lrv0Jveri. The house is apparently up to the buildißg ~ode and set bdck far enough from the road¡ He said it might oallse diffJcuJ.ty 1f Miner dies. T,he permit would be for remodeling pnd the house wiJl be subject to County building inspec~ion, Commission~r Bell asked if Miner needed Planning Com- mission approv~l or whether he s~ould simply be issu~d the bulldlng permit, assunin£ t,1ere is no violation of the set back distance or coverage, Chairman Leonard said that he expected a chan~e of use on Miner's passing and would not like to establl~ha praco;;dent. (;ommjss:\'oner Bell said that inasmuch as onl~' a ."emùc1éliüE' p~rmic is required, let it be issued and allùw Miner tc ~~oceed. IV FIRST HEARINGS PUBLISHED FOR THIS DATE A. Paul Geyer~ Rezoning to permit 16 to 24 unit apartment hO~ßes on west side of Miller near Stevens Creek Road. ChR~rm3n Leonard described the property in question as R triangëla~ shapped parcel at the southwest corner of ..,t",vens C:'eek Road E1nd Millerl\venue. The plans showed coverage ()~ f,~J01,t f1ve of a se"en aC're total, surrounding a U-shaped co~~t: containing one and two bedroom units, with car'pol'tb" -T~1e tic;ht-money situation makes financing easier för epd":'trr,:mt c'Jnstruction than for single residence construction. 'lr.~ rro.Ject \,ould start as one building containing abc·¡t 20 un~ts. If rent;_ng is succassful, -~h€; contractor wil: follow with second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth build.i,::.gs. '1S t:,e d~tJl8nd indi()at~s, Chairman Leonard quest::'c.r.~a \;10:: eff('!ct of the "rnje0t :)n the school situation, WLb r'!garc! to -~hh pO!.Jjt, !"!r, Geyer expec'GE: that ther-e wi 1:" 1;,3 f€'~ chl1dr3U i:c occupanvy. -2- Mr~ Leonard stated that the Commission may not reaoh a conolusion at this hearing and asked for comments or elabor- ation by Mr, Geyer. Mr, Geyer had 11ttle to add to hls previous statements. ~he Rpartments will be about 300 feet from Stevens Creek Road. Mr, Leonard said there was some debate as to the eventual width of Miller Avenue which will have to accommodatp. trafflc from both the apartments and the school. There has also been some discussion concerning possible straightening of Miller, in which case the avenue w~uld intersec~ St=vsns Creek Road west of the bridge and possibly ~opneGt with Wolfe. In his appearance'before the Planning Co~mis8ioû Superintendent Stevens suggested that some apartme~ts WOJld serve to house teachers. Anothèr factor would be the work destination of the o:;)cttpantSj that is, would they go east on Stevens Creek Road to San Jose. north on Lawre~ce Station to Santa Clara or Sunnyvalej or north on Highway 9. Commissioner Bell said. th8.t the Commission was now considering about twenty f<mdLes rather than the 140 that may e1fentuRlly become resir'.enës. '{e felt that the develop- ment covld be ezpented to kE-ep pace with the need. ~Ir. Leonard described so~e multiples in Campbell and San Jose whlch dld not imprcsE h1m '~oo :¡'avoratly~ lie asked ~lr. Geyer if these particular epartments were reaEonably representa- tive of his project. Mr. Geyer did not seem to know the apartments mentioned but estimated that the rentals would run more like $95 a month new, and that the likely cost per unit ~ould be somewhat in eÀcess of his original figure. Chairman Leonard was interested in the cost per unit from the sttmd?olnt of assessed valuatior per capita, He cited figures includ:tng: Palo Alto ;,~l4oo, Campbell :;¡800, anrl C1,1pertino 4;2001). Mr, Geyer requested a decJslon at the present mcaeting, :,ut the çuper'~ino pro:.:ed'lre for rezoning applications !,,~;q\!.J.rE' two á,%,rillgs. WiD Lestel' ~Iho ga;e :Üs aG.dreS5 as Stevens Creek Road across from the p ,'oposed apartments, was present to protest. b::>th for h~.m"e~f ane:. for Ell.en ~i'aft, He said that the develaprJel1", ~ C, p,,;"[n: t '.,f'd, would gJ'eRtl~J de"recJ.ate the val,16 of t', r, ::.':cc!=,e '~cy, He also sai,d 1 twill aggra'¡ate the water T)rob~.e!;; the t.~a!'fic problem, and the schcol problems an·i wonJd not P¡Od'i(;;E' s1;..fficle:::1t taxes" H8 as~{ed why such a d€·Jel~,)ptJe:1~; ';;as 11,,) ~~ 10có";eä. neare:' the p13I,Je where the occe.par..I.ts '4Cl~3.."1 w:) ,·Y Of ILl ¡'En:XY13<ò G'3JPr '.nqulred what he could do with the property, 1;E. ilsjJ>1ted tb'3 fact that the resid'3ntial use w)uld creatf? a wete:- ~)::,(¡tlerr:. he Sé'.id the residential use required leEs ~'ater tinll cor-.merci:Ü., He also said that a sizeable :ror~lo,'l cf the pc-.rc,=l waÐ already zoned R-3-H. C,)!!lmissicneJ 3,3:: 1 eq:hd81zeèA. that the :LI1pact on the (,i ty will be one bU:'Jdin;: a; 2. t::'me. C!'lSir¡'lan Leonard declared the hearing co:rti1l'¡ed for tl;e, Heeks, i.e. April 19. B. Steve Balas: riezoning to ?€:rmit a hamburger drive-in at SW corner of Highway 9 and McClellan Road. C~airman Leonard opened the hearing by saying that Mr, Balas feels that young people require a stand for refresh- ments f:lr.d this f'POt ls a logical location, Mr. Balas said thRt :le wLèl l'i:i.l :'.n the dltch,and he assured the Commis- .;¡l'.Jn '~h::t :.'j; wOl.ld be a respeote.ble drive-in with no bh.rln~ )ß'Jd:C .~(, a~tract undesirable elements. He estimated that thE; d:tve-ln ',~('Iuld close about 8:)0 P.M. at this time of year', wit.[, R se'''en day ùperation. He added that; it was dif'iic..J.t ~" d.eteI"ll~,ne exact o~ening and closing hours and tnat it wonJ,d J.epenci on wnat the traffic would bear; Chairman Lecna~d noted that some drastlc things have been p~oposed for f~eeways. It mig~t have an impact on such business as dr':"'e-ln ster.ds. I1r. Dvn:'ak" cwn~ng tr.e property at 205,33 Blossom Lane, ex!'ressl>d h:TI!s=~.f as int€r~f.,te,1 in the draJ,l,age preble;]!. The di tC'h 'hack'ê!0, up on his l"ropel t" on one occasion and he questio:'1eè what effect this stand might have on tha'c drainage in t~e future, He said that he would like to feel confident that the filling of the ditoh would not cause the -J- thp. stormwater to back up and ~ratn oato hi~ property. Ch?irma~ Leonard acknowledged that EtoTm dr~inq~e lS d pr~blem and that the solution may be joirlt ~ity-county effort, T~e hearing was closed, to be reopened on April l~ shortly after 8:00. V UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. BaLkæan-Shell curbline ~etail Thç que~tion as}:ed by Shell is whether to install permanenõ; Ql.õ.l'hr, f1ft~' fep.'... L'orL the Qenter line of H!ghway 9 or tem- pOl'ar¡ cnrbs aligned with the present road:¡'ine, Mr. Leona...d S8.Ü; that the Commission wanted permanent curbs now. City Ai;torney Anderson suggested a policy for future re~cni~gs conditloned on property dedication. He suggested that the City acquire the actual deed lnstead of a verbal agreement to dedicate property, This will tend to avoid difficulty in securing compliance. In the event of liti- gation, Mr, Anderson said that specific performance is difficult to enforce if the court can' t understand the terms of the agreement, B. Kawamoto-status of application for rezonlng to commercial on H~ghway 9. Kawamoto had not yet filed application and was not present, C. Report on progress in making a base map. Chairman Leonard reported recelpt of two prints - one has been sent to the school district for location of school~ and school sites. D.. Report on 4-4-57 meeting at which the Division of Highways un~eiled further freeway plans. Chairman Leonard reported as follows: The State says t;lac El Camino Real can carry no more traffic and will simply be a six-lane road with parking on both sides. Bayshore will be a divided eight-lane road, This means that the region will need another road, handling traffic to indus·' trial plants in San Jose and S~yvale. Th~ Division of Bighways has presented alternate routes designated A and B, or red änd green, The B route 15 toward the hl11s and the A route veers inland, 'T'he cosi:; is estimated about ~.125 million from San Francisco to the IBM plant in San Jose, The two routes intersect in Los Alto~ at Edith and Main Streets. Plan A cuts every sizeable estate enroute. The County is apparently well satisfied with the south branch of the red route: Karl Belser would like to settle on a route from Los Altos to the IBM plant. The B or reå route would cut Cupertino in tl~O, The A or green route might serve as a boundary between Cupertino and Sunnyvale, BUSINESS Request by Standard Oil for a new sign at ChevI'on Statio!. at Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Read. The customary method, said Chairæan Leonard~ is to turn the map in to Mr. Haas of the County who usually responds that it does or does not conform to County requirements. It was agreed to do the same in this case, he1uest by General Pet~oleum for plan line at Blaney and Stevens Creek Road. S¿rvice station application expected, Chlirman Leonard sa~d that the Commission would need to de~ide on the eventual width of Blaney Avenue. In the n,ecJ.ntime the represertative of ~Iobil Oil can be told to lOJk at the Texaco Station or. Highway 9 since the Coœmis- sion will probably make the same requirements in this case, Reqt1,est by H. Aronsen a¡,d Permanente regarding zonin¡; o~ the!.¡' lJroperty now be,ing annexed. In reveiwing the question, Mr, LeonaI'd noted that thE::r~ iE a rn".lttpJicity of existing usEt\ Cupertino ordinences re'lt:ir 3 the City to zone newly acquired property wi !;ho'~,: app:'..icatioJ'l or fee by thto owner. 'rhe mattel' is r.ot offl"" 1 a'1.~y Jl')foro the Commission since the Homes';eai 4.·':; e!1,le}:a- tiOl, is not final until Apr':'l 18. ::ommissioner Lell c':>storvec th,,'~ t:l° C':>rœ"ission would. b¿ c..:>n:::rOllteJ. "ith n,.)J'l-co,lf(jrm~ng used in thi8 case.. An attel11pt "Iho'.lld oe made to selE'c~ on';;! t:S' a,"d place the other I.èse<J o~ t' terupol'8ry þermj t. \,' orier to) l~aè to the ultimate znnlng selécteð, he said. VK NEW A. B. C, -4- D. Preli~inary subdivision map submitted by Mark Thomas Company on behalf of a cllent wlshing to build homes in Stevens Creek Hollow between Homestead Road and the De,vis property, Said to be 10,000 foot lots and ~20 OOO houses. Mr, Fleming, representingMa~k Thomas, was asked if there were any objections to complying with the County subdivision ordinance, Mr. Fleming said he thought this would be satisfactory. City Attorney Anderson urged caution and careful cc~s~deration since this was to be Cupertino's first sub- d~ïlislNJ.¡ He said it seemed Ì'eåsònable to hlre engineering assistance and abide by the County ordinance in this case. Mr; Fleming explained that Kyne and Cummings will design the streets and lots and then sell tl}em to contractors who will do the building, The T?t'Oject w.ill go further south along Davis' creek front property with more homes, if successfuly, Forty-four houses are planned to start, After some discussion, !1r. Fleming said the subdivider is willing to accept indica~i~n from the Planning Commission that the property can be developed, Chairman Leonard told Mr. Fleming that the Commissiòn will give hlm â definlts answer in two weeks inasmuch àsMr, Flemihg understands that the ftrst reaction of the~lanning Commission' was ' favorable. VII ADJOURNMENT - 10:00 P.M. ~peotfullY submitted, J~ t<. ~ ~AWR~NCE K. MAflTIN City Clerk