PC 04-19-57
P 0 B ~97 Al 2-4505
, . ox ~
APRIL 19, 19~?
Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge
Time: 7:)0 P.M,
Commissioners Present:
Commissioners Absent:
Bell, Leonard, Neilsen, Paizis
II THE MlrrnTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1957 were read and
A. lJritten
1. S, C. County Planning Department
a. Summary of actions 4-)-57
b. Agenda 4-17-57
c, Advice on two matters before them
Gray subdivision - 15 lots in Monta Vista near
C, Pappalordo lot on McClellan near Stelling.
2. S, C. County Building Department. Building permits
for March.
), Modesto Planning Commission - Conference on water
recreation 4-25-26,
4. Division of Highways - Freeway meeting 4-29 8:00 P.M.,
Los Altos High School.
5. San Jose Blueprint, Bill for aerial maps.
B. Verbal
Workshop meeting of Planning Commissions at First & Rosa,
5-21, 8:00 P.M.
A. Paul Geyer - Rezone to permit 16 to 24 unit apartment houses
west side of Miller near Stevens Creek Road,
Chairman Leonard reported that the apartment house plans
had been returned by the County, To introduce the dis-
cussion and for the benefit of any newcomers to the hearlng.
he briefly described the proposed project.
A Mr, Boyd asked to see the artist's sketch. Mr. Motre
explained that the buildings would not exactly conform to
the sketch at hand but that this was a reasonable facsimile.
These particular sketches have been approved by the Planning
Commission of another city. Mr, Boyd stated that the spot
selected for this apartment house was a critical area in
the City of Cupertino and he felt it necessary to inslst on
a respectable building opposite the high school. In response
to a question, Mr. Motre said that the front end, that is
Stevens Creek Road. would eventually be zoned C-l-H, he
hoped, Mr. Boyd said that the apartment houses should be
compatible with the plans of the high school, The housing
industry is on the 1hr eshold of tremendous changes in the
apfearances ,of apartments and he expressed concern lest the
development prove to be something less than an asset to the
City. Mr. Motre said that it was their lntention to improve
the property. not the contrary, Mr, Boyd noted that stores
are subject to failure with consequent depreciation of
appearance and property value.
Commissioner Bell said that three or four different
suggestions have been advanced on the use of the property.
The Planning Commlssion must consider the surroundings and
what might be the optimum use. A supermarket, a drive-in
movie and apartments are among the uses thus far proposed.
The Planning Commlssion has been seeking a compatible use for
this parcel. Mr. Boyd agreed that a market and drive-in
would not be appropriate uses. Chairman Leonard reported
that an additional inquiry had been posed last week. This
inquiry concerned the possibility of fairly expensive duplex
or triplex quarters for retired anà h:',g", . ~'/'r',o ;¿~':<I:CS,
This would not result in so high a den3~.i,i f.)~:,.r",;·;,~.u·c¡on,
He added that one applioant expressed the opinion that
Possibilities are definitely limlted in vlew of the existenoe
of Ranoho Rinoonada and Casa del Sol,
Mr. Motre esti~ated the six year development at.
$1,000,000 approx1mately, The two bedroom units would r~nt
at something over ~,100. He said that the apartments were
not being graded down beoause of the presenoe of Ranoho
Rinconada. In fact, he said, the presence of that tract
has no bearlng whatsoever on his proposal. He sald there
are people who 'would like tollve here "without undertaking
the trouble attached to home ownIng, There is a housing
market for rental units whlch eliminate the necessity of
gardening, painting, etc" he said. In closing, Mr. Motre
said that the risk was thelrs, that the buildings will add
to the property, and will be set well back from Stevens
Creek Boulevard, They will subdIvide the entire pieoe of
property and put in all improvements before starting to
build, Chairman Leonard asked if this was a satisfaotory
time to end discussion. He explained that the Cupertino
ordinance specified the need of four affirmative votes to
recommend zoning amendments to the Clty Council. In v1~w
of Commissioner Cali IS absence, he asked Mr, Motre if he
wished the matter to come to a vote. lIr, Motre left it up
to the Planning Commissioners who decided to carry the
matter over until all members are present.
B, Ste~e Balas - Rezoning to permit a hamburger drive-in Sw
corner of Highway 9 and McClellan,
For background Chairman Leonard reviewed the history of
the Felton Park Subdivision. The two parcels now owned by
Mr. Balas and on which he proposes to place hls hamburger
stand were not tled into the subdivision. There is a drain-
age problem and a road hazard. Mr, Balas will provide off-
street parking and controlled access. The use requires
C-l-H, the architectural and site control to be exercised by
the County. The possibility that the new freeway wl11 drain
traffic from the State highway is a matter of business
judgment, he said. Mr. Balas is willlng to make the
required dedication of roadway.
A Mr, Bland said that he was mainly worried about the
drainage; two thirty inch oulverts are not good enough, he
said. It requires the same size tl1e as the State now uses
near that point, evidently sixty inches. Mr, Leonard said
that the water from Regnart Gulch meanders across country
and most of it goes to CaJabazasCreek. The money and the
plan for proper storm drainage are not ready at this time
although the easements and rights of way are being gathered
now, In answer to the question raised concerning dralnage,
Mr. Leonard said that the problem will be referred to the
Cupertino Sanitary District, which has adequate facilities
to guage the drainage at this point.
. He added that a one year clause has been included in the
conditions attached to prior use permits plus consideration
of the actual use if different from that promised. In
response to a question conoerning a better looation for this
development, Mr. Leonard explained that small separate
parcels of the proper size are not readily available. Small
ventures have trouble in securlng approprlate lots.
It was decided by the Commission, with the concurrenoe of
Mr. Balas, to delay the vote until the full membership is
A. High School site on Miller. set backs, fencIn~. sidewalks.
Mr. Leonard reported that the Commission and the County
Planning Department had taken note of the parking locatlons.
Both bod1es expressed doubt over their location. In addition
the County feels that the school should be moved eastward,
lncreasing the set back from Miller.
Commissioner Bell said that construction of a sidewalk
is indicated to provide access to the park1.ng lot.Ro He
suggested a meeting w1th the sC'ho')~, hl'-'~
CUDertino Community Church. P. D. Smith (aroh1tect) plans
A use perm1t had already been issued by the Planning
Comm1ss1on and the present plans served only to acqualnt
the members with the design of the bu1lding and surrounding
layout. It was noted that park1ng was provided to the rear
and s1de, wlth no parking in the front. There is no access
to any street other than Stevens Creek Road.
Britt. Visit by his attorney on the boat ShOD matter.
Mr. Britt told the chairman of the Planning Commission that
the boat business is improving and will be on firmer basis
after the sUm~er, He asked for further vlews from other
Commissioners. As the matter stands, Br1tt is still ln
violation of Cupertino's zoning ord1nance.
RePort on status of base maps.
The map has been completed. When prints are available
for each member the Commission will go over all items to be
placed on it,
Sign permit - Chevron Station at Stevens Creek Road and
Hil2:hway ~
Upon conforming to a minor change suggested by the
County, namely, to hang the s1gn lnward, Comm1ssioner Bell
moved that the permit be approved; seconded by Commissioner
Paizis, oarried 4 - O.
Zoning }~ Ho~es~e:d 4-c Darcels: Simla Lane. Ltd. (H. G.
Aronsen__ Tr_an_l_ (Permanente)
Chairman Leonard said that the applicant requires
zoning sufficient to make all uses legitimate, The freeway
may slice through this parcel, Permanente triangle and some
of Aronsen's property and Kyne & Cummings proposed subdiv1-
sionaÆ in the path of one of the alternatives. Commissioner
Bell reviewed all the uses in the parcel and stated that any
one zoning would make several others nonconforming. He
also said that use permits of more or less temporary nature
could accommodate the other businesses. Mr. Aronsen
requested M-l-H (light industrial). He said the swlmming
school provides the large portion of the rental value.
Commissioner Paiz1s said that light industr1al is now, the
prevailing use, Mr. Leonard said that in case M-l-H is
granted new ventures would have to be M-l-H. Commissioner
Bell said that M-l-H allows commercial use on a use permit.
Chairman Leonard said that the Commission would check on the
workability of M-l-H zoning. Commissioner Bell moved that
the m tter be set for hearin. on 1 ; seconded by
Commissioner Paizis, carried _ O.
V KYNE & CUr~1INGS, (Mark Thomas Co. Engineers.) Review of
tentative subdivision map in conflict with a proposed freeway
route near RR tracks. '
The County prefers that subdivisions have access from two
direct10ns, Mr. Leonard said. Mr. Fleming, representing Mark
Thomas, reported that the State had to arrive at the alternate
plans in a hurry. They couldn't consider many of the economic
factors and moving the railroad is not likely, 11r. Fleming said.
He reported that once a plan line is established, a tentative ,
map cannot be filed. He estimated that the highway would traverse
a row of houses in Homestead Villa and guessed that we will not
know any more a year from today than now, Mr. Leonard proposed
that the Commission write the State Division of Highways
indicating thelr intention to cooperate, and explaining that the
pressure of events inclines the City to act in its own interest.
The letter will ask the D1v1sion of Highways for their reaction
to Cupertino Planning Commission approval of this tentative
subdivision map in the path of the green freeway route. Commis-
sioner Bell suggested that the letter tell the Division of
Highways that Cupertino will approve the rnap if the ,state doesn' t
object. Mr. Leonard referred to the meeting scheduled for Apr1l
29 in the Los Altos H1gh School, and said that Cupertino would
have some representatives there. Commissioner Bell moved that
th matt r be tabled unt 1 the n t eetin; seconded by cõmm1s-
sioner Paizis, carried _ O.
-- -- ---
A. Set date to reorganize Commisslon 19S7-S8
Put over until next meeting.
B. Inauiry by General Petroleum regardlng servioe statlon NW
corner Blaney and 5tevens Creek ~oad.
Three letters from General Petroleum were reviewed, requesting
building lines, set backs, etc" along Blaney and requesting
that a hearing be set,
The service station applioatlon prompted further
disoussion of the Stevens Creek Road frontage from Highway 9
to Blaney. Commissioner Bell suggested that a letter be
written to General Petroleum stating the requirements such
as sanitary distriot fees, road dedications, eto., and
inquiring if the Company is interested in proceeding under
those terms. Commissioner Bell moved th8t the matter be
tabled until thls letter is written and the answer received;
seconded by Commissioner Paizis, oarried 4 - 0,
C. Leland Young. Plans to remodel single-familY dwelling at
2092' Alves Lrive,
Since no zoning is involved, the Commlssion agreed that the
matter was ready for the County Building Inspeotor, that
Young requires only a building permit.
D. Mr, & Mrs, D. Snow, Plans for a single family dwelling on
Peninsular Avenue.
Moved by Commissioner Paizis that :he :~Plio9ti~~ be t~e:ted
just as the Kvne & Cummings matter. th__ the St__e be _o_tao-
ted t d te C ert no's tte 0 000 e t; seoonded
by Commissioner Neilsen, oarried _ 0,'
Respectfully submitted,
'~\4L~ ~. t(Q~
City Clerk