PC 06-07-57 p. 0, Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, . CALIFORNIA ; Mn.'UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 7, 1957 Al 2-4505 Place: Collins School, Teachers Lounge Time: 7:30 P.M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Bell, Leonard; quorum est~blished at 8:40 with the appearance of Commlssioner Cali Commiss10ners Absent: Neilsen II THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MAY 17, 1957 were read; the following corrections were noted: Item VI-A-Line 10 add "proposed" before warehouse. Item VI-B-L1ne 1) correct "Seaforth to "Seyferth"; Line 15 substitute "tens" for hundreds". III COMMUNICATIONS A. Wr1tten 1. S. C. County Plann1ng Department Summary of actions 5-15-57 Agenda 6-5-57 Subdivisions recorded May 1957 Belser letter on Planning Coordination 2. S. C, V.Water Conservation District - Request for Cuper- _ tino map. J. L, A, County - Report of Reg, PI, Comm. B. Verbal - None IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Report on freeway route developments - by Mr. Leonard The June 4 meeting at which the Divislon of Highway's repre- sentatives presented information on alternate freeway routing through Cupertino also brought forth an additional meeting between the Mayor and Messrs. Green and Hayler. The purpose of this further meeting was to make a ground reconnoissance of a route favored by the City Council, The Mayor suggested a route which he believed would be less dis- ruptive of the neighboring community. Cupertino prefers a route either north or south of the present red line. As of now there are three east-west arteries through the valley, The fourth route, i, e, the projected Junipero Serra Freeway, would seem logically to go further south, The northern version could operate as a boundary between Sunnyvale and Cupertino, The southern route might serve as a Cupert1no- San Jose boundary, According to a letter from Karl Belser, freeways should serve as community separators. Route A should be opposed. Route B follows the thinklng of County and other districts. w1th modification. The Blue Route doesn't provide the traff1" that the railroad route offers, according to Belser, B. Report on road vT.idth for Stevens Creek Hoed Chairman Leonard reported that the amount of traffic generate· on Stevens Creek Road will be controlled, to a certain extent by the proximity of the freeway. In all likelihood the traffic on Stevens Creek Road will be reduced in proportion to its proxlmity to this freeway. Sketches on road design forwarded by County personnel, were exam1ned. C, Discussion of sign ordinance þroposed by Associated Builders The City Clerk read an ordinance of the Santa Clara County Municipal Code describing the regulations and rules governing the location of subdivision direct10nal signs and repealing existing provisions. The ordinance contained provisions for a maximum size of 96 square feet and materials of strength not less than 5/8 inch plywood on 4" x 4" braced posts. Mr. S~yferth said he was not too conversant with thls part1cular ordinance but doubted that 96 square feet would accommodate all contemplated signs. He referred to the aesthetic aspects of billboards, -2- Commissioner Bell said that he was surprised that the County Home Bu1lders Assooiation has sponsored or approved an ordinance providing for a 96 square foot maximum. He sald he favored use of a master use permlt as a method of control as included ln the County ordinance. He told Mr. Seyferth that the Stone & Sohulte slgn 1n question is 288 square feet, 12' x 24'. on 1/4 inch masonite whlch is more brittle than 5/8 inch plywood. There are no braces on this slgn. The Outdoor Advertising Act includes a provision stating that no advertising display shall be erected, among other conditions, within 300' of a point of entry for a State hlghway~ or at a point preventing olear view 500' down the highway, Mr. Bell pointed out that the Stone & Schulte sign is in violation of this statute on several counts. It is about 186' from Homestead Road. Mr, Seyferth said that Stone & Schulte will comply with the instructions of the Planning Commisslon, He emphasized the Company's wl1lingness to cooperate in every way posslble with the Cupertino Planning Commission and he expressed his, regrets at any inconvenience caused by this particular sign. Chairman Leonard reported that the State says that this sign is not in thelr right of way. Attorney Anderson reported that the Council decided to pass the matter pending action on the part of the Planning Commission. He read a sign ordinance passed as an amendment to the Building Code of the City of Palo Alto. This ordinance provides that the location and construction of signs be sub- ject to the approval of the Building Inspector, There is a time limlt in the ordinance and also a renewal clause. Mr. Anderson pointed out that the City of Cupertino is littered with signs directing traffic to homes in vlrtually all the surrounding towns, This requires policing of advertlslng whlch should fall to the responsibility of neighboring clties. The Monte Sereno ordinance allows three months leeway for illegal signs. Commissioner Bell observed that the matter has another side. Local subdividers may sometime wish to advertise Cupertino homes with a sign on the outskirts, say in Saratoga. He also said that it was better to allow a larger sign than create a traffic hazard by prohibiting lettering large enough to read safely, Commissioner Cali said thät he favored a prompt dec~ãlon on ~his Stone & Schulte sign, especially ln view of the fact that the Company's representative was not argulng with the Commlsslon. Mr. Bell said he would like to see the permit whlch the State is supposed to have issued to Stone & Schulte, Mr. Seyferth requested the appointment of a pommlttee with whom his advertislng director can compromise. At thls point, Mr., Seyferth offered to remove the sign and requested Com- mittee actlon by Tuesday. Chairman Leonard appointed Mr. Bell as a commlttee of one to handle the matter. IV S~COND HEARINGS A. General Petroleum Company - Requesting rezoning and use permlt to allow a service station on SE corner of Blaney and Stevens Creek Road, Commissioner Bell said he would like to review the size of the lot and the placement of the building, Reference was made to the Texaco Statlon at Homestead Road and Hlghway 9., Mr. Rukan, representing General Petroleum, said that his company considered the distance between the pump islands on this Texaco station as bad pollcy. He said it makes the station difficult to handle by the personnel. Commissioner Bell suggested, as one alternative. that the Commission deny the application. Mr. Maggio might then reconsider the sale of the balanoe of hls property thus enlarglng the lot to what might be a more desirable size, Another possibility would be to approve subject to compliance with Cupertino's dedication requirements. In connection with urban developmer+: and the e"entl'?l posslb111 ty of oondemning gas station :< >~ ':". !"H"'::' ", ..... ..:''';-''~ that General Petroleum's policy was n0~ to ¡¡;"':1',':,',' ',"è '118 la:.:-ge oondemnatlon awards, He said that his 011 comp::::"Ul deed at the tlme of street wldenlng. -J- In view o~ the bare quorum present, Commissioner Cali moved that tfte hearin~ b~ contlnued at the ~ext meetin~j seconded by Commissioner Bell, carrled J - 0, Mr, Rukan sald that he would like to create new drawings for this property. B, Rezonlng óf Aronsen property near Homestead and the dell. Commissioner Bell suggested M-l-H zoning combined with a use permit for specific nonoonforming uses. This was the consensus. Moved by Commissioner Bell that the hearing be continued at the next meetin~; seconded by Commissioner Cali, carried J - o. V FIRST HEARINGS A. Steve Balas: Request for rezoning of a single family resi- dence at corner of Kirwin and South Highway 9 to allow a commercial use (real estate office). Mr. Balas said that the property, as a residence alone, is laoking in terms of quiet and seclusion. The highway makes this reasonable as C-l~H location. Commercial zoning exists nearby, he sald, and he bought the property with a dual purpose in mind. . Chairman Leonard suggested the possibillty of a use permit, He said he is oonoerned with the sewage faoilitles as well as storm drain easements. He also referred to the possibility that this oorner may be engulfed in a freeway oloverleaf. Commissioner Bell moved that the hearing be closed and that conditions surrounding use permits be inves- tigated in the interval before next meeting; seconded by Commissioner Call, oarried 3 - o. VI MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Merritt presented a proposal for a ~1edical-Dental Building on South Highway 9 to be occupied by Drs. Kelly and Salera, both presently praotioing in Cupertino. The projeot is to be constructed ln two stages, the first stage to consist of three units totaling approximately 2200 square feet and the second stage to consist of two unlts totaling approximately 2300 square feet. In the event the proposed sewer line for the area ls not completed in tlme to serve the project) interim sanitary faoilities will be instF~ led by the owners. Chairman Leonard advised Mr. Merritt to refer the plans to the County planning staff for H oontrol, in additlon to clearanoe by County Health and Engineering and to file application with the City for a building permlt. VII ADJOURNMENT 10:20 P.M. Respeotfully submitted, f{).l.tr~ I( ~ ¿~ENCE K. MARTI] City Clerk