PC 06-21-57 p. O. Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CA~IFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ME .TING OF THE PLANNING COMI'JISSION JUNE 21,1957 Al 2-4505 Plaoe: Collins School. Teachers Lounge Time: 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Comm1ss10ners Pre went: Bell, Leonard Neilsen Commiss1oners Absent: Cali II THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING ON JUNE 7. 1957 were read; the following correotion was noted: Item V-A-Line 13. 1nsert "f1rst" before "hearing". III COMMUNICATIONS A, Wrltten 1. Santa Clara County Planning Comm1ssion summary for 6-5-57 2. League of Californ1a C1ties Announcement of Conferenoe SF September 22-25,.1957 - No . oopy of the business lioense pamphlet enolosed. 3. Trl-County Planning Councll Minutes of 5-9-57 meet1ng - San Francisco voted 8 - 2 against the regional Planning bill. . Invitation to d1nner meeting 8t Rickey's 7-26-57. 4. Garden Gate Improvement Assooiation - D1rectlonal S1gns 1n tract. Inqu1ry has been made of the County conoern1ng their regulation of such direotional signs as exist 1n Rancho R1nconada. This sign may be lnstalled 1n the County, or, 1n the City. 5. City of SC Planning Comm1ssion - Joint meeting on free- way June 10 - At this meetine. attended by Mr. Leonard and Mr. Bell, the City of Santa Clara deoided to s1de w1th Cupertino, favoring a route north of Homestead, then southeast to Moorpark Avenue, 6. Cupertlno Un10n School Distriot - Summer schedule on school uses. Posslbi11ty of rearrang1ng Planning Com- m1ssion meetings to oonform with the dates of Couno1l meetings was disoussed. B. Oral 1. MoLaugh11n -VFW Fireworks permit This has been signed and returned to the County Flre Marshal. 2. Mayo~'Meyerholz - Appointment of Edw1n J. Myers to Planning Commission. Chairman Leonard reported that the Mayor has apPointed Mr, Myers to the Commission. He suggested a luncheon meeting at wh1ch Mr. Myers can be fam1l1arlzed wlth the Plannlng Co~nlssion bus1ness. The minutes of previous mep.tings will be made ava1lable. 3. Miscellaneous a, Ray Erickson from Cupert1no Rental asked for s1gn regulat10ns, If the s1gn is ready for installat10n before Cupertino adopts an ord1nanoe, the County regulat10ns will be followed. b. Mr, Aronsen reported that children were walk1ng through h1s property on the way to Cupertlno School and requested some way to d1vert them. Mr. Leonard told him to contact the Chief of Pollce who m1ght be able to give him some satisfaction through the Sheriff's Department or the School Distr1ct. IV UNFINSlHED BUSINESS A. Hear1ngs olosed w1thout a full Commission present to vote a declslon. 1. Aronsen rezonlng; Permanente rezon1ng 2. Balas real estate off1oe proposal 3, General Petroleum servlce stat10n proposal. Commlss1oner Bell moved that the Aronsen, Balas, and Generp' PetroJeum applications be held over u;:-:3~.1 !l8Y,t mp.~t1n!< ( to laG:' of é: 1'ourth member; second.e.J. b} ;;~ j., : _d,,- ~._ Mr. Rukan presented new sohemat10 draw1ngs. -2- B. Further discussion of sign ordinance items, Co~1ssioner Bell reported a meeting with ýtone & Schulte Company. As a result of the meeting, Stone & Schulte is making arrange- ments to move the Clalrmont Homes sign wi\hin ten days, that is by July 1. A letter from the Company recommended flat fees based on a minimum charge for six month period or a maximum charge for a twelve month period. Commlssioner Bell suggested that the ordlnance lnclude a provision that builders submit in advance the position and number of future signs. This is known as a package plan, Chairman Leonard referred to the Palo Alto ord1nance which allows signs of no more than forty square feet, direo- tional only, with no descriptlve information. The County oonsiders a sign a structure with a set back 'required, thus putting the slgn behlnd the building line. In response to requests for an outline of an ordinanoe, Commissioner Bell specified dimensions, materials, lnspectio, setbacks from road and nearest intersection, fees, removal~ hold harmless clause, package plan and lssuance of permlts. Mr. Bell suggested that the City Attorney inoorporate these matters along with the proper legal verbiage into a sign ordinance. Mr, Bell added that the building line should be the closest point a slgn should be allowed to the road. C. Kyne-Cummings subdivision items, possible sidewalk polloy" Consensus appeared to favor sidewalks for this subdivision. Mr. Fleming, representing the engineering company, then posed two questions; first, does the Commission want verti- cle curbs, and secondly he requested a deflnlte answer as to sidewalks or not. D. Kellet-Salera medico-dental building proposal. Highway 9 near Rodrigues, Mr, Price the architect, estlmated the locatlon as 2)0 feet from Rodrlgues, Although the State Hlghway Englneer suggested separate ingress and egress, he said that the . future widening would make separate roadways inconvenient. After examining the plans, Chalrman Leonard asked whether Rodrigues' two and one-half acres (whlch he proposes to divide into half acre lots) abuts the property designated for this medico-dental building. Mr. Leonard told. Price to secure clearance on architectural and site control. Con- firmation.from the County will set a building permit process in motion. E. Request for recent amendments to County subdivision ordinanc Mr. Leonard read a letter addressed to Dick Olsen, olerk of the Board of Supervisors, bearing on subdivision regulations from the County. F. Miscellaneous Otis Forge reported that the Sanitary District jobs are out for bids in Monta Vista now, With reference to oppositlon toward the sewer district, he said that opponents can pro- bably be offset by com~ittee action from within, He also said that the district will be able to take advantage of . school money allocated to sanitary sewers in the district. v NEW BUSINESS A, John Rodrigues inquiry on creating half-acre lots south of Rodrigues AVenue. Commissioner Neilsen said that the property inquestion was rather low to draln into the existing line on Stevens Creek Road. If the City develops a plan for strom sewers, feasible drainage might be arranged. B. John Rodrigues inquiry on completing street dedication 1n Town and Country Subdivision. Mr, Leonard reported that the Rodrigues famlly built a oonsideaable portion of the Town and Country Subdivision. County procedure ls to examine the streets after the lapse of one year to determlne if acceptable, by current speoifi- cations. In this case, the County engineer changed pOSitioJ at the proper time for inspection of the Town and Country Subdivision Roàds and the matter was never brought to prope1 conclusion: although Rodrigues is in pr.'E'p.ssion of a If'!r'¡'' , froL'l !.¡)'.) Ð~fì:"<), of Superviscrs ("'~b~:,:,:,,':, , ",' ", ' unaccepi:;ed portions did meet the s¡:..",,,j:t 1:,1,.<": '.'''' ' "7;;Go However, the streets in dispute were never fr.;:', .] accepteê by the County. -)- Now, Rodrigues is willing to make some repairs so that the Clty will accept title, Comrnlss1oner Bell suggested that Sunrlse Drive be cut through to Hlghway 9, leaving the lot to be maintained by Rodrigues. Mr. Anderson sald it was his understanding that the Com mission wished to accept title to Rodrigues Avenue r of w plus one foot to the south and Western Drive, plus a pro- jection of Sunrise. Chairman Leonard sa1d that a public utillty water llne under Rodrigues Avenue, owned by Harold Denton has com- pounded the problem and partly accounts for the present width of Rodrigues Avenue. 't Mr. Anderson asked whether the City is bound by County standards inasmuch as the Clty has many sub-standard street Can the City require these particular streets to be broughL to standards not mainta1ned in the remainder of the City Streets, he asked, The street evidently conformed in 1952 except for wldth. Arthur Ellis inquiry on a possible small annexation east of' Blaney about opposite Collins School. Query on uses propoJ< Mr. Leonard said that the Commission will want to disc~' the size, shape and uses of the parcels should they become a part of the City, The street pattern would be another matter for discussion. After examining the map of the property, the Commissior felt that the lot sizes are adequate, that the lndicated right of way is agreeable and there ls no objection to the. annexation, Ellis himself plAns to sell the lots. Anthony Caires. Request for a tune-up shop corner of Steve: Creek and Bianchi Way next to Cupertino Union Church site. The Commission agreed that a use permit should be required and Commissioner Neilsen moved that the matter ~e set for ~ing on July S; seconded by Commissioner Bell, carried 3 - O. VI ADJOURNMENT 10:00 P.M. .. C. D. R"pectfully submitted, ' h1_\V~ It... W1tJW. LAWRENCE K. MARTIN City Clerk