PC 07-19-57 p. O. Box 597 P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Al 2-4505 MI~mTES OF THE REGULAR MEETI~G OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 19, 1957 Place: Time: Cupertino School, Teachers Lounge 8:00 P,M. I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Leonard, Myers, Neilsen Commissioners Absent: Bell, Cali MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS rm~TING OF JULY 5, 1957 were read; the following corrections were noted: Item II-A-2, n6-18-57" shouJè be "7-18-57. Item III-Paragraph 6-Llne 1, delete "takes prece- dence over the", insert "is not bound by", Item III-Paragraph VIII-Line 2, change "Mr." to 'Mrs." Item IV-A-Paragraph 6-Line 2, delete "and" insert "but with", Page J-Line 24, change "3 - 0" to "J - 1". Add the following ltem from the Planning Commission report to the City Council 7-15-571 Affirmative Recommendation on a Proposed Annexation: Mr. Art Ellis proposes a small annexation of about 13 acres in the viclnlty of his residence at 10934 N. Blaney. He reports that he has discussed the matter fully with participating neighbor~; that he has their consent; that the area contains fewer than 11 registered voters. The annexation would be "Uninhabited". The Commission has discussed future uses and future streets with the applicant. He proposes single family dwellings on large lot~ for his Qwn property, Other. owners have indicated continuing interest in agriculture uses. The area was cut up in small plots some years ago; has no inte- grated character; shows lack of planning, Lf1ng close in and just east of Blaney, it appears to be a reasonable addition to City territory. While there may be some unsightly elements in the general neighborhood, it appears to the Commission that on balance there would be mutual benefits to the City and the owner~ and residents from such an annexation. II COr~NICATIONS A, \o1ritten 1. Santa Clara County Planning Dept. Summary of meeting of 7-3, including resolution adopted for a batch plant at Lebanon Drive, Monta Vista. Agenda for meeting of 7-17-57 Residential subdivisions recorded in Santa Clara County 6-1 to 7-1 including Thunderbird, Walbrook Estates, Sunnymount Acres for Cupertino School District. 2. League of California Cities Dinner meeting at Rickey's July 26 3. Publlc Utilities Commission Request for latest map of the City. B, Verbal 1. Commissioner Myers said that the officials of the Cupertino School District will be glad to dine with members of the Planning Commission and discuss affairs of mutual interest. III UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Further discussion of matters on which hearings have been closed. After noting that there were only three votes present, Chairman Leonard said that a real estate office in an R-J zo:;. is more or less prohibited, according to the County, It conflicts wlth the regulations against signs, external advertising, etc. Another basis for objection would be the fact., of strip commercial, as well as a traffic hazard on thiF site, There is no co~mercial on Kirwin. Mr. Leonard said he doubted that a remodeled garage would meet H requirements Commissioner Bell noted that the Planning Commlssion ca~ exerclse discretion and determine fitness of thls business or', the premises. CommisA'.oner Myers asked Balas 1f the build11"g W('I») c', ,. wiring an 6, nt~¡;¡l' restriotions for (.crwr.""'e'.,~,. ::-::' .'/ .. lf not, would the necessary changes be too eX.Jet,J , '? ~--~-~----,-,..._".- IV V -2- Mr. Anderson reported that there 1s at ppesent a b~11d1ng restriction against commercial use, which to be removed, from the deed restrictions would require approval of a majority of the tract. Chalrman Leonard sald Mr, Balas might appre- c1ate some lndication from the Commlsslon before golng to the expense of renovating and possibly removing deed restriction~ Mr. Anderson suggested that the Commission consider requ' lng a use permit plus a rezonlng (as in gas stations) due to the possibility of other uses developing, Kelley-Salera Medico-Dental Building, #9 near Rodrigues Ave. Nothing negative has been heard from the Building Inspec tion Department and no further action had to be taken by the Planning Commission. Mlscellaneous An item of business inadvertently omitted concerned a small subdivision about 400 feet ~est of Highway 9, contalnin seven lots of about 11,200 square feet, proposed by Rodrigues The drainage at this point appears to be a problem and the matter was tabled for further discussion. Report on developments wlthin the Sanltary Dlstrlct The court decision in the Fremont Road sewer suit provide; a basis for joint use of trunk lines. A Sanitary Dlstrict has been formed east of Stevens Creek channel. Formation of a second district west of Stevens Creek channel is belng studied and a petition ls belng circulated for a third local improvement district. Report on County subdivision ordinance amendments Mr. Leonard referred to a digest of views and discussions concernlng a subdlvls10n ordlnance under date of January 28. Commlssioner Myers sald he approved the ideas and p.lnciples, subject to further study at a work sesslon, He is opposed to cul-de~sacs and prefers utility easements in the back, Report on sign ordinanoe Mr. Leonard read the Monte Sereno slgn ordlnance whloh provides a fee of one dollar per square foot of sign per quarter. Mr. Myers said he would llke to see a copy of the Palo Alto ordinance, especially its provisions relative to buildin lines and set backs, Mlscellaneous Mr. Myers moved that the Commission send a copy of the most recent letter to Giuffrida relative to the Britt Boat Shop bY re~istered mail; seconded by Commissioner Neilsen, carried J - 0. ~ BUSINESS A. Request by Pat D. Haley to enlarge single family residence at 10684 Larry Way. Mr. Leonard sald the usual procedure called for Cupertino to vdrlfy the zoning then send the plans to the County Building Department for review including set back, coverage, height, etc. The Commisslon approved the sketches and said that Mr, Haley should be direoted to the County Healt~Planning and Engineering Departments for the permit. B. Miscellaneous Chairman Leonerd reported that the Sanltary District Board felt the Rodrigues Subdivislon proposal would be dubious if not serviced by sewers within LID No, J. The terrain ánd so~ oonditions are not favorable at this spot. There appeared tr be no objectlon to single family 11,000 foot lots on this si\ Rodrigues evidently intends to build one of the houses for himself, petteS] range $22,000 uP. Mr. Myers sald that the ~ size and pattern (as indicated on a subdlvision map) appears to be in keeping with the anticipated ordlnance. Commlssion! Nellsen questioned this project from the standpoint"of flood control, City Attorney Anderson said that the Sanitary Dist; i/ takes no jurisdiction over flood control, (Chairman Leonard suggested tentative approval subject to satisfactory arrange, ments on sewerS and storm dralns and pUblio utili t., ri¡;;ht,· T;1'a",o,,=I np'''1:.çn, AD OURNMENT - 10 :10 P.M., moved by Commissiœ:el",I.¿\",: '. ;;{;:[>(..i1c.0<.1. , Commissioner Neilsen, carried 3 - 0, ( " . III. Respectfully submitted, I.~ í \'fJ1.^,.tc::l,,' LAWRENCE K. MARTi,;.. City G:' B, C, D, E. F, G.