PC 09-20-57 p. O. Box 597 P LAN N I N G CITY OF COM MIS S ION CUPERTINO Al 2-4505 Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Planning Commission September 20, 1957 Plaoe: Time: Collins School, Teachers Lounge 8: 00 P, !~, I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Bell, Leonard, Myers, Neilsen Cali Minutes of the Previous meeting of September 6, 1957 were read; the following corrections were noted: Item IV-B, delete "The agricultural housing for the flower growers to be located on Blaney s0uth ~f Lucille", Item IV-D, strike "defer to", add "£"to.._~e&· With". II CO¡¡I1UNICATIONS A. Written 1, Tri-County Planning Council:,nnounclng a seminar on the legal aspects of planning, October 26, 1957, 2, Santa Clara County Planning Commission: Mailing of agendas wll1 henceforth be considered sufflcient notice of business before it;. Mèe17ings are still held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. B, Verbal None III UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Monta Vista Assembly of God: Continued discussion of propose small lot subdivision near NE corner of Stevens Creek Road and Stelling Road. Nothing new presented. B. Bud Boyd for Watson Electrical Company of Riverside: Inquiry regarding a use permit or rezoning to permit operation of contracting business from the Guiffrida boat shop property on Stevens Creek Road near Blaney, Contlnued. No one present in connection with this matter. C. Sign Ordinance Discussion Commission waiting for lnitial draft from the City Attorney. D. Master Plan Discussion - ~uestionnaire Postponed, E. Miscellaneous None IV NEW BUSINESS A. Harry Chow. Expected a'[lication for chrysanthemum beds, sout side of Rodrigues. A few facts were developed by reference to the proposed aster field on the west side of Miller. Two and one half acres is necessary to qualify for the agricultural exemptions. There are in addition six conditions prerequisite. The Chairman stated that agriculture is perm1tted in an R-l:B-2 zone. One of the questions to be decided is whether the proposal at hand is agriculture. A later reading of zoning regulations revealed that uses permitted in R-l districts include nurseries and greenhouses used for the propagating and cultivating of plants, also accessory buildinf and accessory uses, There is a continuing attempt to prevent sub-standard housing which might start as strawberry farming, for example. Mr. Leonard said that building inspection is evidently waived on structures defined as accessory. The waiver is predicated on several conditions. Mr. Leonard referred to the objections rais~ at the last meetlng of the City Council and observed that a difference of opinion exists with respect.to what is good and what is beautiful, No official arplication had as yet been filed and no illegal act has been committed, Mr, Spalding, representing Harry Chow, distributed ads showing the plywood, pre-fabricated, government houses he expects to move to the property, He explained that Mr. Chow intends to develop the property residentially after flve years or so. The engineering firm of MoKay and Sompts is surveying Chows 7i acres for future quarter-aore lots, with the neces- sary street and oul-de-sao pattern. -2- B. Mr, Leonard said that future widening Of Rodrlgues Ave. may encounter complications involving a water utillty line owned by Harold Denton and running east-west along Rodrigues Ave. He estimated that sanitary sewers should be available within a year. Septic tanks are a dim possibility. The Storm drainafe is poor on this parcel and the solution to this and the immediately surrounding area would cost over $100,000. At the moment a 12 and 16 inch storm sewer runs down Stevnes Creek Road to the Calabayas Creek. Another line. follows McClellan and crosses Blaney, Mr. Harriman, at the meeting to protest the chrysanthemum field, stated that financing difficulties would not prevent residential development of this property. He also said the agricultural use ended with the bulldozing of the fruit trees. Another protest was made, not because the trees were removed, but on the basis that the proposed operation is not compatible with the immedi?te environment and its locatlon tn the City, The projected use was described as filthy and unpleasant. He failed to see how proper controls could be exercised. Mr. Spalding, Speaking for Chow, offered to show anyone Chow's present and similar operation on Alpine Road behind Stanford University. Mrs, Atkinson cited County zoning regulations to the extent that no adverse effect need be permitted, She consl- dered the plan in question as such. T~ spectat.ors_l~ ge~oral dwelt on the interpretation ~nat could or should be given to the R-l:B-2 zoning. The Chairman reiterated that no official or specific applic~tion was before the Planning Com~ission, Mr. Chow said he planned to plant J/4 of an acre in chrysanthemums, that he had cleared J acres and that he would plant trees on the spot indic9ted by the survey to be the south line of Rodrigues Avenue. Mr. Hard, residing on Sunrise Drive, questioned the flower growing with respect to fertilizers and sp~ys. Commissioner Bell said he felt the Planning Commission should consider two things. First, is the operation detri- mental to the City? Second, can agriculture exlst in an R-IB-2 district? He said the matter of precedent is importan1 Chairman Leonard said the Commission will probably be faced with similar problems in the future, Interim uses of land can be expected to develop in the transition from agri- culture. He said the community should face the fact that it must tolerate less than optimum use. In summary it was said that an engineers map will be forthcoming which will permit Mr, Chow to describe where the flowers, buildings, and buffer planting will be located. ~joved by Commissioner Bell that the matter be held and the., applicant be informed of the naturp of the permit necessary. if any; seconded by Commissioner Myers and carried 4 - O. Steve Balas: Request for sign permit at real estate office, corner of Kirwin and South Highway 9. Moved b'l Commissioner Bell that a permit be granted; seconded by Commissioner Myers, carried 4 _ o. V ADJOURNMENT - 10:JO P,M. Respectfully submitted, /S/ Lawrence K, Martin LM,RENCE K, MARTIN City Administrator-Clerk