PC 07-23-63
Commissioners Present: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Snyder, Small, Frolich
The purpose of the work session, explained Mr. Volker, is to go
over questions raised at past review sessions and clarify twenty-three
points before the planner's office proceeds with the final draft of
the General Plan.
Mr. Al Barlow, 21739 Terrace Drive, asked about light industry
north of McClelland and re-examination of R-l south of McClellan
north of Bubb. He asked if there would be such things as a warehouse,
tannery, or auto factory, all of which he would oppose.
Chairman Frolich explained that light industry would be on the
order of the Stanford Park type of development. This woüld rule out
the things Mr. Barlow mentioned, as the requirements of an industrial
park are pretty strict where it butts up against a residential area.
Regarding R-l south of McClellan, the City has been reluctant to go
multiple in the area south of there, and has notified the County of
the City's wishes when their actions seemed to be against the poliCY.
It was noted that the County does not seem to be at odds with the
City, but such is not the case with San JOse. Mr~ Volker pointed out
that juriSdiction is limited to Cupertino, however the Plan covers all
of the "pla.nning area". Cupertino has not had anything to offer in
the way of a plan before now, so perhaps the surrounding cities will
want to go along with the City. Joint sessions could be arranged.
Commissioner Fitzgerald pointed out that the overall density of
Cupertino is 3.9, that San Jose density is 5 per acre, and San JoSe
is creating the high density out off the Bubb Rd area now. If the 300
acres of the old Seven. Springs Ranch goes to San Jose, the density would
It was pointed out that there is some commercial that is zoned but
not shown on the map, at Rainbow and Bubb Rd.
The Planner proceeded with his first question, the properties on
the west side of Wolfe Road across from the VALCO development. Varian
is hoping for industrial on both sides of Wolfe. Advantages are that
extension of the industrial park would abut residential, and would be
buffered. The best plan seems to be the back-to-back treatment l~ther
than facing, even across a thoroughfare. Wolfe would pe a·major entry
into the industrial park. Disadvantages would be that there would be
industrial uses next to residential. An alternative would be high
density residential on the west side of Wolfe. Opposition has been
expressed by the residents. It is understood by the Planner that
Id1ewild Greens favors indústria1 park with buffer to high rise. Their
proposals for the north side of the freeway would be some professional
office as well as commercial service center. South of the ~reeway,
additional industrial usage would be proposed. The Planner recommended
that the Plan be extended to include the above.
The second question concerned the remainder of the 117 land. It
has been up in the air between high density and industrial park because
of the freeways, major highway access on Homestead, Wolfe and Highway
#9. It is shown as high density residential. The presumption is that
the Mariani packing plant will some day give way to something else.
Commissioner Fitzgerald pointed out that there 1s 10 acres of
commercial near there, ~nd· asking an owner go give up multiple or
commercial for industrial might cause some trouble.
Mr. Paul Mariani pointed out the need for a 400 acre regional
shopping center, stating that ~f it is needed, the land should be
reserved. Time is wasting and the City should look close on how it
spends its land. Commissioner Fitzgerald asked if he was suggesting
#7 be commercial. Mr. Mariani replied that #7 is the logical point.
Chairman Fro1ich asked if industrial in #7 would take the place
of industrial in #9 and #10. The Planner stated that it would, that
there would not be the demand for twice the amount proposed. Also
lands in #9 and #10 would be some distance away for extension of the
VALCO interests.
Chairman Frolich wondered if the plan shouldn't stand as it is,
that the need might determine the best use. If the need shows up in
the near future, #7 could handle it. If it does not, and owners in #7
wish to develop, then the Monta Vista might be better.
The Planner stated that the land in #7 may have better use as a
regional shopping facility or an industrial park than high density.
The properties between Highway 9, Blaney, Homestead and the freeway
would make up the 100 acres needed for such a development. Skipping
across to Highway 9 did not seem feasible to the Commission.
Commissioner Fitzgerald felt that existing soning, heavy density
should be held, since the owner seems satisfied. It was decided to
leave the area as shown on the Plan, in high density.
Commissioner Snyder felt that more commercial could be planned
around the freeways.
Chai rman Fro 11 c h
building in the City.
Volker explained.
Mr. Warner Wilson felt that the City should adopt a policy of
placing neighborhood shopping centers around their perimeters to draw
from nearby cities as well as Cupertino. He also pointed out that
there is very 11 ttle commercial planned abound the Foothill Blvd.. area.
asked if there is any plance for a large office
It would go in the industrial complex, Mr.
Mr. Mariani commented that one of the largest single sources of
sales tax money is automobile sales. The City could plan ahead for an
"aùt.o city" where everything in the automobile line, from new cars to
accessories could be.purchased.
The Production Schedule as of JUly 1963, Cupertino General Plan
Program, was presented.
August 20
October 1
October 10
October 15
October 24
November 19
December 17
Draft of General Plan Report
General Plan Report and Map
First Public Hearing on General Plan
Zoning Ordinance Review Report
Second Public Hearing on General Plan
Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Proposed Zoning
Subdivision Ordinance Review Report
The next meeting on the Preliminary General Plan will be July 30,
at the Board Room, unless it is not available. It was requested
the Planner be notified location of the meeting when confirmed.
It was requested that the Planning Commission be furnished copies
of a sketch of freeways within the City, showing interchanges and
overcrossings within the entire planning area, and an approximate
construction schedule for same.
Commissioner Small moved that the meeting be adjourned to
Tuesday JUly 30, 8:00 at the Board Room of the Administration Building.
Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald. Motion carried 5-0.
/s/ Donald Frolich, Chairman
Ro er· . S !,- ecret~y ,
Planning Commission