PC 03-23-64 . 10321 So. HWy 9, 'Cupertino, Calif., 95914' C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TI N.O CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION - 3/23/64 TIME: PLACE: 8:00 P.M. Board Room, Cupertino School District Office . I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL" Commissioners absent: Ad\1.mo, Small~ Snyder, Thomson, Fitzgerald (V1ce':Chairman) Frolich, Rampy'" . Commissioners present: MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS.MEETING: March 9, 1964 .; .. . . . . It was moved by Comm.·' snYder. an'!, secondedbyComm.Small to approve, theminutes'òt'.'M¡¡,rch 9,1964. .".", . .; .'~ '. 1:: ,";',." ":':';', . " '. ,,' c':;' . '. , ......,. !;. -- .", ',' ,I,' III COMMUNICATIONS: ·'.:i.j ',;: ,- "",".", A. ,.Wr;!.tten:, .. ,- ;-,"¡. '" ...: '- 1. March 17th letter froin w:tl~eÿj Ham 8: Blair concerning extens ion of the c antract . ' . , .,. ' r' , . , 2. Letter from Sàntà Clara CountYRi.ding' and Hiking Trails Committee and copy of their minutes of their, Feb. 6th weeting. -'-.."..' 3. A.S.P.O. Newsletter for March, 1964. 4. February 28th .letter from State .Recreation Commission giving the criteri¡¡, for eligibility 'of projècts .', covered by theSta:te of California Resources Agency. . . ,'it" . 5. copy of Senate BiÜ #153 -- Park and Recreation Bill '¡ which provides grants'. Comm. Snyder recommended this Senate Bill #153 be routed to the City Council since this may be appli- cable to t.hepark plan now in progress. 6. CQunty Planning Commission 1ettar informing the City of the moving of a residence onto a lot south of Old Stevens Creek Road, east of Foothill Blvd., and asking if there were. any ob jections or c,omments. It was moved by Comm. Small and. seconded by Corom. Snyder that thewri'tten communications 'bereceived and filed. Motion carried, 5-0 -1- EW Minute Order, it was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Comm. Snyder to forward copy of Senate Bill #153 to the City Council. Motion carried, 5-0 IV HEARINGS SCHEDULED A. A. J. & H. E. WILLIAMS: Appl. 2-2-64 to rezone 0.77 acres from R-l-A:B-2 to C-l~H; southeast corner of Stevens Creek Blvd and Stelling Road. Appl. 3-u-64 for a service station. (Continued.) Attorney Jon P. Harward, representing the Williams sisters, said he had stated his case at the first Hearing and asked the Commission for questions at this time. He distributed copies of the plot plans and emphasized how 15' along Stelling and 25' along Stevens Creek Blvd would be dedicated roadways, which are badly needed at this time. He indicated the proposed Mobile service station will be similar to the one at Stevens Creek Blvd and Wolfe Road, except there will be a rock roof and. large glass doors in the front. The building will be of redwood board and batten with used brick in the front. Comm. Snyder called attention to the inconsistency of the drawings distributed to the Commission and that on the bulletin board in that one showed three bays and the other showed only two bays. Comm. Adamo wanted to know the width of the bays. Answer: 15 ' . 'Atty. Harward stated that Mobile has indicated they will be glad to add any greenery requested by the H-Control Committee. To the question of further street dedications, Atty. Harward stated the applicant is willing to improve only that roadway along the service station area at this time. Real Estate agent Warner Wilson added that the applicant is willing to put in an additional 25' of sidewalks. It was added that the applicant will attempt to retain thè general appearance of the corner by saving the large trees there. Comm. Thomson felt this station should have a better roof on it. Atty. Harward ans~er~d that if it was the pre- ference of the Planning Commi~sion orH-Control, that Mobile will install a tilè'root. Comm.Small indicated he did not like the building at all. He emphasized that this corner should be upgraded. Atty. Harward stated that Mobile would be willing to make some architectural changes in order to pass H-Control. -2- Comm. Adamo said he felt the same as he did a year ago about this piece of. property. This i'sa pr.oper use for this corner antl H_CQntrolcouid control the quality of , the building and landsòa.ping. It was moved by Comm. Thomson and seconded by Comm. Adamo to approve application 2-z-64, sub ject to. the'· 12 standard conditions and 13. a tile roof as on the Mobile station , on Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek, Blvd. Comm. Small amended the motion to the effect·that a new " set of plans must be submitted tOR-Control. "( Thevdte on the'amendment was as follow,s: AYES: Comm. NAYS:· None Adamo, Small, Snyder, Thomson, Fitzgerald Motion'carried,5-0 The vote on the zoning was a.s follows: AYES·: . Comm.. ..i\.damo, Small, Thomson, Fitzgerald NAYS: Comm. Snyder Motion carried, 4-1 . ' It was moved by Comm. Thomson and seconded by Comm. Adamo to approve application3-U-64 for a service sta- tion, subject to the 12 standard conditions, 13. a tile roof, and 14. a new set of plans to be submitted to H-Control. ' AYES: NAYS: Comm. Adamo, Small, Thomson, Fitzgerald Comm. Snyder Motion carried,4~1 B. DURA-STYLE HOMES, INC.: Appl. 3-Z-64 to rezone 35 acres from R-l:B-2 ·to PC-Hi east side of Foothill Blvd, south of Hartman Drive. First Hearing. Mr. Mike Engdahl, president of Dura-Style Homes, Inc., said that his original application for rezoning had re- ceived so much opposition because the neighboring residents were worried about what would happen if the land were rezoned and he ,decided to sell rather than develop it. He assured the Commission he planned to go ahead and develop his town house project, but was willing to put 30 to 35 homes along Hartman Drive and Ainsworth on 75 x 100' lots, in the $30 to $35,000 price range, with fencing along the back property lines, to act as a buffer b6tween the, t,own house development and existing residences. In addition, he proposed to put 2 cluster arrangements, lowering the density factor to 204 residences with 508 garages and carp.Qrts and 250 parking spaces. ," ,This woÙ.ld!.'ciome put to 3.0 to 35 R..: . homes, and 121' town houses:--- or' 5.82 homesper':acre. All this would be in addition to the recreation areas~two pools, and the common greens -- all beautifully' landscaped. -3- Mr. Leo Ruth, the Civil Engineer, wanted to emphasize that these plans are definitely tied to the rezoning,whether Dura-Style built them'or whether the property were developed by somebody else. Mr. Goodwin Steinberg, the architect, pOipted 9ut that 'these R-l homes would be similar to, if not better than those in Pep~ertree. Comm. Small commented that this is quite an over the last presentation and that the R-l posed here seem to be of excellent quality. Hills is now adopting the cluster plan. improvement homes pro- Los Altos Corom. Thomson asked specifically about the area south of Oak Knoll Drive. Mr. Engdahl said that it would be the same as previously planned except for the cluster ar- rangement along Foothills Blvd. Corom. Snyder said he would like to see the map revised to reflect the developer's current thinking, noting incon- sistencies on his copy of the map. The Assistant City Engineer stated that a petition against this new application had been filed at City Hall. It contained names of 201 people living in that area. Vice-Chairman Fitzgerald asked if these new plans meet with the Engineering Department's requirements. Answer was in the affirmative. He then asked for comments from the audience. Mr. Jack Burroughs, 22171 Cloverly Court, Los Altos, stated he is president of the Creston Homeowners' Association. He then proceeded to read four pages of arguments including a resUme of the reasons why the original application was denied and comments by some of the Commissioners and Councilmen. Mr. Woody Tillman, Rivercrest Subdivision, stated that the Rivercrest homeowners have withheld their written protests so far, but a petition is forthcoming. Mr. James MacDonald, 10571 Ainsworth Drive, stated he is a member of the Santa Clara County Apartment House Association, and wanted to call attention to an. error in this new application -- it is not 35 acreSj no change in use of 30 acres as proposed by the original application. He added that multiple housing in Santa Clara County is now at a crisis, and this could result in a lot. of unsold living units. He felt thisa.rea could be sùccessfully developed as B-1 housing bec,ause of thegent.le",sloping hills. ' Mr. Engdahl question~d whether this could be economically feasible. He also felt this would be a waste of land, which is so valuable in Santa Clara County. The improve- ment costs for streets, storm and sanitary sewers, utili- ties, etc., for 91 lots on 35 acres would be prohibitive. -4- Mrs. J. C. MacDonald, 10571 Ainsworth Drive, stated that Mr. Engdahl has only an option. on,~his land and it is quite a different matter than if the owner of the land had asked for rezoning. She added that Mr. Ruth has made plans for R-l developments in this very same area. Comm. Small commented that according to the master plan, as explained by one of the consultants, land in this area could go multiple and not go beyond the density specified , for this areà because the Permanente area would be figured into the overall density. Comm. Snyder questioned whether the consultant was referring to this specific area when he made that statement. Mr. Ruth wanted to rebut statements made by Mrs. MacDonald. He said that he has prepared many plans for this area but when the improvement costs were evaluated the cost was prohibitive. Mr. Richard Hose, 10335 Stonydale, Cupertino, wanted it in the record that the opposing groups were against the town house concept. Vice-Chairman Fitzgerald felt that the fact that Cupertino has no town house ordinance as yet and that this type of development must now fall into the R-24 category is what scares the people. Mr. Steven Hall, Creston Subdivision, declared the traf- fic situation at peak hours is now critical at Foothill Blvd., and this new development would only compound it. Mr. Albert Greggs, Creston Subdivision, questioned the size of the homes in the cluster plan at Foothill Blvd and Hartman Drive and wondered if they would be compatible with existing homes in that area. Mr. Steven Hall questioned what would happen if this pro- ject fails to sell. He cited a similar case in the Almaden area which failed to sell and the units are now being rented and the common greens leave a lot to be desired. Mr. Engdahl agreed that if the units could not be sold they must be rented, but that he does not anticipate this. Also, FHA requires that the money or a bond must be put up for the landscaping for a project of this type. He added that FHA representatives felt this development was a good one and were interested in its progress. This motivated his new application. Mr. Frank Walker, Creston Subdivision, asked the Planning Commission to please protect his investment. Mr. Steinberg asked if the people in this area would be agreeable to the cluster plan and the homes which would be equivalent to Peppertree homes. If not, there would be no point in pursuing this any further. The Vice- Chairman advised the applicant get together with the objectors to iron this out between themselves. -5- Mr. WoOdy Tillmansa1d this cluste~ plan eounded best applioation for. this propertys&" far~, 11.ke the .. ,-.:_' Comm. Snyder requested infor~;t1on ;èn financing' typê of· development. Mr.,. Engdahl said it would . tia'1iythe sam\!! as tpe ,.óriginai );jlan. ,. ;,>' of this be essen- , .. , . , "'Iti-l/¡'s"nloved :by Com~.Th~mson a.nd secohded, to'ëiose the FirstH~arlng. '.' " .J by Comm. $mall , '1- \".,' AYES: NAYS: Comm. Adamo, Small, Snyder ,Thomson, Fitz;ger,ald None , , , , Mot~on carried, 5-0 "',\ C . MASON ENTERPRISES, INC. : Appl. ll2-Z-63to rezq'fle' 50 acres from M..l :B-4-H to R-2-H, R-3-H and.R-24-H;ea,st eide of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, north of Un1VersitYAvenue. First Hearing. ' .>. < Messrs. Lou Tersini, Vice-Presideht, ând DickJRqgers, .,M9.r'ket1ng' Director., prose.ntedplot plans for this land . 'Whlch'is bordered by the .South~rn Pacific tracks· on the weát;the proposed freeway on 1¡he east, a subdivision in the County on the south, and the Jùniperà, Serra Freeway on .the north. Mr. Tersini explatnedtheState will put in frontage streets along either side of the freeway for access. Mr. Rogers stated this would 'be a tòWn house'deV0910pment ,in the' $18 ,to $20,000 bracket. There will be 100 units on , 10.5 acres and the R-3-rt portion' will be built.1nto '4-plexeá in the $110 to ,,$130' per month category:. He added that su1ta1:¡le,access to this area is needed. c, In 'regard to'the R-24 portion of the application, Comm. . Thomson wanted to know ,if the applicant would be willing to' alter theirr.equest if a. town housé ordinance is ei1aèted, to reflect this new' orCÌ1riance~ Mr, Rogers answered in, the affirmative. Comm. Thomsônsaid that at 'ie'ast'this developer is. providing'a buffer 2I0ne.' ,'. ", : ," ' . . \.~ ~ '!' Comm. 'Adamo was ,conceI,'ned about· the ingress ,and egress . problems . The As,s:l.stant 'City Engineer sUd', that if 'ånother;oùt canbe1'ound~ qther than'·that' 1:ndicated on the plot plan, it \'1ould be,recommended'because there " dEõ!f1pitely is a traffic problem the way it is now. , , .. . . .'. ..'- " Comm. Adamo 'suggested a good access route. Mann Drive'ratherthan Adrianna as , ....' , , ;'Mr,' TerSinì pOi{lted, out th¡ft this, länd 1-8 now.zoned for ,'irldustI'lal ·useand. there. would bè, ',1ust 'as' much a traffic , flow problem 11',..<\,t were deire+oped in"th1S manner, es- , peciálly at,peak hours~ ,jìê iéli there' snould:be coopera- tiÒn'between juri:;¡diét,'!onàånd th@ dé"e·löpérJs:in solving this ingress and egress problem'. ' ' , " . '..~ . -6- Mrs. Gustav Anger, 10185 Empire Avenue, Manta Vista, an- nounced that she is in favor of this development. She stated that she had an appointment for the next day with the State Grand Jury (specifically, Mr. Leslie Lowe) to try to work out some of the problems in this area. Comm. Adamo felt that it would be only ,right for the City Engineering Department to get into negotiations with the three jurisdictions. Time is of the essence since the freeway is not yet built here and the sewer and sanitary lines must be laid beneath the freeway to connect at the other side. It was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Comm. Thomson to close the First Hearing. AYES: NAYS: Comm. Adamo, Small, Snyder, Thomson, Fitzgerald None Motion carried, 5-0 It was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Comm. Adamo to refer the ingress and egress problem for this area to the City Engineering Department for a report as to any feasible BolÙtion. AYES: NAYS: Comm. Adamo, Small, Snyder, Thomson, Fitzgerald None Motion carried, 5-0 D. A. T. COOK AND RICHARD J. WILSON: Appl. 4-2-64 to rezone 5.5 acres from R-I:B-2 to R-3-H; west side of Foothill Blvd., 600' north of Alpine Drive. First Hearing. (Annexation in progress.) Mr. A. T. Cook presented a plot plan and stated his plans for this land, citing the work his firm has already done in this area and the quality thereof. He said this pro- ject would be as good as the previous ones, and may even surpass them. Comm. Small said this would solve some problems for the City and the builder certainly has a good repUtation in this area. Comm. Adamo shared this feeling. Mr. George Barrow, 10540 Foothill Blvd., stated he was in favor of R-l housing in this area. Motion was made by Comm. Small to close the First Hearing. This motion was withdrawn for purposes of more discussion. Comm. Thomson was in favor of having the City write a letter to Los Altos to see what zoning is on the adjoining property. He noted that Lots 10, 11, 16, and 17 are on the boundary of Los Altos and felt it would be in order to try to maintain compatibility here. Comm. Snyder asked the applicant why he felt R-3 would be suitable for this property. -7- ¡ '~ " Mr. Cook ,explainedthey:hàd ~.rrived atth:ts decision be- è~iuse of the surro,undingR_3;i;.he pearness'Of' the freeway, the overhead wires, 2 creek meeting here, it is a low spot, and á ceme.t.ery is gQ~ng· in, across from.it. He added that it would be hard to.deyelop a strèet pattern for an R-I development 'ont,l1is land. Mr. Cook stated that his firm has built some of the finestR-I and R,..3 inth1s area, and cited Rivercrest subdivision as one example. It was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Còmm. Adamo ·to close the. First Hearing. AYES: Comm. Adamo, Small; Snyder J Thomson,~ Fitzgerald , .. ~'NAYS ; None , ' Motion carried, 5-0' It was moved by Comm. Thomson and seconded by Comm. Snyder to instruct the City· Engineer to write to the .City of 'LoS ··Altosasking. f9r ,a~opy of their 'zoning map and 1nfor- mat10nregarding the ar!f~ip.questioh. '> ;1. . ,," AYES: NAYS: , '. , .COmm. Adamo, Small, Snýder,ThomSon, Fitzgerald None Motion carried,5-0 Mr. Cook wanted it in the record that he went to Cupertino rather. ,tQa:n toLps A~tosf.or annexatio;n. E. AME1=\ICANOIL GD.. : Appl. n4':u_64 for .aUse Permit for a service station. Property zoned C-l,..H. 'Approximately 1/2 acre at southeast corner of StevenS Creek Blvd. and Wolfe ROad. Second Hearing . , Vice-Chairman Fitzgerald absta.ined frOmth1s Hearing be- dauBe his office 1s,involved in a business transaction with the applicant. He appointed Comm. Adamo to act as Chairman fOr this Hearing. ," ., . " ~ .. Mt'. L. ;E. EndicQtt, repr'e~;mt1ng America'nOil, presented a.nalternatearchitectural design for the proposed service station. His first rendering was for a red barn. This 'orte was 'of a Hawal1an flavor.. ,He explained the masonry building would have redwood ,siding and a rubble random stone roof. ' 10,""(',,1:;: >,. . ,;.d,i. When asked whetqer hé.waspreparedtq give statistics on how his company had arrived at this'locatioh for their . choice; Mr.: End1cott.statf¡.!d..the1ri3urvey group bSgan their work ea1,"ly .in 1961 ar¡.dcOmp:¡'eted it early in 1964. ,He showed the. Commisl31on à'Sàçbòi'n MàpWhich indicates , thé! e'Oonomic' stru,cture: of given., ar.eas ~ FOr example , he pointed' t:o a;n:arf¡.!a, Y¡1tÞ: l,'74p households and said the average annual income here was $18,221'per family. They contacted all·,.tþ~. manufacturers in t~e a.rea and found out when the people s.tart wÒ~k and when ·t'heY get out. Then they build a chart by 1/2 hours on the peOple 'WhO work in a given area (not the' shoppers, etc.). They then proceed -8- to take corner counts of traffic at high and low periods in the A.M. and the P .M" based on a ,16-hour day rather than a 24-hour day. For example, Mr. Endicott said that at one period there were 21,000 cars traveling on Stevens Creek Blvd. and 700 on Wolfe Road. Mr. Endicott wanted to emphasize that, since American Oil is new on the West Coast, they are prepared to go all out in architectural design because s~nce everyþodyelse's products are good, all they have to , sell is service and themselves. He added that $75,000 will go into construc- tion costs, in addition to the land costs. The Chairman asked for comments from the audience, Mr. Jim Hunts, 7585 Kirwin Lane, Cupertino, asked what would go on the rear portion or the land where the , ' rendering showed green area, Mr. Endicott said there would be 35' from the back of the building to the back of the property line and this would be planted with grass, complete with sprinkling system. There would also be trees and shrubs planted to the satisfaction of the H-Control Committee. Comm. Thomson asked if a California Mission style of architecture would be feasible. He felt the rendering presented at the First Hearing was "New England" and the 'II " one presented at the Second Hearing was Hawaii. It was his opinion that a more suitable choice would be one which would reflect the atmosphere òf its locality. Mr. Endicott assured the Commission the architectural design could be worked out to the satisfaction of the Commission as lQng as he knew what that was. It was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Comm. Thomson to close the Second Hearing. AYES: Comm. Small, Snyder, Thomson, Adamo NAYS: None ABSTAINED: Comm. Fitzgerald Motion carried, 4-0 It was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Comm. Thomson that application 4-u-64 for a Use Permit fOr a Service Station be approved, subject to the 12 standard conditions. AYES: NAYS: Comm, Small, Thomson Comm. Snyder, Adamo Motion tied 2-2 It was moved by Comm. Small and seconded by Comm. Thomson to continue this application until April 13th bec~use of the tied vote. AYES: Comm. Small, Snyder, Thomson, Adamo NAYS: None ABSTAINED: Comm. Fitzgerald Motion carried,4-0 -9- F.WARD CRUMP DEVELOPMENTS, INC.: App1. 2-v-64 tor a Variance to allow front yard setbacks of 15' where Ordinance, requires 201, .Lots '152,153 and 154, Tract No. 3492, Baywoód Terrace Unit #3. . Mr. Crump explained that this property is backed up to ~véry steep1:ian~ and they requ.est a variance 01' S'in the front yard setback to allow them to move the homes that far forward t,oallow more 'light and aircirc1ilaUon at the rèar of: the homes. ' He said that two' years ago a ' '"variance to this ordinancè was passed, but that ,it was so wordèd that "it referred to homeswith'a curved'drive- way and the, ~omes in question have straight driveways. The drawings wer'e not present so Mr. Crump illustrated his point on the bla¢kboard. It .w~S moved by cömm. Small and seconded by éomm. Snyder to 'recommend a ppr òva 1 of applicatioIl 2-:V...;64 to the C1ty' C ourtc i1. AYES: NAYS: Comm. Adamo, Small, Snyder, Thomson, Fitzgerald None Motion carried, 5-0 ' V UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Miscellaneous I. :Comm. Thomso~wànted to make another request 'for the Engineering Department to provide a current chart of the City's zoning in all categories. B. The Commissioners are to set dates for rezoning ordinance work sessions. 1. The first work session is scheduled for 7i30 P.M., Monday, March 30, at the Cupertino School District Office. 2. The second work session is, scheduled for 8:00 P.M., Tùesday, April 7. ' 3. 'ThethirCl work session is 'scheduled for 8:00 P.M. Tuesday, April 21~ 4. The fourth work session is scheduled for 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 28. VI NEW. BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous I. Comm. Small asked if a letter of resignation is in order from those on the CommiSsIon' whose terms expire in April of this year. Vice-Chairman FitZgerald' stated that a letter should be writtên' only if the Commissioner qoes not seek reappointment. -10- 2. By Minute Order, it was moved by Comm. Snyder and seconded by Comm. Thomson to suggest to the City Council they consider setting up some type of architectural control for the town center in the early stages of development. The City Attorney stated at the last meeting that the City has the power to dictate the architectural theme of the town center. AYES: NAYS: Comm. Adamo, Small, Snyder, Thomson, Fitzgerald None Motion carried, 5-0 VII AD JOURNMENT It was moved by Comm. Thomson and seconded by Comm. Snyder to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 P.M. Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED : Isl Jerry Fitzgerald Vice -Chairman ATTEST: £.tvJ)LL Robert S. Shook Secretary, Planning Commission -11-