PC 05-14-64
10321 So. Hwy 9, Cupertino, Calif., 95014
C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0
City Hall
7:30 P.M.
Commissioners present: 'Gates, Snyder (8:20), Thomson (8:50), Frolich
Commissioners absent: Adamo, Johnson, Rampy
Staff present:
Assistant City Engineer, City Planner
Consultants present:
Messrs. Ray Schoenfeld, James Gardner
Citizens present:
Messrs. G. R. Gunn, R. R. Alves and
H. C. ~eavill of P. G. & E.
Mr. Burrell Leonard, Vallco Park
Mr. Worcester, Varian Assoc.
Mr. Frank Halstead, County Builde~s' Assoc.
Mr. Schoenfeld gave the Chairman 25 copies of the REVIEW OF THE
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE to be distributed.
In the absence of the two Planning Commissioners who plan to come
later, there was some general discussion about the history of early
Cupertino. The Consultant advised the Commission to throw more and
more detail work on the shoulders of the staff. The Chairman said
the Planning Commission now approves tentative maps and the Councils
sees these tentative maps and approves the final maps.
Chairman Frolich asked the represent!J.tives from P. G. & E. if it was
all right with them to wait ,to spe.qk when the other ,two Commissioners
were present, later on. This was all right with them.
Review of the PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE was then resumed, beginning
on page 31.
Sec. 8.1 Uses Permitted
(c) Add "town house. "
This change was followed by considerable discussion on the merits of
pyramiding. The Planning Consultant was in favor of it. Mr., Leonard
said that, based on the past ten years of Public Hearings in'Cuper-
tiho, it just doesn't work'here.
Next came a discussion on definitions. Comm. Gates wBpted a, defini-
tion of "semi-detached." He asked if this included61ù'stering. The
Consultant said that it could.
The City Planner wanted to khoW how 'many town houses could b,e semi-
detached in a row. It was decided this would be discussed at length
Sec. 8.4 Height Regulations
Should read: "No main building shall exceed 2 stories or 30
feet in height, and no accessory building shall exceed 1 story
or 15 feet in he ight. "
Sec. 8.6 Other Requirements
(a) Delete the last three words.
Since Comm. Snyder and Comm. Thomson were now presen,t, Mr. Alves.came
forward and distributed copies of P. G. & E. 's suggested àmendments
to Cuperttno's PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE. He then discussed the six
amendments with those present. (See Attachment A.)
It was decided that Item 2 on those suggested amendments should be
further clarified by adding "Sec. 25" at the end of it.
Comm. Gates felt the substations should be enclosed since, in his
opinion, the,re ,i!;1D It an;,rthing uglier than those substations Wit,h
their cyclone fences around them. ,Mr. Alves said enclosing them
would present some heat. pròblems. Comm. Gates felt these problems
could be overcome. He felt that enclosure of these substations would
preserve proper'ty values and improve the aesthetics of the area.
Comm. SY:\yder asked how many enclosed substations, P. G. & E. has ç¡t
the present time. The only one Mr. Alves said he ¡mew o,f is between
Sixth and Eighth Streets on Mission Street in downtown San Francisco.
Chairman Frolich requested the P. G. & E. men bring photographs of
examples of the treatment given substations in other areas the next.
time they come.
Mr. Gunn then described complete underground electrical systems. and
the streamline approach. lIe said the streamline approach looks good
IJt the present . time.
Sec. 9.1 Uses Permitted.
(a) Delete
(c) Add "and" between "multiple dwellings" and "semi-detached
single family dwellings" and delete the wor.ds: - ·"and
clustered single family dwellings. "
Sec. 9.2
Sec'~ 9.3
Accessory Uses
. . .",
Shouldþe ,dei~ted, from Sec. 9.2 and added to See,. 9.3.
USeS Requiring a Use pèrmit '
',": .
, .
,Add "are nÇ>t permitted. " at the em)..
De lete . "but not including ÍI and p'ut "except" in their place.
Add "are not permitted." at the end.
Sec. 9.5 Area, Lot Width, and Yard Requirements
(a) Delete "Single family and. "
(c) Delete "(Site width)~
(h) Building groups:
(3) Second line
"abut. "
de lete '''are brought" and insert
(6) Delete entire paragraph.
"Sec. 9.6 H Control
(a) Architectural and site plan approval are required of all
The City Planner aslced for a definition of "rear of the building."
The Planning Consultant said, 'The rear of the building is that
portion of the building opposite the front door."
Comm. Gates felt something should be done with R-4 to break up this
large mass of building and to encourage clustering with usable open
Comm. Thomson requested the City Planner
limitation of large mass~s of buildings.
number of apartments per entrance.
look into a general study of
He sÌlould check on the
The Planning Consultant suggested a study be made of the number of
square feet of usable space as opposed to the number of square feet
of open space.
The meeting was adjourned at 11.10 P.M.
Isl Donald Frolich
l ". (
(; ./
.JJ/ 1.3 J!/,), '--
Robert S. S'h06k
Secretary, Planning Commission
May 14, 1964
1. Page 86
2. Page 44
3. Page 47
4. Page 50
5. Page 100
6. Page 100
By: P.G.&E.
Amend Section 25, General Provisions and Exceptions,
by adding a new subsection as follows:
"Section 25.10 Public Utilities
Electric Substations shall be permitted in all dis-
tricts subject to first obtaining a Use Permit unless
otherw;ise. provided herein. "
",?,., j"',.
Amend Section13.6(a), "C-l" District"by:1,nseding
the words, "electric substations," after ·ÙiewbrdS
" II
except for in the second line.
Amend Section 14.'6('a) "C-2" District, 'by inserting
the words "electric substations," after the words
"except for" in the second line.
Ame~d Section 16.6(a) ,r"R_D" D1~trict;, by ,inserting
the words "public utili týbuildings and service yards,
" 'II . II
ele.ctric substations, after the words except for
in thè¡:¡econd line.
Amend Section 30.7, "Use Permit," by deleting the
semicolon and inserting the words "unless otherwise
provided therein;" a·f'ter the word "void" in the
third line.
Amend Section 30.7, "Use Permit, "by adding a second
paragraph as follows:
"A Use Permit may be renewed for an additional period
proVided that prior to the expiration of the date
when the Use Permit originally became effective, a
request for renewal is filed with the Planning Com-