PC 06-08-64 ¡032l So. Hwy 9, Cupertino, Calif., 95014 252-4505 ,., : CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA : ·;MrN1.JTES ·OFT.HE·REGULAR MEETING OF THE .PLANNING COMMISSION - 6/8/64 '. ''rtMEI , , ,;'€hûo P.M. , , PLACE: Board Room, Cupertino Elementary School District re :, '. SALUTE TO Tf{B FLAG "';, II ROLL, CALL:, , Commissioners present: Adamo, Gates, Johnson, Snyder, Thomson Commiªsioners absent: Frolich, RamPY Staff present: City Attorney, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner I ' MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS: May 21, 25, 28, 1964 ,-,. C'omm;~ Johnson had the following corrections: to the Minutes of .' May 25th: '.."; Page 9, last para." line l, '~nsert ~hè word s . "rßque::¡ted . <,' .' delete the word "challenged" and " further explanation of... '. ¡, i; Pagé"'10~ first'para., 'line 1, delete, the wbrd "if" and insert the words "Mr. Desmond to explain his statement of why... " '-,' ."'\ ' , , , Page )2, third para. from the . bottom, after' "welfare and morals . ôf the Community." add "Spot zoning should be granted when property.as presently zoned, is renqered useless." . :'.. ~ "; '- r . '- 1 - : , ' . ' . \" " . . ..' :. i , . ¡. Paget '12;' thirð,·pa;ra.. from the bottom, aftei' the words "area h -, ',' II " should be preserved. ~d and could be preserved by a minimum amount of grading with an approx1imate loss of five trees." . ": ." '. ~", . , . ; " - :","'i' ':fJ! " ' .'~~ ,,¡'. It., ~aÊi m,9védby,Comm. Snyder. and-seconded by Oamm. Adamo to approve as èorrected the Minutes o,:r May 21;25 & 28, 1964. Motion' carried, 5-0' . l' ,;C"'; "1 r -,", , . ,," .. . :It!CÓMMUNicATIONS : A~ ":"-":'\;' . Wr! 'tten ~ ' "'~' ..., , ," 1. 'The June 3rd agenda and May 2Öth summary of actions of the County Planning Commission. ::~ . (a). ,,",,-, The appl1patiop ·for R-12 zoning for the property Of:rßtf!-llin,g Road has· beencont:l:nued until 6/17.) ¡: 't', , '>,'t '.\ < . . Mr. Willian¡ Smith, 236 Al1ciaWa'y, Los Altos, stated that he was present at this meeting regarding this property because Mr. French was called to Nova Scotia. He explained that they are asking forR-12 because it works well with this. develópment of less than 14 units per acre. -1- Mr. Smith pointed out that this property is next to the freeway and under a htgh wire. Comm. Snyder asked how Cupertino can be assured that this developer won't sell the property after it has been rezoned. Mr. Smith stated at the County meeting that they are willing to do whatever is requested of them by the Planning Commission to assure they will· follow through with their development. The City Planner could see nothing wrong with this development, although it does border an R-l area. At this point, Chairman Thomson explained the background of this case to the audience. Comm. Adamo asked if this was for 14 units per acre on less than 5 acres. It was established that the Stoneson property will be an'R':"24 'type· deve'loþmfmt. .' Mr. R. A. Robertson, 10373 Ann Arbor, Cupertino, said he was concerned about the overall density in this area and the traffic situation. Mr. A. C. Barlow, 21739 Terrace Drive, Cupertino, asked when Mary Avenue will be completed. The Assistant City Engineer said there is no answer to this question at this time. The City Planner said that if we don't get the freeway viaducts something should be done about Gardena Avenue. Comm. Gates felt that, since the traffic problems are already bad, why modify the first letter that was sent to the County Planning Commission. Mr. Ralph Beasley, 21623 Terrace Drive, Cupertino, requested the original letter stand because the pro- posed development is in violation of the master plan regarding density. Mrs. Shir:J.ey Sersin, 22380 Balustrol Court, Cupertino, asked for clarification of the density of this project. Chairman Thomson asked Mr. Smith if he knew why this property has never been annexed to Cupertino. Mr. Smith said he tho~ght the rezoning would be more expedient this way., It was moved by Comm. Snyder and seconded by Comm. Gates to recommend to the County Planning Commission that they do not approve this application because the intended use' 0f'·this propeHY'will increåSé the traffic problems in thls"area fôr .which there is nò SJ!)ltltiò¡:l apparent. 'i'heref'orè":a'..lô~T '\:i'ensitY'ÚsèWoùld be appropriate for , , this property. -2- AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Comm. Gates, Johnson, Snyder, Comm. Adamo Comm. Frol1ch, Rampy Thomson Motion carried, 4-1 2. Communication from County Planning Commission, including tentative map for 4 lots at vicinity of Merriman Avenue, south of Permanente Road. There were no verbal objections from the Planning commission on this tentative map. 3. Letter of transmittal, along with copies of the ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW. B. Verbal Communications: 1. Mr . Hollingsworth, Ba llustro Court, Cupert.ino, said he is concerned about the flood of rezoning applications for multiples in this area. He wondered how the c~tizens could be nmde aware of future applications. The Chairman said the best way would be to contact the City Hall for this information. The: Assistant City Engineer added that when a Public Hearing is requested it is posted and published in the Cupertino Courier 2 weeks before the Hearing is ,scheduled. Mrs. Williams, 22022 Lindy 'Lane, Cupertino., stated that her family has lived in this area for many years dnd it is sometimes hard to keep track of issues because of the many and varied county and city limits. Mr. Bill Foy, 11234 Catalina Court, Cupertino, sug- gested the City display a large map at each meeting with overlays of the property being considered for each application. He was told that although this was a good idea, it would require considerable staff time and that their work load is very heavy a.s it is.. IV HEARINGS SCHEDULED: A. MASON ENTERPRISES, INC.: Appl. 112-Z-63 to rezone 50 acres from M~1:B-4~H to R-2-H, R-3-Hand R-24-Hj east side of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, north of University Avenue. Continued. Chairman Thomson stated that the Public Hearing was closed at the last meeting. Mr. Tersini was present to answer any questions of the Planning Commissioners. Comm. Gates stated that at the last Hearing the City Planner had expressed the view that the railroad may be needed in the future but he felt ther.e was no immediate need for it. -3- -. .' Comm. Gates wondered if this proPE1J;'t'ycould be used by an industry that would 'requirè few,émployees (thus, not creat- ing added traffic burdens)' but cou;)oci utilize the railroad in the traps fer of· goods. The City Planner stated that in his recent talks with Southern Pacific Railroad officials he learned they could not think ,of acustonier for the railröåd at the present time. The CityPlannèr said he agri'!eswith Comm. Gates I thinking, but there are noimmedlateprospects. Mr. Tersini said that he would be,agreeable to R-24 with the elimination of the R-3. He stated that the industrial property available in Santa Clara County is being taken up at,a vr;Jry slow rate and wonders how many years it would be until this property would be developed as it is presently zoned. Comm. Gates agr~ed that it appears one would probably have to wait a long time. Com\!l. Gates asked the City Planner for his explanation of t~e ~etter from Mr. Lårsenof the,Courtty regarding traffic. The City Planner said he is very concerned about the traffic volume. He said there ,is very little data available on. traffic throughresldent}al areas. He hopes to correct this situation. , ' Comm. Gates observed,' through his experience of driving to and from Mountain' View to' work, that we are using only half of our highways. Most of , the traffic \!loves in one direction in. the mornings and the other direction in the afternoons~ Comm. JOhnson asked the Chairman if there were any addi- tional figures 'avåilable on the underpass. The Chairman stated there was nothing new since the last Hearing. He fel.:t, however, there is d:efinitely a need for ingress and egress from the east. Co~m. Snyder said that it appears we have not solved the ingress and egress proþlem we had, in the first place. Mr. Tersini atated that he is still negotiating with the State regarding the financing of the underpass and if it were spelled out in the ruling by the P}anning Commission that the developer is to put in this underpass it would hurt his chances of gett~ng financia:i.he.lP.I'ro\!l the State. ., . '., TheC1tyAttorney advised' that,än . prov1si:on for ~aste'rlýtrá:ffi.q.'; . \' , motion :could include a . ' Mr. Tersini asked if it wouldþePermissable to save the undex:paasrequitt:>emeht-' uhtii" ten'þ<iti ve,: map time'.' :," ,." ,t c'': " . . \: "..!;..... COrDm,. Snyder asked theàpphcant if he would like to have this application tabled untiJ, .he is finished ,rtegótiating with: the,. State.. Mr. õ':Pergin'.1 ,"sa,idd the State .is awaiting the.,rezoniœ, !dedisibn before, t'11.è'y.wllJ" cQntintle their neg'ôÚations.' f -4- .' It was moved by Comm.Snyèer and seconded by Comm. Gates to continue the maUer on thA ager,du for 2 weeks. After contin1.led :liJcussion, Mr, 'I>n sj,ni stated that he' preferred action by the City at this meeti~g because negotiations with the State cœe pËnding acticn by the City. Waiting 2 weeks would ~0t ,3cccJmrJj,::'sh anythi¡¡g. Comm. Snyder I s motion was retracté1d. It was moved by Comm. 3nyder t,) table the matter until a s1.litable ingress and egress p.coblem on the easterly portion of the property has bcen solved. There was no seèond. It was. moved by Camm. Johnson and öeconded by Comm. Adamo to amend application 112-Z-63 to re20ne 50 acres from "M-l:B-4-H to R-2-H, :S··3-E 8.'ld R:~'~-I¡" t.,..., '"'"".(' in3tead "M-l:B-4-H t.o R..,2}'¡, E," AYES: Comm.. Adamo, Gates, ~!'oL: ;).:(1, Snyd,.::::~ rl'~"c,mRon NOES: None ABSENT: Coron. Frolich, Rampy Motion carried, ~-O It was moved by Comm. Gates and seconded by Camm. Snyder, Whereas, it has become aPPRrent during the Public Hearings on application 112-Z-63, that the proximity of this pro- perty a.t th'è Stevens Creek Road-Stevens Creek Freeway intersection will create overcrowded and consequently unsafe traffic conditions on this single residential street that provides the only ingress and egress to the property under qiscussion; and Whereas, !;l-le present zoning 01' tìÜ;¡ property is M-l :B-4-H; and, Whereas, the transportation SystS:JE of a communitY- are vital to its gr.')\·;th 8tld economic ::211 being; 'and, Where~s the existinß Southern Pacific right-of-way appears permanent il1 all r<ês,ects; and, Whereas, in general, those industrie3 that utilize rail- road facilities ",re of a low emploY2e del1sity; and, Whereas, such a low density use of the propsrt.y ls consis- tent with the tl'af'f'j,c problem" ,,:,:0 è11'é in the area; Then f0,.,,, , j,. 1';;) ,:-", ,,)v application 11~-z-f) (k:'liAd. '4.YES C')"-'-.1.. G:--t.'. ": .1 :r." -::', C::'. l'¡Ot~S.. ~~\".nm,.J~',-:'·-I. "'_~'.J 'Ln0IJj:j,)1': ABSENT: Ccmm. Frolich, hampy Motion carried, 3-2 B. WILLIAM. F. HARANG: Appl. 14-z-64 to rezone 2 acre,s ¡ from R-l:B-2 to R-2_H on the east side of Vista Drive between Forest Avenue and Appletree Lane. Second Hearing. f0r Hélr!'\ng 38i"l r.n"t hp "¡e~ ':'Pcl'lPsT.ed "t 'che first 'lE'ar~,l"f'; to pr::¡;:;d~ce ä pr el.i~in&ry cost est~.rnatE' ~ r.()~1~J:'¿ ¿-11:"8 (;~'_gll( Ic"~:8 In\!O_¡~vej and it hill ruD $300J pel- : <..;-.::: fo:( t~e improvements. ,:; ¿ Mr. Ha'rang- ran· è~ s'...Lyvey nL 0:1(' ¡;'"j(: '_>" l{..~. in the: 81'ea, taking into aCc01mt ¡~r') C C', t cf j '"J.' ''IE r"')[j:,.~, ;Ie' found that going into CUtJ'LOil :'~():,le_, in 'c:"'" acee "j':hprbi:Jent land costR' and ~.l1pI"O\"8mer:ts, 1r ~.'\fin·,.l.(~ r'v.n ~ J!.i" 000 to $35"OOO:.pèr ham2 =·18 t1)f~n TiVClJt t() 80~P tn8l~t'a;1c'é' compahies 't'c,see what ty¿e of loa!;::; c,~'_d<i "c cbc[,j,ncd and he found they ob ject ,to this prope;'I:Y '"'" Lt~ ¿t':,j,°OSG ;;J¡e' street from a school and a. pHrl~j.ùt:; let: ~~:-t:;c, Prospective buyerß would 'Je i'i:;C':ò( VJi'c'h b, d:)¡,(r' payment of $10,000. Mr'. Har'lnr: aLù felt ',etttng up .~. saJNI program for eight JllOmes W01.:1d bl' "cor'lJ'Ücaily' 1nfe'\ßible. These homes w(;1.Úd not be o;} a Pk1Ü), str-eet. and nc,~STJOper ndver- tising would ue 'lecessal'y, In the case of' dllrlexec, hl; f01.jnd tr'ey vJ::mlj run approxi- mately. :~37,OOO nne each unit wc..ü1d r~üt fOl' abc'ut $175 per month. One unit :Ln each would be ":)Nner occupüia and he would have to be in t;:le ~\7(J0 plu:1 p~r month b:oa.cket to qualify for fj,nancing. These duplr-;xes ,,,oulr1 h8.ve shake roofs and wauld be g.tven the delu}; treatrr:,:nt, ¡·ír. Harang felt that going i,nta è\!'.ythì!¡g1:Jut JU,)]c;':C'j re.:' ;just, these eight lots would be :L'inancia1ïy ]'iL'ohibiti','e, Comm. Johnson asked how the "roperty .owner pJ armed to use the corner lot which he is retz.iníng. Hl' Harang did not have this informati.on, Comrn. Snyder asked for som2 dimension",. I'í,'. Harang " stated the. property is 86' deep, flat. TD.èI'e wHI be 1400 sq. it. P!'èr unit plus garage, They wil J. haVe thr.ee bedrooms, and twe. baths in each unit. There was the ques..tíon of"Jfle'Gl1el the ov;'tJ'.'r c,f this pro- perty .once ownedche ådj'acent' 'ÌuriJ and, chus, worked him- self into,this problem. f!'p" Hara·"g saicJ he ('lid not '.know about thiS~. Gapt.,Ir'ri\""c~Tr1d:lL:(::.65 Fore'st 'Avenue', 'Cupertino, stat'òd j',bo.t th.80VJl1Ùo2 these dght lots 'once owned most of the p,co"er:ty inThis' e.r;ea. ' ,.i The Ci'cy Pl;:'f1118i" Std1;8J (:here '.rli,e,h'c 've sowe diffIculty in deve lopinb', this :-Jropert;y ;:\,-1 qnG tha c . 6\t!~,] exes' "JOuld be compatible. Cqpt. Stn8.11 a::-:ke\.: one .or two story', "¡hether che proa'Y'kd d'.lploxes j<'Qllld be Answer wa~, they ,-',)uld be .one story. Mr. Don 1'1ahoney, Cheri'Y 'J'ree La'1e, Cuperti:'lO, said the difficulty is in financing this property for R-'l. You can get 80% fj,nancing Oll duplexes. He "dded tnat it is the job of the Pla.nning Commissidn'to consider the physical and the financial diffIculties in èeveloping property as ca use for re zaning. ' I ' -6- Mr. Roger Elliott, 10438 Vista Drive, Cupertin.o, said that he is the owner of' a 2600 Sq. f't. house f'acing the play- ground and the parking lot and that he had to fight to get it on this location because others wanted it also. He said the homeowners in that area resent R long f'inger of' multiples jutting into their R-l district. Mr. Ricard, Santa Teresa Drive, Cupertino, said the builder can get financing up to 90% for single family residences. At this point, the attorney representing the applicant spoke up and asked where this would be available since he has thoroughly checked into this. He added that this may be possible on homes that have already been sold, but that it is not possible on a speculation basis. It was moved by Comm. Snyder and Seconded by Comm. Adamo to close the Second Hearing. Motion carried, 5-0 Comm. Johnson asked for a clarification on the financing. Comm. Gates said that the prime argument for the applicaht is the financial burdens because this is such a small piece of property. He wondered if this is a problem brought on by the property owner himself. The Assistant City Engineer said he knew of no way of checking on this. Chairman Thomson stated that he is personally not against multiple zoning per se, but there are now on the books over 200 undeveloped acres zoned multiple in Cupertino. It was moved by Comm. Snyder and seconded by Comm. Adamo that application 14-z-64 to rezone 2 acres I from R-l:B-2 to R-2-H be denied. AYES: Comm. Adamo, Gates, Johnson, Snyder, Thomson NOES: None ABSENT: Comm. Frolich, Rampy, Motion carried, 5-0 C. RUTH & KRUSHKHOV: Appl. 15-Z-64 to rezone 55.2 acres from A-2:B-4 to PC-H; between Linda Vista Drive and Stevens Creek (2600' west of the intersection of Bubb Road and Terrace Drive). First Hearing. Mr. Herman Ruth presented a model of the proposed treatment of this acreage. It included town houses, garden apartments. and possibly a tower. It will contain from 340 to 376 units or 6.2 to 6.8 units per acre. He emphasized that this treatment would cover only 10% of the land with homes. The parking ratio is It:l. '7 -,- :1. ", ,"', .'~ . , '.. Mr. Ruth pO:\''''-b",<I ou-b -bho-b "h",-" ,,,,,...,, -by,,, choices; plan A with towerapartments.'aridþlanB without. H.is personal "' '. ',' ."~, . ,,' , f, '.," " , . , Chbi.ceYI<\s'planA, but he woUld prefer tû be able to use eithèr,'pla,n A Q,rB, dependU1!š upon~ltlÏcho/91,Üd work out , th~ bes.t. . 'This'd~~eiopine~t· is to be çaned,Mol.lnt~in Shadows Estate and will be a recreation-oriented apartment community. The u1.Hmate populati,Qr¡w:t11 be 1000 tö 1100, making the 'grosS 'residential density 6.2 to 6.8 ÙÌ1.itsper acre. Much iCW thè ,nåt)1:r:'al,terraiDwill be preserved. The Commissioners were·g~ven'QrOch1.lres.containing data rÙearched by Ruth & ¡{rushkh:ov, City, and Regional Planning Consultants, Berkeley, Ca lifornia. " . '~¡ ';:.' 'Ingress and egress is ODe of the key factQ:r:'s here. Mr. Ruth explained theY, will have a right-of-way along the golf course and will c.ome out at McClelJ.an. The other right-of-way will go to Stevens Canyon Road. Mr. Ruth stated that ,a colle.ctor street could serve this property adenuately. He said there would be no acceS,B along the street which gåes 'o,:¡t to' McClellan:Road.· ' Mr. Ruth said th-is, type of fë~êr school children than deve lopment would tend an R_ldevelopment. . ".: to produce Chairman Thomson <\sked how many would be owner occupied and how ~ny would.be rentals. Mr. Ruth stated that Area 1 would contain 36 single-family, owner-occupied units. Area 3 would ,contain 32 single.-family,·owrier:-occupied units. He addeQ. that there.is a possibility that this would be deire loped as a condominium and, therefore, each occupant wo~ld be a homeowner. Mr. Ruth said the developer has conformed to all 22 pro- visions of' the PC -H Ordinance. CQmm. Johnson asked if there would be access to Deep Cliffe Drive. Answer was in the affirmative. Mr. Ruth said that any other type of development would require extepsive terracing and grading. He was asked how much terracing would be required for any ,other type of homes. Mr,. Ruth said t,hat :in ord.ert.o s,et the density toínake it econbmicç¡lly, feasible it' would have to be "benched. ", ' ;", When asked why this particular zoning application is advantageous to the community, Mr~ Ruth àn'swèred that there is a tendencyt? avoid terracing aridrèmbval of trees and f'Qllage and also to :get' away from th$ urb~m sprawl. : . Comrrt. Gates asked vihat thedeveloper'estiínated"the coverage would 'be in single famUy,homes. ,Mr. r{Uth saið R-l would require 30 to 35% land coverage. -8- , ~ ,-, Comm, Johnsory a~keq what this development's èöverage would bew!'1eriýôû1n&îÛde the club houses, pools, l'!tc. Mr. Ruth 'sa~d1twoG.id' add perhàps 1/2% to the 10%. " , ",' ~ ~ \.;' - [. Camm. Snyder kSk(¡çi'the developer why he thought this particular arrangement is suitable for this property. Mr. Ruth answered that it would preserve the green, open spaces~ Mr. Ruth sta·tedthesehomes would sell for not less than $30,000 and he felt they would be attractive to retired people as well as to small families. The. owner', s purpose is to se 11 this plan to a deve loper, once it is rezoned. He felt it would take 4 to 5 years for the total development. Chairman Thomson turned over to the Assist'ant City Engineer a petition signed by 364 residents requesting denial of this application. Of the 364, 254 are Cupertino residents a~d 110are from some otherclty or the county. An addi,tional 69 signatures were added to this petition at this meeting by Mr. A. C.Barlow. The City Planner said that, based on previous experiences, he found that the tendency was to put R-l in the flat land and multiple developments in the broken terrain. He said this is a very well thought out development and the bro- chure is quite truthful -'- something you don't always find. The City Planner felt it would be quite democratic to share this beautiful setting with as many people as possible without scarring the natural terrain. He said that under this plan there would be lCJ>;16 land coverage by houses and with R-I there would be over 35%. Under this plan, 50% of the land would show rooftops .and streets and under R-l there would be 65% coverage by rooftops and streets.: The City Planner stated there are several problems, how- ever. They would include the water supply, flood control, parM.ng' a,nd traffic. Oür present parking ratio is unrealist'ic. As far as the traffic problem is concerned, á't the 'present time there are only local streets to service :the entire area. He felt there would be a need for access to McClellan at the Stevens Creek Freeway and to Prospect at' the 'Freeway,.' -," Mr'/El.lgene COleman, 11091 Santa Teresa, Cupertino, asked if the developer has an option on an access road to Stevel1sCanyon Road.' Answer was yes -- that it'ts contigu- ous. He then a sked if they have an option on the Deep Cliffe Road. Answer was yes -- to a 40' right-of-way. Mrs. Dorothy Williams, 22022 Lindy Lane, Cupertino, says her family wants to continue living on their 40 acres and that she does not object to Baywood Terrace and Deep Cliffe intruding on her view. She looks upon these developments as progress. -9- .. ",..-.,..-...,... Mr. Harold Scott, 11110 Santa 'l'erèsa Drive, is concerned about the overcrowding of the ~Öhöols. Mrs. Juanit~McL8ren, 22101 Li~áÿtane, Cupèrtino, suggested the people in the audience go down to the County Offices to get the new, brochur.e just made available to the public to learn more about clustering an.d what the trends are before they make up their minds. Mr. George Hollingsworth, Balustro. Court, Cupertino, said he is concerned about the large trucks coming from the quarry. He the1'\ asked that if this development' were rezoned if it would leave an opening for further multiple in the area. Mr Larry Rice Baywood '1;",,..,"'" ~ , !I ~..__,j were Terrace Dr1~:..lc. ." .'....-. <T"H~'" Ac t, 2 J 1'é'9 also conce!'llprl úÙI..,._d.J Mr. Brice, Lindy LanB, said. that since 200 acres of undeveloped multiple land would increase that amount by 25%. Mr. Lee Jackman, 21220 Palo Verde Court, asked if this area would have adequate fire protection for such a large development. The Chairman Sé!id this entire area is furnished fire protection by the County and felt there wóuld be no problem there. there are already in Cupertino, this Mr. Irwin Tensian, 21669 Terrace Drive cerned about the flood control for thi~ said he was. con,. area. Mr. Robertson aSked if it would be economically feasible to develop single family residences here. Mr. R\-\th said it would not be feasible to develop th1.s è.' "'-'-.1'''\ ", ... He added that the owner 1s in Gne quarry business and just may continue to d-opJof-o ""c.O ]""'Ì, thus makin.g it even less plausible. Mr. Ruth was asked if it would be possible to develop this property without opening traffic onto Linda Vlata. Hè said it would be. Comm. Snyder fe It it might be advantageous if the applicant got together with the homeowners to try to work out some solution to the ir objections and for the City Planner to work out some feasible traffic plan as soon as possible. Chairman Thomson requested Mr., Ruth and the City flanner arrange a meeting with the homeowners. Mr. A. C. Barlow offered to be spokesman for the homeowner group. Comm. ,Gates fel i; theComm:1.ssioners should tour the property before the Seco:nd Hearing. Mr. Ruth offered to arrange this. -10- It was !I1Qvod by "::omm. Snyder and seconded by Comm. Johnson to close the First Hearirg Motion carried, 5-0 D. SAMUEL C. HORD: Appl. 6-v-6~ for a V8riance to allow a side yard of 9.5' where Q-i'dinance reqë:Üres 12 I. 20738 Sunrise Drive. Mr. Hord preseni;ed a petiticn, signed by 16 people, saying this remode ll::.ng Vioulè. enhance the property. He presented a series of pictures showing what is there now and how he proposes to improve his property. The Chairman asked for comments from the audience. There were none. It was moved by Comm. Snyder and seconded by Comm. Johnson to recommend approval for application 6-v-64. AYES: Comm. Adamo, Gates, Johnson, Snyder, Thomson NOES: None ABSENT: Comm. F-rol1ch, Rampy Motion carried, 5-0 V UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Miscellaneous Chairman Thomson asked the City Planner if he could prepare a preliminary traffic report on Item C of this agenda. The City Planner said he could do a preliminary in a few days, but a comprehensive one would take some time. VII NEW BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous -- No~e VII ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Co~ Snyder and seconded by Coram. Johnson to adjourn the meeting at midnight. Chairm8n Thomson reminded the Commissioners of the Thursday night work session on the new ordinances, to begin at 7:30 P.M. APPROVED : Isl Scott Thomson Chairman ATTEST: LoU- j 4 Robert S. Shook Secretary, Planning Commlsßion -.-- ··E··