PC 11-26-62
AL 2-'5l5
C I T Y 0 p CUP E R TIN 0
1)321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
8: 10 P.M.
8: '1)
November 13, 1962
A. Written
B. Verbal
68-z-62 to rezone 69 acres from R-I-A: B-2,
B-1: 1='-2 and R-l to PC-H- adjoinlng north
side of Stevens Creek Blvd., bounded on
the west side by future Stevens rreek
F'reeway_ Second Hearin~.
, ~'^--
(~-z. 8:45
A. ORDINANCE 22~ -A - Rough Draft ~.
R Miscellaneous
A. GENERAL PLA~ PROCPAM: Discussion re:
Extent of Planning Area' 0eorge Volker
B. Miscellaneous
10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, Calirornia
AL 2-4505
NOVEMBER 26, 1962.
Time: 8:00 P.M.
Place: 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road.
II ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich,
Leonard, Small. Snyder
Commissioners Absent: Rampy
Staff Present: City Manager, City Attorney, City
Clerk. City Engineer
minutes: pa§e 5 - Motion made
should read rigorous" instead
prising" should be in place of
62-Z-62 instead of 62-2-62.
Commissioner Frolich stated that he had some corrections to the
by Commissioner Frolich, first line
of "vigorous". Third line, word"com-
"combining". Paragraph after No. 6 -
Commissioner Snyder stated that at the bottom of Page ~ - felt
that it would be a little more proper to say, rather than 're-drafting"
"reviewed". The 3rd sentence under Section 10. the Master Plan, should
be the "Mariani" plan.
Chairman Snyder asked if there were any more corrections. Commis-
sioner Fro1ich stated that on Page 3 - Foothill Jr. College (7th para-
graph down) "because it is not commercial". Also second paragraph
under IV-A., 6th sentence down - "Variety of uses - tower apartments
included. "
Moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald. seconded by Commissioner Small
that the Minutes be approved as corrected. All in favor.
A. Written:
1. Letter from McKay & Somps regarding the expira-
tion date of tentative map. City Clerk stated that
McKay & Somps were mistaken, that their tentative
map did not expire until sometime in the middle of
February. 1963, and they had been so notified. They
had requested an extension of time.
County Planning Commission Agenda - November 21, 1962.
Summary of Actions - County Planning Commission -
November 7th, 1962.
Chairman Snyder asked if there were any verbal communications
from the audience.
Mrs. Betty Rice stepped forward and asked if she were correct
in bringing to the Planning Commission's attention the matter of a
traffic signal at the corner of Homestead and Bla~ey. Chairman Snyder
informed her that proper procedure would be to contact the City Manager
who would, in turn, bring it to the attention of the City Council.
Chairman Snyder asked if there were any other communications from
the audience. There were none.
Commissioner Frolich noted th~'·the audience was composed of
High School students and suggesteâ ~hat the Chairman asked if there
was a particular reason for their being at the meeting. Chairman
Snyder asked if there was a spokesman for the group. One of the
students rose and explained that they were from Cupertino High School
Senior History Class and had been given the assignment of either
reporting on some civic matter from the newspapers or attend a meeting
of local Government. The young ladies and gentlemen in the audience
had elected to attend a meeting and report on it. They mentioned that
they had abbcndod ~ho O~by Cnunc~l meeting· the week before.
Commissioner Frolich moved that the commurlications be received
and filed. Seconded by Commissioner Adamo. All in favor.
A. STONESON DEVELOPMENT CORP. Application 68-2-62 to rezone
69 acres from R-I-A;B-2, R-l:B-2 and R-l to PC-H; adjoining
north side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, bounded on the
west side by future Stevens Creek Freeway. Second Hearing.
It was noted that the applicant's representative had not yet ar-
rived and suggested that it be put off until later in the meeting, and
proceed to the next item.
A. ORDINANCE 220-A - Rough Draft:
The City Attorney stated that he had a Resolution prepared for
the Commission to pass on to the City Council if there were no changes
in the drafted ordinance before them.
There was some discussion regarding which graph would accompany
this Ordinance. This was clarified to the effect that the graph which
indicated R-3-H units to start at 9300 net area with increments of
1400 square feet net area would be the correct graph. lwwever, that
the Ordinance would take precedence over the graph, that the graph was
merely a rough measure.
Commissioner Frolich asked why there was no definition of a lot in
this Ordinance. He felt that it should be plainly defined to avoid
any questions. It was decided that the definition of a lot would
appear as Section l:a, and would be as it appears in Subdivision Ordi-
nance No. 47.
Moved by Commissioner Frolich, seconded by Commissioner Small that
Resolution No. 120 with the addition of the definition of a lot be
adopted which recommended the enactment of Urgency Ordinance No. 220A.
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Small,
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioner:
At this point in the meeting, Mr. Herman Ruth, representative for
Stoneson Development arrived and the Commission went· back to that
part of the Agenda, Public Hearings.
Mr. Ruth stated that this being the second hearing for this appli-
cation, he would be happy to answer 'any questions the Commissioners
may have, in view of the fact that the entire development had been
gone into in detail at the first hearing.
City Attorney Anderson suggested to the Chairman that for the
benefit of the High School Students in the audience, it might be well
to have the applicant give a brief summary on what is proposed by this
Mr. Ruth stated that he would read the Summary which appeared in
the brochure and elaborate wherever it was felt nec~ssary. The
application is for rezoning of the Fisher property to a planned com-
munity. He went into detail as to the type of housing, town houses,
apartment, some commercial, recreation area, open green. He stated
that this had been before the City.for several months, but could not
be acted upon due to the fact that ,the City did not have appropriate
Ordinances to cover such a planned community. However, now it does,
and therefore the reason for the public hearings. to see if there
would be any strong objections to this type of development in Cupertino.
After Mr. Ruth had read the summary.
Commission if they had questions fo~ Mr.
the Commission.
Chairman Snyder asked the
Ruth. He proceeded to ~ /
Before~he Commission asked their quentio~s, Chairman Snyder asked
the City Clerk if there were any written protests to this application.
There were none. Chairman Snyder then asked if there were any comments·
from the audience. There were none.
Commissioner Frolich asked Mr. Ruth about the apparent discrepancy
in the.amount of acreage to be developed. The Agenda gave one figure,
the brochure gave another. Mr. Ruth explained that the figure shown
on the agenda was undoubtedly the correct one. '.Che brochure figure
being an estimate, and not including the p:\.ece of land that will be
used for the freeway. It is estimated that the right-of-way will take
approximately 19 acres, and the brochure figure of 51.2, plus the 19
would be closer 'to the figure shown on the agenda, 69. Commissioner
Frolich stated that this did not present any great problem, since all
of the development would be by use permit and therefore the City would
be in a position to have the exact acreage as it develops.
Chairman Snyder asked ¡VIr. Ruth aüout the maintenance on the common
green area, as regards responsibility if the town houses are soldpff
to individual owners. Mr. Ruth stated that this had not been definite-
ly decided upon as yet by the developer. There were various W[¡ys that
it could be handled. It is entirely possible that the entire develop-
ment might be a rental project, in which case the maintenance would be
the responsibility of the management. Another way, if the units are
sold to individuals, is for the lender holding the mortgage papers
and is collecting the principal, interest, taxes and insurance, to
also withhold. a fee for the maintenance. This fee would go into a
fund for this specific purpose. Still another way would be through
a home improvement association. Or, through a community service -
a city agency. Possibly an assessment district cottld be formed for
this purpose. Nothing definite had been decided as yet.
Commissioner Fitzgerald asked about the recreation area. Was there
a possibility that this area could be sold to a private owner and that
party may, in the future, since there are some 13 acres involved, de-
cide to develop this land in some other way. Mr. Ruth stated that
they could not predict what would happen five years from now. However,
there is a possibility that the developer could dedicate this recrea-
tion to the City.
The City Attorney stated that in the case of the Ketell develop-
ment, this was not considered because they wished to keep the recrea-
tion area for the private use of the apartment dwellers. That possibly
Stoneson may feel the same way.
Commissioner Leonard stated that he had several questions to ask
of the developer's agent, as regardè1 water, sewer.. etc.... He asked
about the deep well on the north end of the 1'isher property. He
wondered if the City might be able to gain control and make use of
this well. The City Manager stated that Mr. Fisher had retained owner-
ship of this well, and that too, it was not a very good well production-
wise and he doubted if the City would be inter~sted in it.
Commissioner Leonard then asked about the storm drain system. He
said that the reason this property had not been developed sooner was
because of the high cost of this system. Why now, does the developer
choose to improve this property? Have the costs been analyzed?
Mr. Ruth said that formerly this property had been considered
for single,..family development. He st'lted that there had been a number
of solutions decided upon, but with the freeway coming in at this
point, it will have a problem of its own. He did not lmow the rela-
tion between the two, he had not been assigned to do other than a
layout for a planned comN~Dity. As far as the detailed engineering
was concerned as regards cost analysis, he had no'" worked on this
aspect of the project.
Commissioner Fitzgerald s~;ated that there had been many plans
drawn on this parcel of land and that he was sure that Stoneßon was
well aware of the costs lilvolve6., or they would not be proposing the
Commissioner Leonard asked about the oak grove. He noted that
the developer had stated he was intending to keep these trees. Since
they had been preserved by the owner, Mr. Fisher, he wondered if this
were actually the case, of was it just a statement made by the dev~loper.
Mr. Ruth answered that he had been instructed to plan around thiª
. oak grove and that it was the intent of the developer to keep thØ
trees and build around them.
Mr. Leonard asked if any other thought than shops had been &iv~n
to the commercial area of which six acres was presently planned. ije
wondered if the developer might consider a hotel, similar to the
Paso Robles Inn? Mr. Ruth stated that he had not been consulted in
this regard, but would suggest that possibly even a convelescent hçme
would also be a good use for this property. The acreage is certainly
large enough.
Commissioner Adamo asked if all of the oak trees would be kept.
Mr. Ruth answered yes.
Commissioner Frolich asked, by granting this commercial, in view
of the approval of the Town Center in recent weeks, with its own
commercial, is it;possible that they could be going overboard in tþe
.commercial zoning?
Commissioner Leonard asked in comparing this to the Town Cente~
development and its commercial zoning - how much commercial could
Mr. Ruth justify in a town the size of Cupertino?
Mr. Ruth answered that a rule of thumb was two to three times
commercial per development. Unless this is done, it tends to put a
heavy hand on the value of land. There should be some area to move
around. As far as the town center is concerned, this is meart to be
.. the core of the City, where this other commercial would be·a neigqbor-
·.hood center.
Commissioner Leonard asked if there had been any reactions from
either Foothill College or the School Districts in regard to this
application? The City Clerk stated that there had been none.
Commissioner Fitzgerald asked the City Attorney if the Commipsion
approved this plan, and when the applicant came in for a use permit
on the commercial portion of it, could the Commission deny this or
would the fact that the whole plan was approved by the Commission
prevent them from refusing a use permit on this portion?
Chairman Snyder asked the applicant if there was a possibility
that the applicant might consider waiting for the master plan. Mr.
Ruth stated that the developer wanted to get going as soon as pos$ible
and that if they had wanted to wait for the master plan, they wQu¡d
not have submitted it to the Commission for their approval. '.
The City Attorney in answering Mr. Fitzgerald's question earlier
regarding· the posslbil1tyot denying a use permit on the commerQiªl
part of this application, stated that PC-H Ordinance, in Section 3:1
provides: "Application for the establishment of a "PC-H" Distr:l.ct
shall include an application for a master use permit for all de~
velopments within the district, which use permit or any other uØe
permit as required in Section 4 of this ordinance must be approved
prior to establishment of the district. Such application for a 'use
permit shall include the following: etc..."
The City Attorney stated that he does not feel that the Comml~sion
can or should hold out on some later date to approve a contemplat~d
use, once they have decided on the uses proposed in this area. 'That
it would take a material change of circumstances to justify this
type of action, unless the master permit was approved subject to the
commercial use. The Council has the power to upset this stipulitlon
because basically, it is an application for a re-zoning. The Com~
mission has the power to grant any kind of use permit they wish, if
the applicant is not satisfied, he can withdraw his application.
Commissioner Frolich asked if there is a separate proceeding to
grant this use permit, or does this become automatic at the same time
the zoning is approved. The City Attorney answered that there will
have to be a master use permit approved prior to the finalized re-
zoning approval.
Chairman Snyder asked how much multiple can the City stand? Mr.
Ruth stated that for the first seven months of this year, all munici-
palities in the Santa Clara Coupty requested building permlte for
over 53% of units which would be multiple housing. This year Santa
Clara County is building more apartments and apartment units than
single family. Mr. Ruth felt that this is a characteristic of the
whole bay area. Last year 27% of all units were for multi-family
construction. Of course, in future years, it may swing bäck the
other way and the demand may be for more single-family residences.
Commissioner Leonard further mentioned traffic signals, Mary
Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard, stating that there would certainly
be problems involved and asked what consideration had been given to
contributing to the traffic signals' installation, if any. Mr. Ruth
stated that he felt thiS was a City responsibility and that the con-
tribution would probably not be any more than any other developer.
Commissioner Frolich moved this hearing be continued ÚDtil the
next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Small
NAYS: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: CommisSioners: Rampy
Chairman Snyder called a recess for ten minutes: 9145 - Meeting
Reconvened at 9:55 P.M. At which time Commissioner Small excused
himself from the meeting.
A. ORDINANCE 220-A - Rough Draft - This item covered earlier in
B. Miscellaneous - None
A. GENERAL PLAN PROGRAM: Discussion re: Extent of Planning
Area: George Volker.
Mr. Volker displayed a large map. On the map Mr. Volker placed
an over-lay and asked the Commission to decide upon a boundary line
in which they wished the major plan to center. Mr. Volker stated that
this map would be used in the future to demonstrate industrial, commer-
cial and regional and sub-regional problems.
After some discussion, it was decided by the Commission that Mr.
Volker should set the boundaries at Fremont on the north, Lawrence
Station Road on the east, and Prospect Road on the south. The western
boundary was difficult to delineate, but it should include the foothills
and the Permanente Cement Plant.
B. Miscellaneous
Commissioner Frolich stated that he had been looking at the apart-
ment houses behind City Hall (Alpha Land Development) and wondered if
there were a sufficient number of carports for the number of units. He
did not think there were, and would like the Building Department to
check into this.
The subject about parking in the City was brought up and it was
requested that the City Manager contact various cities and get copies
of ordinances that covered the parking of privately owned trailers by
homeowners in front of their homes.
Moved by Commissioner Leonard, seconded by Commissioner Frolich
that the meeting adjourn"
/S/ Charles K. Snyder
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