PC 12-26-62
C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0
10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
DEC. 10, 1962
A. Written
B. Verbal
8: 00 P.M.
A. ORDINANCE 002(0): An Ordinance of the City 8:20
of Cupertino Repealing Ordinance No. 002(1) and
Amending Ordinance No, 002 By Adding the Class-
ification "Planned Community Di3trict" (PC-H)
B. MASON BROS.: Application #70-z-62 to rezone 8:45
11.5 acres from R-l:B-2 to R-l; south side of
Rodriguez Avenue.
C. GEORGE AND ROSE VOSS: Application #71-2-62 9:05
to rezone 29.7 acres from A-2:D-2 to R-2-H and
R-3-H; west of Mt. View-Stevens Creek Rd.,
adjoining west side of M':mta Vista School.
First hearing.
D. fŒLEN AND GEORGE PIEPGPAS: Application 9:25
#72-2-62 to rezone 1 acre from R-3-II to C-I-H;
north side of Stevens Creek Blvd. between
Randy and Blaney. First heul'Ü,g,
E. AD-ART, INC.: Application #26-v-62 for 9:45
a Variance to the Sign Ordinance to allow a
sign 35' high where Ordinance permits 20';
northeast corner of Blaney & Stevens Creek Blvd.
A. Miscellaneous
A. MACKAY & SOMPS: Application #20T.M.-62
10321 So. Saratoga-Slill:lyvô.le Road
l\L 2_L~505
C I ~ Y C FeU PEn TIN 0
'fJ.tn8: 8~ 00 P "M.
Place: 10321 So. Saratoga-Snr;.nyvale nOé.:.,-l
I Sl',LU'I'E '1'0 THE FLAG
II ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Adamo, :¡;'1t;-:c;erald, Frolich, SmalJ..
Comr:1issioners Absent: Leonard, Ha.mpy
((:ommifwioner Leonard arrived 8:10)
Staff Present: CH;y Nanager, City Engineer,
City Attorney, City Clerk
MIA'U'.rES 0111 THE PHEVIOUS MITE'rING - December J.O:J 1962
It Vias moved by Commissioner Small, seconded by Commi3sioner li'ìt;~geraÜ:J
that the min;ltes be approovecl as sutimitted. 1\Jl in favor.
A. Written:
1. Letter from City ¡;¡arnger - Civic Center Site
2. County Planning Com;nh;>Jlon ~Iln;"tcs - DOGc,:mber 5
3. County l'la:,ning Corr.mlr'3~0~¡ ¡VJir1.'J.te¡·) - December 19
4. Agenda for County Planning Commission Moeting January 2, 19G3
The City Manager1's lettGr asked if the Planning Commission concurred
with thp. City Council in the s81ection of thp. Civj.c Center Site.
Commissioner Leonard felt there should be a publJ.c hearing, that the
City would be on sounder ground by publishing the date of a pUbli,) hearing.
Commissioner Small pointed out that the Civic Center Site has be on
highly publicized, b¡¡t does not recall any protests.
Commissioner Leonard cautioned that th8J:'e could be cJ:'itl'J:LDQ1 of City
operation on spending a large amount of r~onoy without a public hearing.
It wns moved by Commissioner Small. se00nr1cl~ by CommisfJioner Lcona"ffi,
that a public hearing be held Jam;:al'y l:¡ 0'1 th') Civic C'.)n~(Jl' Site. ¡\lotion
carr'ied 5-0. Commission(~r FitzgE:l'ald abGtained.
B. Verbal Communications
There were no verbal communications from the audlence.
Commissioner Small expressed his gratitude to the Commission
for flov¡crs and home visits during hiu recE:nt illness.
ORDINANCE 002(0): An OJ:'dinance of the City
Ox'dinEtnce Noo 002(1) and Amendj.ng CrlÜnanCG
Classification "Planned Community l1iGtrict"
of Cup'.::t'tino Hepealing
No. 002 by Adding the
The Ci ty Attol'n8Y explained that O:,:,dinanci~ 002 ()) is a ¡¡eN ordinance.
There had been so man~T ch'1nges in O.:~di!!ance r~o. 002(1) that City Councll
authorized the 3taff to prept1:':'e a I'e··;1sGcl or',Un¡:¡,nce.
The Chairman asked if the 2pplJ.()ants had any oPPo;Jit1.on to the new
Mr. Rodrigues felt it met thc,ir objectives more tb.an the prior ordinan()·..'
Hr. Krushkhov felt the amended ordinancr~ 18 fÐ.I' r;upp.rior to the first
draft. lIe w;mdered Ð.bout the necessity cf the Clty Ccunc:tl to hold public
hearing!". When the Planning Commission s~ggest[J an amendment in the form of
a PCE and the City Council holds a publ:l~ h8drJ.ng, they have expl'essed their
policy. "¡hen the developer brings in lÜs pl8.il l'p.ady to make use of it, and
231.m for bulldinr; permlt, it might be needless to [';0 th;.")llßh both agencies
The City Attorney informed Mr, K:rL~~¡l'k]:(ov that the public hAaring i:::n't
required by counc:ll, but they may h2:,¡e a heal'ing ç,f their own if thoy d6Sil':·
Commisstoner LeonaX'd; fJome propoD2.ls f¡eem "L;o be gettIng a\'lay from
one and tVlo·-story buiJ.dirgs Hnd go.U:g lJp 1n the é·.;'1', having more green
arOélo I wonder if height limitatiol} .:!.s a p!~obI8"1 to 'EO\'Jn and Country.
City r-Iunac;er: On R-3, there would probably be an are8. where there
would be higher build1ngs, b1¡t; if 11 deveJ.,,::,per ùtÚ)mitted proper plans., use
permits would be gro,nted for [;:o:'oater lwights,
The ComrniSf310n decided tha t 1~herev("J' ~. t; r:ppeared i:1 tile ordinance)
r,j--)'-:f!, ¡;hould read Il-I-P-H, and that II fjÎ1ou.ld be added to R-2, R-3, a,nd
There were no comments from the auC.icn'.;e.
Commissioner Small moved the hearing be closed. Seconded by Commissic;
Fitzgerald. All in favor.
Cornmissioner Small moved that Resolution 122 be adopted, 3ubject to
the recommendations made. Seconded by Commi3siener FJ:l;~;geL'ald.
ComrrdDSionel' F:i:'olich bad a queotion about the title of Section 8. Afte:·
some discuBsJ.on by the Commission, it was decided Ser;tion 8 should be
entitled: Application for Ufl8 Pel'mits and BuildJ.ng P",rmits, Section 8.1
should x'eD.d: Prior to the iGsuaD(~e of a buJ.lcllnc pe:t'm:t t, the developer or
property owner shall submit écn application to the FlanrÜng Commission for
a use pel'mit. Such application. . . . . . .
A vote was taken on CommiG:::ioner Small's motion to adopt Resolution
122. Mol;ion carried 6-0.
B. MASON BROS,: Application #'70·-7.-62 to rezone 11.5 acres from
H..l: B-2 to R-l; south side of Hodriguez Avenue,
r~r. Pat O'Connell, representing Mason Bros., informed the Commission
the homes planned will be two-story, similar to Pepper Tree bomes. 1'l1ey
will be 1400 to 2,000 nq. ft, and there 'ti:Ul 110 approximately ninety·-two
Mrs. Atldm;on, 2)615 Hodl'igueß Ave.. C'-lpcJ.'th:o, asl¡ed if ¡¡fr. Chow's
home is going to have the same setback Ð.G tho~;e plv.nned.
Mr. 0' Conne]Ja,Ssured Mrs. Atkinson thB.t the Chow reG:!.r.1cnce will come
close to the 20' setback.
It was moved Commissioner l>'rolich, seconded by Cor,lmissloner Small,
that the hearing be closed. All ill favor.
It was moved by Commissioner Small, seconded by Commissioner Frolich,
that Application 70-,2,-62 be recommended to City Councll, subject to
Exhibit B, and that the Chow property on Rodrigues and Shelley be improved.
Motion carried 5-0. (Commissioner Pitzgerald was absent from table)
C. GEOHGE AND ROSE VOSS: Applicatlon /171-2..62 to rezone 29.7 acres
f.r.'om A-2; B-2 to R-2-H and H-3..I!; ;~est 0:(' Me, Vlew-·Stevens Creek
[(do, adjoining west slde of lVlonta V1~i;a Schaol. Pirst hearing.
Mr. O'Connell, representing the <J,llplicantc, displayed a map of the
property, pointing out that the rear parcel of the property would lend
itself better to a large building than to several smaller ones, because
of the slope of the land and the expense of ('.o!~l'ecting tIlls.
Commissioner Leonard; Are yc'u sugge;;ting thIs for multiple use, per-
haps a la1'ge and very high b'..tildJ.ng.
0' Connell: 'fhere is not enough availiÜ'J.e space for duplexes. The
land could be left in the natural cond:i.tion in m03t cases, with underground
Commissioner Leonard: If the Commission recommended R-·3 on the back
parcel, uSing something like 16 families to an acre, how many families COUlé'
be accommodated.
O'Connell: ~0heY.'e are 13.4 acres c'¡ hillside land above L~4ol. There
are 1602 acres on level grou:Yl.
Commif3s:i.oner I,eonard: I get 215 f&m:ìlies fa!.' this acreage. It might
be f:!.l"e use of the land, bu{~ how many people ',.:m be put on the parcel 11'
zoned R--2. tlow about traff:i.c in and out of theJ:'e?
Commtr,uioner Prolich: I agree with i"11'. LeonÐ.J~d. I am concerned about
50 or 60 duplexes pla,nned for minimum siz2d lots_
Commissioner Small: Would R..2}'¡ have a poteni;ion on that hill, with
allo~li1ncÐ fo:(' private drivewa:>-s, the garden type thing with a view?
Commissioner Snyder asked what type of home would sellon this type
of property.
O'Connell: We would be in exceGS of $5,000 per lot, GO it might be
$18,000 to 20,000 homes.
Cho.irman Snyder: How about R-l on level and n·24 on hillside parcel:
O'Connc'll: I mn sure that would be satisféi.ctory.
Commissioner Leonard:
be done to x'ent under $175
thin!, about whether or not
If thiB is done on ['.n optimum basis.. it couldn't
per month, h,rhaps the proponents would want to
they w"mt to pursue tilts type of thing.
Commissioner Small: !lIy reason for sugge::o'tircg the use of R-24 is that
R-3 would pin the developer down.
Chairman Rnyder asked for comments f)-,om the audience.
Mr. Leo Binn pointed out tha,t there is a c01mty road on the uPIJer
portion of the land which provides good acceus to th:':'s property. lIe felt
per'haps this would help the Commission decide.
Commissioner l'rolich moved to r'ont:i.nue t118 hearing until the next
regular meeting in h.-,pe that tIte ck,reloper and landowner can resolve the
items discussed. Seconded by Comull.sRioner Leé1fJdnl. 1\11 in favor.
TIECE~'~:{J ~
Do HELEN AND GEORGE PIEPC'F.AS: ApplicO'.tlon 72-2.,62 to re~'.;one ¡ acre
£'J:'01O R··-·311 to tj....l~~H; nnllth [;:ì.',¡,t~ of J:~t.;'';:ï.~(~n8 C:t~€:ok Blvd.. b(~t"'Hen
Handy and Blaney. Pirs t hem'lng.
Mr. Don Kyser, l'epI'esenting the applicants, explaii'od that tho ex:1.stinF
house will be torn down. '.rhe property i6 next to Mtu,.¡¡ '1'l10111as EnginGerlng,
'l'here will be plan:; dralVl1 up to submit at the next meeting.
Commissioner Adamo: Hew í'ir'med up is assessment distrj ct at thts
C:1.ty Attorney: Releas,"s were reqLÜx'ed from trustees on deeds of trust
'l'hey have been mailed out for signat'..lre.
Kyser: Yes, the owners Lave Bignell. There iB a deed of trust on thi.s
Mr. James Noodleman, from the aUd:Lence, aSked if the f)t)~eot behind thil
property would be zoned comme.::,cial to lead up to the pI'operty.
Chatrman Snyder pointecl OI.et on Ule
from tho rear portion of Lb2 prOpQI'·¡'Y.
building, to the rear of the prop'c'.t'l;y 0
trap., thG.l: 'elF: ¡¡troet 1'1:1.].1 come in
C"m:nex'ciJ.l w:J.ll s l;op 100 i from the
CommLJsioner Small moved to ccntirll:e tl'c hearing until the next
meeting, J·cmuary lh. Seconded by CommJs3ioE8I' Fit~,ger.::lld. All in favor.
E. ADIAH'l'.. lNG.: Application #26-V-62 for 11 Variance
Ordinance to allow a sign 35' high where Ordinance
Ilç;œthe,l,lst porll;e.:r;'. of"Blap..t'Y & ~tpveni? Creek Bl vel.
Bill .Lhomp~on appe,ü dd , er;l'10 apI. L can ~.
C01~1¡1~.i.L;::~J.on¡?x· II'~c)n:3.rc1".. J~ìi~ na,r,:.' -:":'-J (··r('l·J·'''''~';Îi,r,") 1'l'Y'~ r')(ì'
.... . v",.,~" l~., . . .·h.,·..~·..... ._.1. l_'. .
to the Sign
permits 20';
\·;·h;~. ~_ 'i_~, tb()
reason fox' not sticking J the ord.inance?
Commissioner Small: I believe we should either change the ordinance 01
stick to the 20' ordinance.
Commissione:r. II'itzgerald: I've alre2dy rece).ved a quef¡tion about the
h8:1.ght of the lVjayfalr sign from the Shell Statton.
CommisFJioner Frolich: Larger cente:>:>s may need the larger sign, this
if¡ the J7eaSOn for the variance clause. I don it l'e81 every store needs a
3"1 '
-' sl.gn.
The Commissioners recalled that the large !lavfair sign was erected
before the adoption of the sign ordinance.
Commissioner Leonard moved for denial of (::1e application. Seconded
by Commissioner f¡'itzgerald. All in favor.
A. Niscellaneous
A. MACKAY & SOMPS; Application #20T.M.-62
Mr. Larry Shott appeared for the applic~mt.
After much discussion by the CommissiomL's rega:>:'ding the intersection
of 'ferry Way, bhe City Engineer read the check list.
Ch2irmsn Snyder read letters from:
1. Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Department.
2. Santa Clara Health Department
3. Cupertino Sanitary Depa.rtment
4. Cupertino Union School District.
There were no protests submitted.
f.lr. Schott: Hegarding the sbreet names, we will check VJith 111'. LO.hi
before going to the 0ity Council.
Commisßioner Small moved to approve tentütive map subjel;t to cor,-
ditions specified by the Engineering Depart:nc'nt, the lnterdcetion of
Terry Way worked out to the satisfaction of the Ci'cy Staff, and naming of
streets accomplished by the City St;aff in conjllncbion with the Post Office
Seconded by Commissioner Frolich. Motion carried: 5-0 (F'it;;gerald
B. Miscellaneous
Chairman Snyder would 11lŒ to see the Planning CommiGsion get
together with the elementary and high school plann1.ng departments to
coordinate with the city.
Commiss:toner Fitzgerald moved the City Manager be authorized to
contact; the Elementary School District to set up a meeting with the
planning department. Seconded by Commis8:1.oner Small. All in favor,
Chairman Snyder: I I d l1ke to see the H,·Control Committee revamped,
and get some professional people on it.
Commissioner Leonard: Is jt possible, through homeowner or church
groups, to get a list of people who have thi~ background for this.
A Commlttee of Commissioner::; l<'rolich, J"itzgcrald and Chairman Snyder
will work on g0tting qualified members for the lI-Control Committee.
It mas
n··î~·~·~-:~,;·'-~:-: .,"vhJ.r(- j -1
moved by
tha t the
Commissioner Leonard, seconded by Commissioner
meeting be adjourned. All in favor. Meeting
C~.t·'r C~.c:p!~
it'll C-hé.1rl,r-,,:!
- ,J ~/_.I__I!__._
I( ~ 3) ~2-dl:r,)_
10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
AL 2-4505
C IT yep C0 P En T I NO
Time: 8:00 P.M.
Place: 10J21 So. Sara'coga·..Sunnyvale n-:1éld
II ROLL CALL: Commlssioner~ Present: Alamo, Fit~;r;erald, Frol1ch, Small,
f~{\ycJ.e:r. ,
Commissioners Absent: LeontLrd, H&mpy
(Commissioner Leonard arrived 8:10)
Staff Present: City Manager, City Engineer,
City Attorney., CUy Clerk
MlNU'l.'ES OF 'rEE PREVIOUS MEE·rING _. D0cembe,~ JO, J:;62
It WÐ.S moved by CommiGsioner Si]]a~l, seco.l1ded by Cor:Jmissionel' ]'1 tzgeral(~
that the minutes be approved as submitted, AIl in favor.
A. Written:
1. Letter from City Ma.nagsX' - Cj.vl" Center Sl te
2. County Plam'.1ng CommÜL>lün l'lin\.ltes .. })6C('JUlber 5
3. County Pl<>.nning Connnisc'.(Jn 1I'[in1-~te;; ,. j)¡;cember 19
4. Agenda for Uour.i;y Planni1.i>g Cümmission lVIeetlng January 2, 1963
The City Managert's letter asked 1f the Planning Commission concurred
with the City Council in the selection or the Civic Center Site.
Commissioner Leonard felt there should be a public hearing, that the
City would be on sounder ground by publishing the date of a public hearing.
Commissioner Small pointed out that 1;he Civic Genter Site has been
highly publ:tcized, but does not recall 2.n:: lJ('otes tÐ,
Commissioner Leonard cautioned that there could be criticism of City
operation on spending a large amount of money without a public hearing.
It was moved by Commissloner Small, seccnd8d by Commissioner Leonard,
that a public hearing be held Ja¡';,~êtY.'y ll~ 0':1 the Civic Centel' Site. Motion
carried 5-0. Commissioner Fitzgerald abstained.
B. Verbal Communications
There were no verbal communications from the audience.
Commissioner Small expressed his gratitude to the Commission.
for flowers and home visits d'.lring his recent illness.
ORDINANCE 002(0): An Ordinance of the City
Ordln<mce No, 002(1) and Amending Ordinance
Classificatlon "Planned Commmüty District"
of Cu.pertino Repealing
No. 002 by Adding the
The City Attorney explained that Ordinance 002(0) is a new ordinance.
There had been so many changes in O.!'dinance No. 002 (1) that City Council
authorized the Staff to prepa)'c a revised ordine.nce.
The Chairman asked :tf the. Hppli,1ant':1 h'3.d any opposition to the new
Mr. Rodrigues felt it met thiür objectives mbr'e than the prior ordinanc(c
Mr. Krushkhov felt the amended or·d:i.Er.m';ç ls far superior to the first
draft. He wondered about the neces~ity of the City ~ounCil to hold public
hearings. When the Planning Commission suggests an amendment in the form of
a PCH and the City Council holds a public hearing, they have expressed their-
policy. When the developer brings in his plan ready to make use of it, and
;Hiles for building permit, it might be needless to go th>.'ongh both agencies
The City Attorney informed r·t>:'. Krc"rJ;':::l'W that the public hearing isn't
required by council, but they may h<.~v", èl J.K'cU'Ü).~ (,f their own if they desir8
CommiGsioner Leonal'd~ [Jame pr0l:'o;J(~J.f~ f:-;E-H~m .>.) be: getting away from
onc and two-story buildings '.nd goh:.g ·'.ip Ll t.he 8-<':;', having more green
area, I wonde;;, if height lir,Ji ta tion 5.s a P!~U bJ.G~1 to 'I'own and Country.
City ¡>1anager: Oil R--3, tlle¡:'8 would pl'obabJ.y be an area where there
would be higher buildings" but if a deveJc:.pel' submi tted proper plal1s, use
pe¡'ml ts would be grLnted for greater :leights,
'I.'he Commission decided that wherever it a.ppeared in tile o:>::>dinance,
þIf-:I-JI, should read M-I-P-H., and that H should be added to R-2, R-], and
The):,e we¡'e no comments from the aUl:ience.
Commissioner Small moved the hearing be closed, Seconded by Commlssic
Fitzgerald. All in favor.
Commissioner Small moved that Resolution 122 be adopted, subject to
the recommendations made. Seconded by Commissioner Fit~ge:t'aJ.d.
Commissioner Frolich had a question alJont the title of Section 8. Afte'
some discussion by the Commission, it was decided Section 8 should be
entitled: Application for Use Permits and Building Permits. Section 8.1
should read: Prior to the issuance of a building pex'mit, the developer or
property owner shall submit an application to the Pl~nning Commission for
a use permit. Such application, . . . . . .
A vote was taken on Commissioner Small's motion to adopt Resolution
122. Motion carried 6-0.
B. MASON BROS.: Application #70-z-62 to rezonc 11.5 acres from
R-l: B-2 to R-l; south side of Rodriguez A7enue.
Mr. Pat 0' Connell, represent1!:g r1asoll Bros., infol'med the Commission
the homes planned will be two-story, similar to Pepper Tree homes. They
will be 1400 to 2,000 sq. ft, and 1.)lere will lJe approximately ninety-two
Mrs. Atkinson, 20615 Rodrigues Ave.. Cupertino, asked if Mr. Chow's
home is going to have the same setback as thobe planned.
Mr. o 'Connell assured Mrs.. Atkinson that the Chow residence will come
close to the 20' setback.
It was moved Commissioner Frolich, seconded by Commismioner Small,
that the hearing be closed. All in favor.
It was moved by Commissioner Small, seconded by Commissioner Frolich,
that Application 70-2-62 be recommended to City Council, subject to
Exhibit B, and that the Chow property on Rodrigues and Shelley be improved.
Motion carried 5-0. (Commissioner Fitzge~ald was absent from table)
C. GEORGE AND ROSE VOSS: Application #71-Z-62 to rezone 29.7 acres
from A-2: B-2 to R··2-H and R-·3··H; west of Mt. View-Stevens Creev.
Rd., adjoining west side of fllont:! Vista School. Pirst hearing.
Mr. O'Connell. representing the v.pplicants, displayed a map of the
property, pointing out that thee rear parcel of the property would lend
itself better to a·large building than to several smaller ones, because
of the slope of the land and the c:xpen£'e of correcting this.
Commissioner Leonard.: A:'.'8 you 3ugge8ting Ülls for multiple use, per-
haps a large and very high builò.J.ng.
O'Connell: There is not enough aVè~ilable space for duplexes. The
land could be left in the natuI'Ð.1 cO:1dltion in most cases, with underground
Commissioner Leonard: If the Commission recommended R-3 on the back
parcel, using something like 16 families to an acre) how many families C01;.],'
be accommodated.
O'Connell: There are 13.4 acres é':L bJllside land above 440'. There
are 16.2 acres on level grou.:,d.
Commis s ~.oner Leonard:
be f:1.ne use of the 1nnd, but
zoned n~2, !loli about trafí'1c
I get 215 f&Qllies for
hnw r.1é:ny people can be
1;, L:~c'. ()'J.c of thel'l'?
this acreage. It might
put on the parcel if
Comm:tsEloner ]'rolich: I agx'ee with M:,~. Leonard. I am concerned about
50 or 60 duplexes pLumed 1"01' mi:ÜUJL'_,n si,~0,d lots"
Commissioner SméÜl: vlould R·-·2~ have a potention on that hill, with
allowance for private driveways, the gard2n t:Yl)e d-¡ing with a view?
Commissioner Snyder asked what type or' hOlde would sellon this type
of property.
O'Connell: We would he in exceé;S of' $5,000 p0r :'.ot, so it might be
$18,000 to 20,000 homes.
Chaipman SnydGr: How abovt R-l on level [,nd p.-24 on hillside parcel~
O'Connell: I am sure that would be satisf8.ctory.
Commissioner Leonard:
be done to rent under $175
think about vihether or not
If this iß done on
pel' month. Perhaps
they want :'0 pllrsue
éJ.n optinn;'t¡] basis, it couldn'r
the proponents would want to
this type of thing.
Commissioner Smð.ll: My ;.'eason 1'01' suggestil'g the \1se of R··24 is that
R-3 would pin the developer- down"
Chairman Snyder asked for coml'lents f:"om the audience.
Mr. Leo Binn pointed out that there is a county road on the upper
portion of the land which provides good aCCeGfj to th~.s property. He felt
perhaps th:ts would help the Comm:t3uion decide.
Comm1asione:C' Frol1cll r.10ved to 001'.ti_nne the hearing until the next
regular meeting in hope that the d,>velc'I'elo lJ.ilél landowner can resolve the
items discussed. Seconded by CominJÐsiom,r Leonard. All in favor.
J:.gGE~;8 ~ 9 ~ ll·()
:n:r~:,:(;.,JJ.I<tJ}~~ 9~ h:..>
D. HE:rÆN AND GEOEGE PIE?GHA":: App15.cò1.i;:to!l 'r2-;~"'62 to ):·e.,cne 1 acre
f 1:'0 iil j::··3 .~~ :,;U 8;-·}· J.~~ l~(»,ì;~_., ,'.'f.e ~):I:' ;~~·l.;i.JVe:H:'; (;~'''0'3k Blvd: Ì1et\'1u~n
Rahdy a:¡d J:JJ.aney. Firs t hearing.
Mr, Don Kyser, representing the applicants, explained that the existin:
house will be torn down. The property is next to jV]e.~.'k 'l'homas EL1gineering.
There will be plans drm1n up to submit at the next meeting,
Commisuioner Adamo: How finned up is assessment dJf:'Þ~lct at this
City Attarney: Releases were required from tru:õtee8 on deeds of trust
They have been mailed out for signature.
Kyser: Yes, the owners have sig!1ed. There is a deed of t::'LlSt on this
,.1 "
1111', James Noodleman, f'rom tlw ê'.ud~_ence, askeè if the street behind thh
property would ))e :;coned COtrml,,,rc1.v.:: to lead up to the property.
Chairman Snyder' pointer] out OIl t;,e
from the rear portion of t11e P"0!')C,17ty.
building, to the rea;." 01" the pro::-c-.~'-L:r c
mw, thai, the stl"Cet will come in
CC>1>:ruer<;ial w1ll stop 100' from the
CommL:;sioIlBr· Smal] moved 1;(- :-ont'_l:·'èe the hUJring 1mtil the next
meeting, JanuaJ¿Y 14. Seconded by Go,~m.L8'icr.c2 Fitë:ger<?ld. All in favor.
E. AD I ART, ING,: Application f126-·v··62 for a Variance
Ordinance to allow a sign 35 i high where Ord:tnance
Billl'\1'rth~,~.st corn,e~ offBla¡:¡.cy & StJ"~en¡3 Creek Blvd.
. . J.hom¡,¡oon appea.. ed or the app~..,_~ant.
r:lc'r_l~!:':;;:'~~.onp.J.." L~('~.~'::¡.r(~,! L\Ù-' !":}:!.vr', ,.''¡-:. c.:-:->rl-i;',?:::lce t~"):::-> ?\)f"
to the Sign
permits 20';
~.-!~'-:;3.~: -,j~; the
2",ason for not sticking by the ordinance?
Commissioner Small: I believe we DJlould eith9r change the orùinance or
stick to the 20' ordinance,
Commissioner F'itzgerFtld: I've already recelved a question about the
height of the Mayfair sign from the S,¡{~ll Station.
Commissioner Frolich: Larger ce~te~s may n~ed the larger sign, thiu
is the reason for the variance clause. I dO!1't feel every store needs a
35' slgn.
The Commissioners recalled that the large Mayfalr sign was erected
before the adoption of the sign ordinánce.
Commissioner Leonard moved for denial of t':1e application. Seconded
by Commissioner Fitzgerald. All in favor.
A. Miscellaneous
A. MACKAY & SOMPS: Application #20T.M.-62
Mr. Larry Shott appeared for the applicant.
After much discussion by the Commiosione:'.'s regarding the inter'sectiol1
of Terry Way, the City Engineer read the check list.
Chairman Snyder read letters from:
1. Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Department.
2. Santa Clara Health Department
3. Cupertino Sanitary Department
4. Cupertino Union School District.
There were no protests submitted.
Mr. Schott: Regarding the street names, we will check with Mr. Lahi
before going to the City Council,
Commissioner Small moved to approve tent8.tive mè;.p subject to con-
ditions.specified by the Engineering Department, the inter3ection of
Terry Way worked out to the satisfaction of the City Staff, and naming of
streets accomplished by the City Staff in conjunction with the Post Of'fic,~.
Seconded by Commissioner Frolich. Motion carried: 5-0 (Fitzgerald
abstaining. )
B. Miscellaneous
Chairman Snyder would like to see the Planning Commjssion get
together with the elementary and high school planning departments to
coordinate with the city.
Commissioner Fitzgerald moved the City Manager be authorized to
contact the Elementary School District to set u~ a meeting with the
planning department. Seconded by Commissioner Small. All in favor.
Chairman Snyder: I'd like to see the H-Control Committee revamped,
and get some professional people on it.
Commissioner Leonard: Is it possible, through homeowner or church
groups, to get a list of people v;ho have the bac1:ground for this.
A Committee of Commissione).'s FroJ.ich, j"itzga'ald and Chairman . Snyder
will work on getting qualified mer.I~)er¡;, for the if-Control Committee.
It mas
Commissioner.' Leonard., seconded by Commissioner.
meeting be adjoul'ned. All in favor. Meeting
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moved by
that the
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