Teen 08-16-2017CUPERTINO Cupertino Teen Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, August 16, 2017 6:00 pm Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room 10185 N. Stelling Rd , Cupertino, CA 9501 4 CALL TO ORDER@ 6:19pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: All Staff Present: Mestizo APPROVED MINUTES MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) July 19, 2017 -Commissioner Vadodkar motions to approve minutes . Commiss ioner A. Sahni seconds motion. Motion passes unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS a) Oral -none b) Written -none OLD BUSINESS a) Day in the State Capitol -final logistics Final details and log istics regarding the Day in the State Capitol event were discussed with the commission. All commissioners were reminded of the schedule of events and location of pick-up/drop-off. a) Commissioner succession plan The remaining commissioners -S. Sahni, Rajaram, and Lau -will be stepping up as mentors to the incoming commissioners and informing them of ongoing projects. In addition, these commissioners will help make the integration of new commissioners into the commission a simple one. NEW BUSINESS b) 2016-2017 Term Evaluation Staff Liaison Mestizo handed an evaluation for the 2016 -2017 Teen Commission term. In the evaluation, it was requested that commissioners be as honest as possible to ensure yearly improvements for the Teen Commission. Results will be shared and implemented at following Teen Commission meetings. STAFF & COMMISSION REPORTS a) Staff Liaison Report Daniel Mestizo presented the Teen Commission with the following information: • N/A MISCELLANEOUS -NO ACTION REQUIRED ADJOURNMENT At 7:11 pm the Teen Commission adjourned to a REGULAR MEmNG which will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:00pm at the Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room, 10185 North Stelling Road, Cupertino.