PC 03-25-63 10321 SO. SARATOGA-SU."iVALE ROAD 252-4505 CI T Y OF CUP E R TIN 0 c..;UPERTINO'¡ CALH',mJJlA MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. March 25. 1963 Place: 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvà1e Road Time: 8:00 P.M. I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Fro1ich, Leonard. Small, Snyder Commissioners Absent: Rampy Staff Present: City Attorney. City Engineer, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS February 25. 26. March 11. 1963 February 25: Page 3. misspelling, should be metes and bounds. Page 6, the 6th paragraph should read: The City Attorney pointed out that now is the time to get it on record that there is a variance re- quested for a six story apartment house. Third paragraph from the bottom of page 6, third sentence should read: If you build commercial under the PC. you have to meet all the requirements covering commercial. Page 9, the motion in the first paragraph should read as follows: It was moved by Commissioner Fro1ich, and seconded by Commission- er Leonard that: I. WHEREAS. in general. this Commission wishes to encourage applications which merge properties and present a sound larger solution rather than a piecemeal solution. and. II. WHEREAS Applicant appears to be negotiating seriously with a national firm regarding a Highway 9 - Junipero Serra Free. way locatioh for a major West Coast office building requir- ing a site of about 20 acres, and. III. WHEREAS prospective user indicates others may have need for about 10 acres of additional sites for office use nearby, and. IV. WHEREAS the prospective major user indicates a preference for a reasonable assortment of service commercial up front near Highway #9 to provide eating places, automotive ser- vices, and other such uses convenient to and compatible with high-density office complexes, and, V. WHEREAS an office complex of the sort indicated is probably a higher and better use of Highway #9 lands than the current hodge-podge (dating back before incorporation, and being a strip development). and should --- long range --- provide not only a better tax base, but also a better assortment of job opportunities. and. VI. HHEREAS the central location of subject property in the valley, plus the emerging road pattern suggests future uses emphasizing large numbers of people rather than heavy storage and movement of bulky goods by relatively few people. and, VII. WHEREAS the merged parcels provide an area large enough and well enough shaped to stimulate imaginative and tasteful planning in the interests of convenience. compatability, the amenities. and economic success; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission recommends the rezoning to the Council under the P-C-H ordinance with approximately 30 acres earmarked for uses similar to those provided in our P-O-H ordi-- nance. and the remaining 8 acres earmarked for uses similar to those covered by our C-I-H ordinance; the entire rezoning being subject to t~e following conditions: -1- 1-12: 13: Scheduie B. (Tho uoUèl:J. C,-,pert:tno requ:trements) Sign:lng of nn rtg1.'eement sat:l3f3.ctüry 1;0 the City Council, the City Ma.nager, the C1.ty Enginee:l~ ,and the City Attorney on restoration to the Clty of such funds as may have been expended on subject property fruiÐ the City's allocation òf Trafficway Bond money. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: COlT.mlr'!sio1l8rs: Ji'itsgera1d, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Small, Snyder Commissioners: None Commissioners: Adamo MOTION êARRIED 6-0 ~ Also on page 3. 5th paragraph from the bottom of the page, it should read;" 'l'his same applicant is now" working - - -. not require- ment. 1,1 Commissioner Leonard stated that thëinlriutes should be handled ¡'more in a reporting fa.shion,. rather than statement.s from the Commission-J r ers, unless punctuated as quotes.. He added that for some time, . he has ð 1 had the feeling that the" minuteß aren't reporting what actually has , been happening at the meetingB~ . . . Regarding the Mariani application, the Commission wondered if the fact that the resoJ.ution presented to Coun0il did not list the reasons for the Commission's·recommendation might have influenced the denial. Maret. 11; rage 3, Paragraph, add to Jlth parð.gi'aph: The appli- canta were told that the matter ~JOu1d be betore H·~Control the following evening. The City Clerk requested the.t copies of· lengthy statements to be part of the record, be left with him. The City Attorney told. the Commission that neither they, nor the Council, are required to explain thelr votes, and that this can some- times be dangerous. The arguments for or against should be for the persuasion of other members. He added that the Commission has done a very good job of fact findlng. Commissioner Fro1ich asked if perhaps tbey had erred in their logical procesoes, in presenting recommenùations to Council, adding that when the Commission adds conditions to recommendations, Council sometimes treats them as arbitrary. The Clty Attòrney replied that when Council is considering the Ð.pplicatioll> they may have other con- siderations, such as budget, to influence their thinking. The City Clerk asked permissio!1 ornia Cities Manual on the function of that further discussion would be taken to read from a I,eague of Ca1if- the minutes. 'It was decided up under Unfinished Business. furnish copies of Resolutions ~~embers of the Commission felt did not fully outline the The City Clerk was requested to to members of the Planning Commission. the resolution as presented to Council Commission's thinking. . It was moved by Commissioner Small, and seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald that the minutes be received as corrected. AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Commissioners: Commissioner's: Commissioners: Commie31oners: Adamo, r:iit·zgera1d, Small, Snyder Leonard F'rolich Eampy Motion carried 4-1-1 III COMMuNICATIONS A. Written 1. Letter from Joru1 Fleming, re'Mackay Palo Alto ~oning . Application.. This. must 1:)e annexed prior to final approval, between two and three· months. -2- 2. Copy v. Bulletin INFO 3. Letter from Travel Trailer Cl~b8, offering assistance in preparing ordinance covering parking of trailers. 4..Ba.:v Area Air Pollution Air Currents 5. .Subdivisior. Report for FebI"_\az'y Yorktovm 1 - South of McClellan Rd. 7.1 net acres. 6. Santa Cla:('a Valley PLAN8 7. 6th Street Tree ¡j~7:1).)(H):i.1,rl.' April 10, 1963 8~" Water ConseX'vs.tion News for February . Pump Tax Study 9. Letter from R. S. Shock, re Merritt Drive, in Belmont ~ract~ Unit #1 is nearing completion. Improvements will not be accepted until lOt strip has been construct- ed. 10. Letter from the City Manager with a copy of a letter from the Superintendent of the School District pertain- ing to the Mariani school site. It was moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald and seconded by Comm~ ssioner Small that this be held for Unfinished Business. A1J. h~ favor. . B. Oral The city Clerk received a call from the Planner regarding Tuesday night's meeting, asking the Commission to present any ideas they might have on the topic of Goals and Princi- pals. It was moved by Commissioner Fitzge~ald and seconded by Commissioner Leonard that the communications be received and filed. All in favor. Commissioner Frolich requested that the planning information received from the County be provided for the Commission, and the City Clerk was instructed to check to see if this is possible. IV A. ALPHA LAND CO.: Application 28-v-63 for a Variance to Ordinance 220 to allow side yards of 20' where Ordinance requires 31'; Rodrigues Avenue & Terry Way. Continued. B. ALPHA LAND CO.: Application 2l-TM-63 for tentative map approval; 3 lots on Terry Way at Rodrigues. Continued. The Chairman asked the City Clerk if tnere was a report from the Building Department. There was not; the City Clerk explained that the Building Inspector has been hospitalized. Mr. Ingber, from Alpha Land, reviewed their application. His firm has a piece of property on Ter~y Way, divided by metes and bounds, developed under R-3 as existing at time of development. They have now requested subdivision of the property into three lots, and find they are 11' short on sideyards and have requested a variance. Again, the possibility of a building burning down was discussed, and the City Attorney stated that the variance is incorporated into the final map, so there would still be a building lot. When asked, Mr. Ingber said he didn't know if the property was originally surveyed into six lots.- At the time-of presentation to Council, Mr. Ingber said they had drawn plans on the first two lots and told Council there would be four more lots all the same. Chairman Snyder pointed out that initially the developer chose not to subdivide, therefore tentative ma.p a.pproval was not required. Mr. Ingber said they were in a hurF~ to build, and after examining the ordinance, and feeling they met all requirements, th~y didn't file a subdivision map. The City Attorney ~a.id this was the first case he knew of w~er.e anyone had tried to build on n·,3 without a sul)division map; and this cut off resale by units. He adr!:;d t-.ha'.:; ',:he :,:mrpose of subdivision is to break up a large piece of ls.~. It was moved by Commissioner S-:·_;;~f;~.':'ald and seconded by Comm- issioner Small that the hearing be closed. Motion carried .6-0. ..3" · It was moved bJ Com.missioner ¡,eonard, and .~conded by Commissioner Fitzgerald thc:i;; I. WHERE.AS the P,:.>.... .n,"i·.:':' ,)!'J glnally acquired 6 sites totalling 53.760 sq. f't, zoned fc)' multiple., und qJ..la1if'ying for not more than 3 unHs each, a total of 18 units if developed as six separs.te pa:.'cels; a.nd II. WHEREAS Applicants, after investigation, elected to present the parcels for consideration as a single parcel, thereby qualifying their holding for the 24 units actually built, an increase of 6 rentable units obtained by representations that they wanted to treat it as a single parcel. and hold it for investment as a single parcel; and III. WHEREAS multiple housing is norme.lly owned as an investment with earning capacity---and therefore value--- being roughly proportional to the number of rentable units on the parcel; 24 units being more than 18; and IV. WHEREAS Applicants now seek to subdivide the whole for pur- poses of individual sale, pleading hardship if denied, and near compliance on setbacks, and near compliance on density (if the division is into 3 parcels of 8 units each; NOW THEREFORE this Commission expresses the following conc1u- sions: 1) The Applicants must he presumed to have been in full know- ledge of the ordinances regarding both density, lot coverage. and setbacks at the time of reqltesting architectural con- trol; and in both instances held the property forth as being a single parce1---such holding forth producing for them very real financial advantages in building and renting; ant and, 2) To reverse themselves now-·--after the í'act of building--·· using the variance device to accomplish that which probably would not have been sanctioned before the building would seem to confe~~ on the Applicants a unique additional ad- vantage not fai:"J.y and unj.forml:r open to all at the time ·¡~he:.:.' ~):.'ojects in multiple are on <:he dz'awing boards; and 3) The effect of such re~uests as this would seem to be in the long run a steady pressu.re to O¡'82.k down the car.eful1y set low density aspects of o~r ordina.nces. NOi'l THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission recommend denial of A:x.:·. .:.()e:;~';J:1 r.,'\.".,,:;:,·, ".:~(- ;:'>""'I'~v¡..63o AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich. Leonard, Small, Snyder Commissioners: None Commissioners: Rampy Motion carried 6-0 C. STONESON DEVELOPMENT CORP,,: Application 68~z-62 to rü:;rme approximately 69 acres from R-I-A:B-2.. H-I-B-2 & R··I to PC-H; north side of Stevens Creel{ BJ.vd., bounded on the west by the fut¡,¡re Stevens C);eek rreeway. Second Hearing Continued. Mr. Arthur j"":f·,,,-,,,co.·?'l',,Vice P:c'esident of Ston:"ç;.1 told the Commission they had sUÌJmih;ed their Pl':::posa:L f')I' 2. J:'lt,nned Community development on the F'~_sher pX'ope!'ty pl'io:.' tG the PC-Ii ordinance being adopted. iL"lticipated pO~)lÜatior. would ~e betw""m 1500 and 1900. Town houses 1 three-story, sj_x'-StQ):';)T units are planned, with a common green. The City C1erl~ repo':'ted tnere h2.ve ;)f,en no letter's pro or con on this applicationo The City Engineer, after s'~udying the checklist, recommended approval. The problem of 2.ccess was brought up, also the matter of the ~lell. The applicant pointed out that these problems can't all be ·'oJ.ved oct this time, the.t this is onl:¡l a tentative map. -, . ~..... The City Atto_ ,.ey told the Commission thb.. he didn1t Bee how so, many things could w",:<:'c Úntil later.' to be l'esolved, because the appli- cant. may not be in again until applying for a use permit, and this talks only about the building ~;;:;self and the shrubs around it. There j,s.a prob~em of: sidewa1.ks, street patterrlS, End st~'eet wj,dths, parkj,ng areas, Mr. Ruth, from Stoneson, said there are two covered parking spaç~~ for each living unit. He added that he thought they had met all requirements of the ordinance, in the brochure and supplemental maps. Building location, open spac~~ landscaping, street cross section, and density of 12.8 overall are shown. Depending on whether Stoneson or the freeway is developed first, a road will connect providing access to Stevens Creek. It is his opinion that there will be ample connections to the Nortþ, East and South. Mary Avenue is shown, and until a developer files a map, and this is sent to the Division of H1~hways, this won't be decided. 'J:ownhouses were discussed. Mr. Ruth said they m1gþt come under R-24, and the City Attorney pointed out two variances would be required, town houses are single family dwellings, and they would not front on a public street. Commissioner Leonard wondered if another ordinance would cover this, and what it would be, for town houses, row housing. or or the condominium type. The City Attorney explained that town houses have double walls, so it would be R-l without side setbacks. With a single wall between units. it is multiple. He added that he couldn't see that R-24 would Bolve tþe problem. Mr. Ruth added that he thought there would be do~ble walls. as double walled units have wide-spread acceptance in the, Bay Area. The problem of a separate variance for each town house. or one tor the town houses collectively was considered. Commissioner Small felt one would b~ aufficient. COmmissioner Leonard expressed concern over owners ,deciding to se+¡, wondering what their rights would be in connection with the common green. The City Attorney mentioned that a city park would solve the problem. It was decided that a park could be abandoned too. so this would only be a temporary solution. Commissioner Leonard stated that the deed could spell out each owner's rights. Commissioner Frolich told the COiumission this had been discussed at the League of Cities Convention, and it W&S felt that it would go unresolved until there is some state legisJe.tion on it. Problems of cabana club membership were discussed, änd the possibility of an assessment district for pool operation explored. The City Attorney stated that an assessment district was only possible On public develop~nts. Mr. Ruth told the Commission that all these proble1!13 have been met and worked out in Orange County, Chairman Snyder outlined the problema: 1. Ingress and egress " 2. Adjacent properties undeveloped 3. Maintenance of common green area Chairman Snyder aF.l!:ed that eventu.ally the problems will have to be solved. adding that subdivision would be a real problem and could not be resolved at present. Commissioner Fro1ich thought the problems had resolved themselves as much as possible with w~1.at is av&; lab1e now. The Chairman asked for comments from the audie!1'_e. There were none. It was moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald and seconded by Commissioner Frolich that the hearing be closed. Motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald and seconded by Commissioner Small that approval be granted subject to the 12 standard conditions on lots 1 and 2 as submitted. to rezonG to PC-H. -5'" , ,}>üLs¡¡iO!1c:." ::,.è..:2.'··' ';:-',8)"',:' ub::,ut the well, ",nd Commissioner Fitzgera.Ld explained timt S'c..meson do~s not own the well. The problem of access was also explored f1'Lt'thEôX', and Mr. h~th said that a frontage road will either parallel iVJa.l'Y or overlap on Mary. riepending on who builds first. The Commissioner. ~J.so ask':Jd ""boFt p!'ovision for' getting onto Stelling and was told that Greenleaf will be the major street. Gardenia would be a ~lo8ßipJ.e secondary c-pêning, AYES: ABSTAIN: NAYS: , ABSENT: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commiss"iuners: Commissioners: Fitzge'~ald, F')~olich, Leonard, Small Adamo Snyder Rampy Motion carried 4-1-1 RECESS: RECONVENE: 11:10 11:15 D. EXCELL & SON: Application 77-2-63 to rezone 5.08 acres from R-l to R-2-H; Lockwood Drive ¡;¡t the intersection of Voss Avenue. First Hearing. Mr. Excell, bUilder, asked that the Planning Commission look at his recent development of duplexes. Commissioner Small reported that they were ver.y good looking. There are two bedrooms and two baths on each side of the buildIng, 1200 sq. ft, pe¡O '.mit, 2400 per building. The.bedrooms are upstairs. Street pattern will not be changed. Commissioner Small moved the first hea.:ê'ing be closed. ed by Commissioner AGamo. All in favor. E. CAMINO DEL HOMES: Application 78-2-63 to rezone 23 acres from A to R-l; northwest of Terr&ce Drive, presently being annexed to City. Pirst Hearing. Second- Mr. Ward Crump, 11247 Bubb Road, Cupertino, told the Commission tnat access would be through Terrace Drive for the present. All lots are in excess of city requirements. The Chairman ask~Q for comments f~om the audience. There were none. It was moved by Cemmissior;er 8t:Jall c.ne iêecollded by Oommissioner Le¡;:na'.'G that tIle f:;'¡'st hearing be closedo Motlon carr:1.,ed 6-0. It was moved by Comrúlssioner SmaJ.l~ seconded by Comrr.issiöner Adamo that Application 78·,z-63 be approved SUb;!ect to oompletion of annexation by the City and Exhibit B. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: C',iK¡mmissionel's: Adamo, Fitzgel~ld, Frolich, Leonard, Small, Snyder Non.e Rampy ~'Ò¡jlin1ssioners : Ö'ommissioners: Motion carr:t,(" '. ':-0 F. CAMINO LV'.· OOMES: AP't'i.;l,eat10n 23-T~1-63 for tentative map approval; 88 lots northwest of Terrace Drive presently belng annexed. The City Engineer pointed Q~~.. that the street patC:2rn is better than the neighborhood plan. Ter.rac€! Drive, r:JtÐ.rting east gOl:'" west, lot 158, should be 70 ±, not 75. 0,1 the slope, the arrow anå Der' cent of grade is missing, The Clerk read the letters from the following: 10 School district 0 No pro; leir!.", 2. Health Department. 'l'he Health ';'"pa.rtL1erri: has no objections provided utili t;y- reY,'LÜ¡Oements are met 0 3. F'lood Control - Net within their scopeo 4. Sanitary District - '.rhere wiD. be an easement required. It was moved by Commissioner Small, and seconded by Commissioner J"'one.rd that the tentative map be tì?g::oved subject to the suggestions made by the Sanitary Engineer, that offside easements be secured, bonds be posted, and that slope indication of Mo'U.ntcrest Drive be shown. Mr. Crump said that a split level home will go on Lot #158. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Con~issioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Small, Snyder Commissioners: None Commissioners: Rampy Motion carried 6-0 V UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. General Plan: George Volker . ," Tuesday's meeting will cover Goals & Objectives. B. Miscellaneous The City Clerk read Chapter 7, on Council Minutes, from the League of California Cities Manual. Regarding the City Manager's letter on the Mariani school site, there was some misinterpretation on the meaning of the district's letter. Commissioner ~eonard presented a possible motion asking that the site be abandoned. It was decided to consider the matter further at Tuesday's meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Small and seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald that the meeting be a.djourned to Tuesday evening, March 26, at 8:00. Meeting Adjourned 11:15 ISI Ch~~..§.L~. Snyder Charles K. Snyder, Chairman ATTEST: ~'.i\~JU'( Lawrence K. / , \Lt.~Z I ' Martin, City Cle~--- "7-