PC 04-27-63 10321 SO. SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE ROAD (City Hall) C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TI NO CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 252-4505 ..-, .,. MINUTES FOR THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, April Z7, 1963 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road (Conference Room) 9:30a.m. Placè':' , Time: Cominissioners Pt'esent: Adamo. Fitzgerald. Leonard. Snyder. . Frolich Absent: . Rampy. Small ' . Mr. Volker presen.ted the Land Use Map. It showed that 1.100 acres have been developed or committed in the past two years. compared to 3.144 acres of residential developed previously; an increase of 1/3. Commissioners were given neighborhood density-charts to peruse. The four density groupings are: Very lOw. '0 -3 du'So. low 3.1 to 5.0, medium 5.1 to 7, medium high 7.8 to 8.5. Projections are for 1985. Sketch Plan #3 was presented. and the Commission pointed out that the golf course was not shown. Commissioner Leonard reported that he had some comments from Mr. Patterson on industrial development. Réservation of a lot' of area in Menta Vista area for industrial has a lot of drawbacks. such as trafNc, lack of power and water, new sewers. He added that Sunnyvale has an area near Homestead committed to multiple, and they are most interest- ed in seeing it widened. With Homestead on one side, Junipero Serra on the other. and Highway 9 and Blaney the other way, that would seem like a logical area for development. He has learned also that in planning development next to residential, strip commercial is at the bottom of the list of preferences of homeowners, professional office and research about 50% higher. good multiple 50% higher than commercial, and industrial twice as high as multiple. It was suggested that possibly Monta Vista would be the right spot for industrial in neighborhood 5. western half of 6. northern part of " 11. Mr. Volker said that urban renewal programs lend very well to new use. Commissioner Snyder asked if it would be possible to have an overlay of a master sewer line with main distribution and overlay of water lines. Also a master street map would be helpful. Commissioner Leonard reported that Planners Blayney-Livingston. Watson and Alan Walters met with Sunnyvale, and Sunnyvale wants to have Homestead serve neighborhoods 3. 4. 7, and 9; ¡ofolfe Road to serve 3. 4. 7. 9, 8. 13. 14, 16, 17, and maybe 20. Some neighborhood meetings have been held. Mr. Volker will meet soon with the above- mentioned pla~ers. Mr. Volker reminded the Commission that the General Plan is not yet ready for public hearings. that meetings that are public are not really hearings. He added that the meeting to be held April 29 with Council is for the purpose of informing the Councilmen of progress to date. Commissioner Leonard asked if neighborhood 8 could be broken down. showing existing subdivisions, vacant land and total acreage. This would allow anyone to do the same with their own neighborhood. If the problems encountered in putting high density next to R-l were outlined. this might be a case against putting land to its highest use. Commissioner Frolich pointed out that there will probably be a need for a new ordinance for high density multiple with a lot of green area around it. adding that new developers would have to wait for the ordinanoe to fit. Commissioner Snyder felt that a formula that could be used for each neighborhood would be helpful. If reasons were shown for determining the projected density for given areas. such as land too expensive for the lower use. or landlooked. and not good for neighborhood activities, this too would be helpful. A comparison of 6 and 8 was requested. " '-'...L.~ Commissioner Leonard asked ror à reduct~on m~p, mostly of the central triangle. This would give the Commission an idea of which way to go on zoning applications in locating higher density locations. Showing what might go next to single fami1y~we11ings might help decrease the complaints. Chairman Frol1ch asked if there were statistics available to show traffic flow out of an industrial park, numbers of cars in and out per hour. Mr. Volker said these figures were available, and that it would be carefully explained at a later date, in,detail. Traffic to be generated by the Jr. COllege was mentioned, and Chairman Frolich wondered if an interchange with the freeway and Foothill Blvd could be worked out. Commissioner Fitzgerald said that the County has requested an interchange but the State has taken the position that it would be too close to where the freeways met. Mr. Volker pointed out that there are two schools of thought oh this sort of thing. One, to layout streets and distribute the uses, and second, to layout the land and get streets to accomodate uses. The Planner feels the land use should be decided and circulation planned accordingly. ' The possibility of meeting with officials from the Jr. College to discuss the traffic problem was considered. Meeting adjourned: 11:10.a.m. Isl Donald Fro1ich, Chairman ATTEST: t, 1 [1. ,. , '" ta.wrence K. Martin, {((, --r- \" '..\. \\ City Clerk -2-