PC 09-09-63
8:00 P.M.
Board Room, Cupertino Elementary School District
10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino
Commissioners Present: Adamo. Fitzgerald. Rampy, Small, Snyder,
Commissioner Absent: Leonard
Staff Preßent:
Mr. Lahi, Mr. Shook
July 22, 1963 -- Comm. Small moved to receive and file the
minutes of the Planning Commission for July 22. 1963. Comm. Fitzgerald
seconded. Motion passed, 6-0.
July 23, 1963 -- Comm. Snyder requested a correction on pages 1
and 2, to add the word "Neighborhood" in front of any number, for
clarity. Comm. Snyder moved to approve the minutes of July 23, 1963,
with corrections. Seconded by Comm. Small. Motion passed, 6-0.
JUl~ 30, 1963 n Comm. Snyder stated the word "Commissioner"
be change to "Chairman" in the first paragraph on page 1. On page 4,
the 5th paragraph. the word "pull" should read "pool". Chairman
Fro1ich indicated that on ~ge 3. paragraph 2, referring to the assess-
ed valuation should read ":¡;4,000 per pupil below the state average."
Comm. Fitzgerald moved the minutes for the July 30. 1963, meeting be
approved with corrections. Comm. Small seconded. Motion passed. 6-0.
August 12, 1963 -- Comm. Snyder moved to approve the minutes of
August 12, 19b3. Comm. Rampy seconded. Motion passed, 6-0.
August 15. 1963-~
4, regarding the roofing
than "per square foot".
with corrections. Comm.
Comm. Adamo stated that on page 1, paragraph
materials, it should read "per square" rather
Comm. Fitzgerald moved to approve the minutes
Rampy seconded. Motion passed, 6-0.
August 26, 1963 -- Comm. Fitzgerald pointed out that on page 3,
paragraph ~, regarding Application 92-Z-63. he included the statement
that this matter be referred to the City Engineer for a study of the
traffic pattern before the second hearing. Chairman Frolich indicated
that on page 2, Hearing C, discussing R24, he pointed out that at onl¥
one other meeting had this been discussed. (Ell 'Vee Construction Co.)
Chairman Frolich also stated that on page 3, regarding the Craft Hear-
ing, he questioned the street pattern, showing no access to the City
on the tentative map in the R-3H area. Regarding the Vallco applica-
tion on page 4, Mr. Anthony Lillo asked Mr. Patterson whether any
commitments had been made. Mr. Patterson stated that none had been
made and, further, none had been requested. Item F on the agenda,
Assur¡¡,nce Finance. page 5, paragraph 4. add: "City Manager to check
with the County Planning Dept." Item G, Excell application, page 5
Chairman Frolich wished to have it in the record that he agreed with
the possibility of going all multiple on this property but did not go
along with the "all commercial" thinking. Comm. Fitzgerald moved to
approve the August 26, 1963, minutes with corrections. Comm. Adamo
seconded. Motion passed, 6-0.
A. Written:
( 2)
Application for a tract number for Foothill #2,
Monta Vista-Stevens Creek Road.
Letter from the State regarding long-range recreation
objectives and plans for California.
Letter from County Planning Commission requesting rezon-
ing Monta Vista to R12, Orange Avenue
County Planning Commission agenda for 9/4/63 and minutes
for August meetings.
A copy of the joint County-San Jose East Side Master
Comm. Snyder moved to have a letter written to the County Plan-
ning Commission expressing our point in reference to the preliminary
general plan. Comm. Fitzgerald seconded. Motion passed, 6-0.
The City Attorney couldn't come to this meeting, due to illness,
but did furnish the information that he felt the Planning Commission
should not instruct the City Planners on how to change the general
plan but rather to wait and give their views on it at the proper time.
Comm. Fitzgerald moved the communications be received and filed.
Comm. Small seconded.
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Leonard
B. Verbal communications None
A. BOGDANICH BUILDING CO.: Appl. 86-z-63 to rezone 8 acres
from R-1:B-D to R-1j adjoining the south side of McClellan
Road, east and west of Madrid Road. Second Hearing.
(Annexation in progress.)
Mr. Jim Cole, of MacKay and Somps, made the presentation. He
stated that a plan has been submitted, but not a tentative map, at
this time. The thinking at this point is to have two cuI de sacs but
to still make use of Madrid Road. He stated that Toledo Road was
abandoned because it was an old road, laid out with large lots in mind.
Chairman Fro1ich stated that some thought should be given as to
what the Commission wants to do with Rae Lane before the tentative map
on this application comes up.
Comm. Fitzgerald moved the second Hearing be closed. Comm.
Small seconded.
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Fitzgerald moved this application be approved as submitted
subject to the 12 standard conditions. Comm. Snyder seconded.
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Leonard
GEORGE YA~OKA: Appl. 89-z-63
A-2:B-4 to R-3-Hj on the south
Blaney Avenue and Randy Lane.
to rezone 7.85 acres from
side of Lucille between
Second Hearing.
Mr. Sid Mitchell, Sunnyvale Civil Engineer, made the presenta-
tion. He indicat€d that the Church on the adjoining property was not
interested in putting in a joint road going out to Blaney as it would
be impossible to put a 60' street here. He also stated that aU-shaped
internal street was impractical because of the resulting shallow lots.
The total area concerned is 48,500 sq. ft., with 1400 sq. ft. per unit.
At this point, Comm. Snyder suggested that Mr. Yamaoka is exceeding
the net density allowed per acre.
Mr. Shook stated that Mr. Yamaoka had met with the City Engineer-
ing Dept., and it was agreed that this was a difficult parcel to work
with. He suggested that perhaps cutting down on the lot size is the
Mr. Lahi indicated that Mr. Yamaoka had come into the office at
3 P.M. the day of this meeting and was told that, without sufficient
time to study the plans, probably the best thing to do would be to have
a U-shaped internal street with 50' width along the property line. He,
therefore, made this recommendation.
Comm. Fitzgerald moved the second Hearing be closed. Comm. Small
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzterald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
None .
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Fitzgerald moved the application be approved, subject to
the 12 standard conditions, with the suggested street pattern with the
U-shaped street surrounding the property line. Comm. Adamo seconded.
Comm. :
Adamo, Fitzgerald
Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Fitzgerald moved to deny the motion. Comm. Small seconded.
Comm. :
Rampy, Small, Snyder,
Adamo, Fitzgerald
Chairman Frolich advised the applicant that he has the right of
appeal to the City Council. Comm. Small added that it must be in
writing and within five days.
C. ELL VEE CONSTRUCTION CO.: App1. 91-2-63 to rezone 34 acres
from A to R-24-H; bounded on the north by Stevens Creek Blvd,
on the east by the lands of Foothill College, on the south
by McClellan Rd and on the west by the Southern Pacific Rail-
road. Second Hearing continued. (Annexation in progress)
Mr. Ned Abrams gave a recap of the development of city planning
since he received his Masters Degree in 1938. In essence, he chal-
lenged the thinking of the City Planner, and backed up his statements
by quoting Mr. Henry Churchill, reknown planner, in the Encyc10p~ªia
Americana. More specifically, he said that the City Planner had stated
in the Cupertino Courier that commercial development in the Monta Vista
area may not take place for 15 - 20 years. Mr. Abrams pointed out that
his clients were in their 60's and did not wish to wait that long be-
fore developing their property.
Mr. Abrams said he had approached the State in regard to trading
their piece of land intended for a corporation yard for an equal por-
tion in the northeast corner of subject property, and they seemed to go
along with his thinking. This could provide a common access to this
development and the corporation yard, directly across stevens Creek
Blvd from Alhambra Avenue.
The plan is to have 400 homes in the entire area, built approxi-
mately 100 at a time. There will be a continuous park running through
the property. There will be peripheral access, in addition to an
internal road pattern. There will be a 50' street along the freeway
instead of 60' because there is no reason for having a sidewalk on the
freeway side. It is Mr. Abrams' understanding that the utilities are
all available.
Comm. Snyder wished that Mr. Volker was present to rebutt some
of Mr. Àbrams' statements regarding city planning. He also challenged
Mr. Abrams ' statement that it is ridiculous to Con'sider neighboring
areas in a master plan.
Comm. Small didn't feel that it was feasible to put an industrial
park in thiS area SinCe there would be over 400 home owners to deal
with in order todève10p this area.
Chairman Frolich's thinking was that the land values would go up
and up and someone Wishing to develop an industrial area would seek
one where the hOmes were old and not so expensive rather than one where
there were, say, $50,000 homes.
Comm. Snyder proposed to set up a study session to decide whether
or not this parcel should go industrial or multiple.
Comm. Rampy moved to close the second Hearing. Comm. Snyder
AYES: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard
Comm. Snyder moved that the application be denied. Comm. Rampy
Comm.: Rampy, Snyder, Frolich
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Small
Comm. Leonard
CbmriJ. Fitzgèrald moved the application be approved. Comm. Small
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Small
Comm.: Rampy, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Fitzgerald moved to set up a study session for either
September 19th or September 12th, and that the City Planner be request-
ed to attend. Comm. Snyder seconded. Motion passed, 6-0.
Comm. Small made a motion this application be continued at the
next meeting. Comm. Fitzgerald seconded.
AYES: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Corom. Leonard
D. WILLIAM H. CRAFT, et a1: Appl. 92-Z-63 to rezone approxi-
mately III acres from A-2:B-4 to PC-H; on the north side
of Stevens Creek Blvd, east and west of Calabazas Creek.
Second Hearing.
Presentation was made by Attorney Boris Stanley. He briefly
reviewed the tentative map. The Planning Commission had recommended
the Craft and Vallco principles get together ~ith the City Engineer
regarding the road pattern, which meeting took place on 9/5/63.
Mr. Ants Lahi stated that Tantau must go through but a winding
Tantau could be accomplished, adjacent to Calabazas Creek. The City
Engineer indicated that Amherst and Tantau should form the skeleton for
the road pattern. Amherst has been designated as a major city street
(collector) and approved by the State.
The City Attorney submitted a comment concerning both the
Craft and Vallco applications: "I have reviewed these applications and
see no problems. I would suggest that as a condition of rezoning that
a street pattern be established at this time which is suitable to the
City. "
The Westwood Oaks people are not enthusiastic about multiples up
against the property line here.
Comm. Small stated he would like to see the wholè parcel go merely
as PC-H, rather than break it down further at this point. Chairman
Fro1ich felt it was only fair to indicate to the applicant the feelings
or the Comm1sa1onon the tentat1ve map.
Comm. Snyder stated he would like to see the area west of Tantau
and west of Ca1abazas Creek go light industrial, and professional of-
fices on the other side of Tantau.
Chairman Frolich asked Mr. Stanley what his feeling is of light
industrial and R & D in the whole area, providing there is a market
for it. Mr. Stanley answered that light industrial would include R & D
but that R & D would not include light industrial. He also stated
that the City Planner suggested eating and meeting places should be
provided for the Industrial Park.
Mr. Gary Gouvea, 349 La Herran Drive, Santa Clara, speaking for
the City of Santa Clara Planning Dept., suggested it is important to
get additional access roads. He agreed that Tantau development is
quite important. He also felt there should be tight control as to the
height of buildings.
Mr. Stuart Leaf, 679 Meadow, Santa Clara (Westwood Oaks) would
like to Bee the following things: (1) No 24-hour work at the Indus-
trial Park, (2) Professional buildings or light industrial bordering
Westwood Oaks, and (3) Planning of the entire Industrial Park as a
unit rather than as separate parcels, to make sure that no concessions
will be made to lure prospective lessees.
Mr. Robert Michaelson, 10424 Norwich Avenue, (Idlewild Greens)
wanted to know what the Craft family felt would be compatible with
Idlewi1d Greens. Mr. Stanley stated thè Craft family had no specific
information as to what is going to go into this area as yet. This
will be controlled as the use permits are filed.
Comm. Fitzgerald moved the second Hearing be closed. Comm. Small
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Fitzgerald moved that Application 92-Z-63 be approved with
the addition of the statement that the Craft family has no objection
to TantaU going through this development. Comm. Small seconded.
Comm. Snyder amended the motion to add that Tantau must meet the
approval of the City Engineer regarding its street pattern. Comm.
Fitzgerald moved to include this in his motion. Comm. Small seconded.
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Leonard
E.VALLCO PARK, a corporation: Appl. 94-z-63 to rezone 275
acres from A, M-l and A-2:B-4 toPC-H; between Homestead
Road and Stevens Creek Blvd east and west of proposed
Wolfe Rd. Second Hearing.
Mr. William Watson, Architect, started the presentation by stat-
ing that Tantau would be very important to the development of the
entire area. The main function will be to eliminate traffic from
going through ¡'lestwood Oaks. The quality of VaIJco Industrial Park
will be as good as and better than that at Stanford Industrial Park.
Mr.John Blayney went on to explain the proposed traffic pattern.
Wolfe Rd would extend from stevens Creek to IIDmestead; Prlineridge would
go through from Westwood Oaks to Wolfe Rd; Tantau would extend through
Stevens Creek to Homestead; and Varian plans to have the front of its
establishment on Homestead. Val1co plans to lease sites rather than
sell them. In every case, the landscape and yard requirements will
exceed the requirements, except as will be suggested later. Va1lco
proposes a 6-8 foot fence or wall on the property line along Westwood
Oaks and Idle~tl1d Greens. Bordering this will be a 20' landscaped
area. The nearest industrial building will be 100' minimum from the
property line. Height would be regulated by a gradient of 1 to 4;
e.g., a building 100' from the property line could only be 25' high,
Variation from M-l requirements are requested in 2 respects, how-
ever. Where the maximum height is now 35', Mr.Blayney proposes 42'
since this is necessary for a two-story building. The buffering zone
is the other problem. If a street can constitute a portion of this
buffer, Val1co would like to have 20' of landscaped area, followed by
a parking area in the next 80'.
Chairman F'rolich aSked at this point whether Vallco wanted a
commitment or an expression from the Planning Commission. Mr. Watson
stated they would like a commitment.
At this point, Mr. Patterson stated the City Manager has the
problem and Varian will be guided by his opinion.
Chairman Frolich felt the requests were reasonable and he tends
to go along with them.
Comm. Snyder stated that, after contemplating about 100' of
landscaping, he felt it just did not sound reasonable.
Comm. Fitzgerald had no objection to the height variation, and
could foresee no reasonable objection to the contemplated parking plan.
Comm. Rampy, Small, and Adamo had no objections to these two
varia tions.
Mr. Stuart B. Leaf, 679 Meadow Ave., Santa Clara, asked what
would happen on the Marchese property. Comm. Fitzgerald stated that
if the road is being developed he would either go along with it or
we would have to build around it.
Mr. Robert Michaelson, of Id1ewi1d subdivision, wondered about
the feasibility of putting a row of R1 homes along the border instead
of the 20' landscaping and 80' parking. He felt these homes would be
desirable for people without children, say possibly, some of the
executives working in Vallco Industrial Park. The general feeling
of the Commission is that this would not be the answer.
In regard to access roads, MrJ3Iayney pointed out that Amherst
and/or Merritt are not critical to the Industrial Park.
Mr. Dean Slceels, 2141 Columbus, representing the Trinity Metho-
dist Church, asked how the Agreement between Cupertino and Santa Clara
would affect the Church property at the northeast corner of the Vallco
property. Mr. Blaney stated that he expected the setbacks and buffer-
ing would be as described for the other areas.
Mr. Thomas Thornton, 1790 Lark Lane, Sunnyvale, protested the
manner of publication of this Hearing. He also stated he was in favor
of putting only R-1 in the entire area of the Craft and Val1co appli-
Mr. David Malone, 10212 Dennison Ave., Cupertino; Mr. Don Paul,
10198 Dennison Ave., Cupertino; and Mr. Michael Hernon, 1788 Lark Lane,
Sunnyvale, all protested use of a parking lot as part of the buffer.
Mr. Charles Rogers, 715 Nicholson, Santa Clara and Mr. A. D. Epperson,
1785 Linnet Lane, Cupertino, all protested the commercial zoning in
the Vallco property.
Regarding the landscaping, Mr.Blayney stated he favored putting
in the shrubs and trees very soon so they will be quite large at such
time as this area is developed.
Mr. Charles Rogers stated that he would go along with profession-
al zoning of the area shown as commercial, but not with commercial.
Comm. Small moved the Secondd Hearing be closed. Comm. Fitz-
gerald seconded.
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Small mad~ the motion that:
Whereas the proponents of this Application have submitted a broad and
comprehensive plan that has been well thought out and intelligently
presented; and .
Whereas the Vallco plan presents an opportun~ty to the C~ty or CUper-
tino that is a great and. momentous step forward for the City of
CUpertino; and
Whereas long range objectives have been presented; and
Whereas a comprehensive traffic circulation plan has been submitted; and
Whereas the PC-H Ordinance offers maximum protection for the City and
residents of the City of Cupertino,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that this Commission recommend to the
City Council that Applica.tion 94-2-63 be approved, subject to conditions
of PC-H Ordinance.
The Commission further recommends that the two suggestions pertaining
to height change and buffering be considered by the Council.
Comm. Fitzgerald seconded the motion.
Comm. Snyder amended this motion as follows:
1. That the streets of Merritt and Amherst dead end at the Valico
AYES:Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
NA YS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard
2. That previous agreements between the City of CUpertino and City
of Santa Clara regarding streets opening into the Va11co develop-
ment be preserved.
AYES: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, S~al1, Snyder, Fro1ich
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard
3. That buffering (planted) be provided as proposed along Linnet Ln.
AYES: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard
Voting on. the entire motion and amendments as follows:
AYES: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard.
F. DONALD A. EXCE~: Appl. 85-z-63 to rezone approximately
11.037 acres from A-2:B-4 to P-O-H (2.287 acres) and R-24-H
(8.75 acres); on the west side of Highway 9, 450' south of
Homestead Rd. First Hearing. Tentative map. 4 lots.
Appl. 25-TM-63)
Mr. Gene.flIastin made the presentatton. 'rho èl.eve10pment would
include 144 units -- all two-bedroom @ 1000 sq. ft. þc>:, nnit, anù Q
parking ratio of better than 2:1. Mr. Excel1 is ready to start con-
struction as soon as the application is approved. He pointed out that
450 units are going up behind his property now.
Comm. Rampy felt there was a problem regarding the approach to
the freeway. Comm. Adamo felt all the carports along the property
line was not desirable.
Comm. Fitzgerald moved to close the first Hearing. Comm. Small
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Fitzgerald proposed the developer get together with the
City Engineer to work out a road pattern. Comm. Small 1 seconded.
Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Leonard.
G. LOUIS A. PAGANINI: Appl. 80-z-63 to rezone 22 acres from
R-l:B-2 to R-24-H (15 acres) and P-O-H (7 acres); approxi-
mately 500' south of Stevens Creek Blvd, opposite Portal.
Second Hearing.
Comm. Small abstained from this Hearing.
Mr. John Parsley, 3359 Lynn OaltS Drive, Cupertino, presented a
revised map showing 198 units, as opposed to the' 390 previously planned.
Chairman Frolich and Comm. Fitzgerald both felt there would be
problems as to access to the property. Left turns on Stevens Creek
would be prohibited by the center island when ultimately developed.
Comm. Adamo questioned what Mr. Parsley planned to do with
Price Avenue. Mr. Parsley stated he would improve Price Avenue if the
owners would dedicate the land.
Comm. Snyder pointed out that in addition to the traffic prob-
lems, the elementary school in this area would be completely surrounded
by multiple. He was also concerned about the quantity of multiple
applications being received by the Planning Commission.
Comm. Rampy felt there was just too much being planned for this
parcel and that there would be problems.
Chairman Frolich stated that if this land is going to be re-
zoned commercial it should be now.
Mr. Nick Kuhn, 10225 Richwood Drive, Cupertino, felt the condi-
minium concept is new and he doubts whether people with large families
will be interested in buying here because of resale value.
Mr. Gary Stokes, 10199 Richwood Drive, Cupertino, objected to
two-story units.
Mr. David Hill, 10461 Davison Avenue, Cupertino, stated that
Rosseau has solved the drainage problem in that area and wondered if
Mr. Parsley would care to do anything about the badly-needed park.
Mr. Parsley stated he would not give 2 acres of this parcel for a park.
Mr. Parsley then presented a petition of Idlewild home owners who
back his development plan.
Comm. Snyder moved to close the second hearing. Comm. Adamo
AYES: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Rampy, Snyder, Frolich
NA YS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard
ABSTAINED: Comm. Small
Comm. Snyder made a motion that:
Whereas the applicant has presented essentially the same application
which was denied by the Planning Commission approximately two years
ago; and
Whereas the applicant has not presented a solution to the potential
traffic problems on Price, Viclcsburg and Portal Avenues; and
Whereas the applicant has not convinced the Planning Commission that
these potential traffic problems are not forthcoming; and
Whereas the application does not appear to be advantageous to the
property and improvements in the zoning district and neighborhood in
which the property is located;
Now, therefore, let it be resolved that the Planning Commission re-
commend denial of Application 80-z-63 to rezone 22 acres from R-1:
B-2 to R24-H and P-O-H. Cl'.a,irman Frolich seconded.
AYES: Comm.:' Rampy,Snyder, Frolich'
NAYS: Comm.: Adamo, Fitzgerald
ABSENT: Comm. Leonard
ABSTA!NED: Comm. Small
H. STEVENS CREEK GARDEN CENTER: Appl. 27-U-63 for a Use Permit
for 2 acres. Property zoned C-1-H. Use Permit sought to
allow retailing small amounts of mixed concrete; south side
of Stevens Creek Blvd, west side of Calabazas Creek.
Mr. Thomas Bendik explained that there is a new innovation for
the do-it-yourself home owner. Small amounts of cement is mixed at
the Garden Center and hauled by the buyer in small trailers.
Comm. Small questioned whether or not the rock bins could be
moved to the rear of the Center. '
Mr. Quinn, Castro Valley, protested this application, stating
that he felt that granting this Use Permit would penalize the people
who follow the rules set forth by the Planning Commission and gives
unfair advantage to those who do not.
Comm. Adamo made the motion that the appl1catiö'n be granted on
a three-year basis. Comm. Small seconded.
Comm. Snyder amended this motion that only one cement mixer be
used and that it be identical to the one now in use.
Comm.: Adamo, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Fitzgerald
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Snyder amended the motion that the cement trailers be
properly stored away so they are not visible from the street. Comm.
Small seconded.
Adamo, Rampy,
Small, Snyder, Frollch:
Comm. Snyder amended the motion so that the rocle bins now located
in the front of the establishment be moved to the rear within 6 months.
Comm. Small seconded.
Adamo, Rampy,
Fi tzgera1d
Small, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Snyder amended this motion to read "2 years" instead of
"3 years". Comm. Small seconded.
Comm. :
Adamo, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Fro1ich
Comm. Snyder amended the motion to include planting along west
lot lines within 3 months, subject to the approval of H-Control. Comm.
~'T'.all seconded.
Adamo, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
Voting on the entire motion, with amendments, as follows:
Comm. :
Adamo, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
I. THE VALLEY GREEN COMPANY: Appl. 37-V-b3 for a Variance to
the Subdivision Ordinance to allow monolithic sidewalks
where ordinance requires standard separated sidewalks;
west side of Stelling Rd, south of Junipera Serra Freeway.
Mr. John Griffin requested permission to put the sidewalks
against the curbs rather than include a parkway. He would also put in
the prescribed trees.
Comm. Snyder made the motion this variance be granted, but that
this is a prototype, strictly on an experimental basis. Comm. Small
Comm.: Adamo, ¿itzgerald, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Frolich
Comm. Leonard
Comm. Small moved to adjourn. Comm. Fitzgerald seconded.
Motion carried, 6-0
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 A.M.
Donald Frolich