PC 04-28-64 10321 So. Hwy 9. Cupertino, Calif.. 9501~. 252-4505 "'1-; C I T Y"O F CUP E R TIN .0 . . CUPERTINO. CALIFORNIA c' PLAçE; TINE: . .U!. "',, '. FOURTH WORK SÈSSION ON THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE . BY T:ÈŒ PLANNING CONMISSION ~ APRIL 2$. 1964 ..->" 'f ; i"::""I· ".'" ". ", '., ". - . . "dtL'aall j '. y ..., . ',7),3~'l'.~,~~ ,. . .. '" :.-.:.. ',.'..., I'.' . " COmÌÌlìs:f1onèrS presemt: Commissioners, absent.:. ~ ¡ ; . ' Rampy, Thomson, Frolich Adamo. Small. Sn~der .,-.¡ :1' .~: Asèlstant City Engineer .1 City Planner Chief Building InE!.I?ector· Mr. Ray Schoenfeld 'Staff present.: ~, r Consultant present: :Citizens pf.~sent: ... . '-", -.' . Mr. 13urreÜ Leonard, Vallco Park Mr. Ernie Arnelis;. Home Builders.', AssOc. Mr '."Arne. ~is presented a le~terJfom Mr. Schulte, requesting they be allowed to 'éit in On these study sesf;1ions. Since these are public meetIngs, this was agreeable with the Commission.. .,,' . ': '''',', . '.. .' In a discussIon about side yard set backs.. the Chief Building Inspec- tor requested a minimum be Set and to forget abòûtthe perèentagés. The Chairman was not sure this would be applicable in all cases. The Planning Consultant was against narrowing the side yàrd set backs very much because ,it was. his content.ion you are then creating a problem area for the homeowners; one whIch is not'good for any useful purpose and is, in reality, a ~iaì?iUty. ,T~e :fire department also frowns on narrow side yards foröbvlous reasons. Comm. Thomson felt that it was not necessary for CUPertino to lower ,its standards to competewitÍ1neighboring citiéé; He felt 'that wIth Los Altos on the one side and Saratog;a on the ot \1.e I' , that C11pertir:o was a cl~,(;ice area änd"shouldma1ntainits h1.gh standards. The ChiÚ Building Inspec- tor felt that; with land prices spiralling, it was necessary to bow to the requests of the developers f;1omewhat in order to make R-~ more attractive to them and to'reverse the trend toward multiples. Th~ fourth study f;lèssionèonslsted of review and?;lfvislQn of pages 28 through 31 of the . FFWPOSED' ZO!liING ORDINANCE. Sec. 6.4 Height Regulations shall now read: c. '~«() main builð:ing shallex?eed2 s.tories or 30 t,~èt in heJght àridQoal,ccess~rýb.llildiŽ1g.àhall, exceed I story or 15 feE!t in heIght. .' " .. '., .' .' . Sec. 6.5 Area, Lot Width. Coverage and Yard Requirements f· .. .... ""'-"'(cfJ Chàngeft25 fëet" tô"20 feet" ",..' -1- "'4' -'" 'ì ~:'! , , ~""'-"-"'-- .. .""'''',,,..._.,,. '''~'-'''~'''''~'----''--.--'' - ,-"··,...."··'·1'··'·'···, ,, (e) Should read as follows: "Side Yard: Single .story, 6', total both sides 14 I. Where any side elevation has two stories, the total minimum side yard shall be increased by 2' and shall be applied to the side or sides which have the two story elevation; single family semi-detached: none except between groups, then as specified in Section 24. Side yard on the same side as a side street lot line of a corner lot shall be not less than 12'." .(This require- ment to supersede that shown in the minutes o:f l¡/2l/64.) Nr. Leonard suggested SECTION 7, which h~s been left open, be used for Town Houses, Cluster Plan, etc. It was suggested by the Assist- ant City Engineer that the zoning designation could be R-l-SD. Nr. Schoenfeld indicated he would check with the County Planning Commission for proper nomenclature. All agreed it was important to have uniformity in nomenclature for clarity. It was then decided that SECTION 7 would be used for Single Family Semi Detached at the same density as Single Family Detached; i.e., Town Houses, Cluster Plan, etc. The sub-section in SECTION 7 concerning area lot width maximum coverage and yard requirements would be the same as Section 5.5, excluding reference to Detached Dwellings. Sec. 8.1 Uses Permitted ". .(a) , (c) De :¡'ete , , Delete the words "single family ·and ". Seè. 8.3' Uses Requir1ng a Use p'ermit (a) Add at the end o:f the sentence "are not permitted." (c) Delete the words. "not including" from 11 II f add are not permitted to the end 0 the third line and. the sentence. Sec. 8.4 Height Regulations shall read: "No main building shall exceed two and one-half stories or 30 feet in height, and no accessory building shall exceed one story or 15 feet in height. " The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.N. Chairman Frolich asked those present if they would be aggreeable to meeting every Thur.sday for a couple o:f months, unti.l they have gone through this PROPOSED 20!JING ORDINANCE at least Once. Everyone was agreeable to this. APPROVED : /s/ Donald Frol1ch ATTEStJJ- ).1LL- Robert S. Shook Secretary, Planning Commission -2-