PC 05-07-64 10321 S`o. xwy g, Cupertino, Calif., 95014 252~~505 ~ C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O CUFERTINO, CALIFORNIA FIFTH WORK SESSION ON THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCfi BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION, MAY 7, 1964 TIME AND PLACE: City Hall, 8:00 P,M. Commisaionera present: kates, Johnaon, Thomson, Frolich Commissioners absent: Adamo, Rampy, Snyder ° . . ~ _ ~ Staff preaent: Assiatant City Engineer;f Ci~~r` Planner Citizens present: Mr, Leonard, Vallco Park Nt,: , Worce.s.ter, Var1=,:i ~ssoc. N.r. Sa1oh, Former ~o~~.:.~.ilman Chairman Frolioh annou~~:^.~ that sinee the Co_zsultant and three of the Commissioners were abs=~.•, that perhaps a rc:.~.p of the previous study aeasions and a reviecv c,° the ou~ectives of i;i~e study sessions for the benefit of the two new Goinmissioners would be iri order. There vras a review of the town house coneept. Mr.'Leonard offered to get information for this group of the recent Los Angeles town house meeting. There was a general feeling that the nFr~r:Ordlziances muet make apeeific provisions for town houaea, cluster pian, garden apart- mente, etc. Comm. Thomson said trat he had~met with the Suni?~~vale City Manager and diacussed lot sizes in that city with hir~i. Comm, Scott felt that Cupertino shouid maintain their preaent lot sizes. Chalrman Frolich aaked tk~e Commisaioners what they thought Cupertino ' residenCs' opinions,of high rise apartments with large, open green a reas. Th1s was left open, Mr. Leonard stated that he had learned from insurance company execu- tives he has ahown around thia area that they are in favor of garden apartmenta. He went on to tell of the progress being made on ma',~or roadways in this area, It was his opinion that Stevens Creek Blvd from Doyle Road to the DeAnza College crosaing will be completF~1 by July 1. The Homestead roadway should be completed by a year from September. ' _ Mr, Saich wondered if there 1s any provision in tYt~ new ordinance for high rise long range or short range. There was no apecific answer at this time. Mr. Leonard expressed his opinlon that the "line of sight" thinking For areas along the freeways is good. The City Planner said that 85~ of the housing in Stockholm, Sweden, is in apartment houses many of them garden apartments 12 to 20 atories high. The denaity, however, is approximately the eame as our R-3. About half of this 85~ ~s comparable to R-24-H. He also clted the advantages of the Park Merced type of development. -1- Mr, Leonard raised the question of what happens when and if areas such as Garden Gate and Rancho Rinconada want to annex to Cupertino. The Chairman asked those present if they were agreeable to these Thursday night study sessions starting at 7:30, All were in agreement, Chairman Frolich advised everyone to read ahead in the PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE and to make margin notes, to be discussed at the study sessions, It is hoped the next aession will cover pages 31 through 54, It was felt they must discuss all proposed changes with the Consultant to make sure ~ust what he haa 1n mind. ' It was agreed that the City's Subdivision Ordinance should be retalned because it is a good one. The Industrial Park Ordinance is a good one also. However, the Commercial ~rdinance needs some attei:tion, It was decided that it would be wise to strive to keep our numbering system uniform with that set up by the County. Mr. Leonard told' of the workings of the Urban Land Institute. The group felt we should eheck the Stanford Shcpping Center Ordinances, It was agreed the 701 Program should be used as a guide in regard to definitions. The Staff was asked to get a copy of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance. The City Planner said the City Manager is havin~ him compare the pro- posed zoning ordinances with the present ones. Meeting ad~ourned at g:40 P,M. APPROVED: /s/ Donald Frc_.ich Flanning Commission Chairman ATTEST: ' Robert S. Shook Secretary, Planning Commission -2-