PC 05-28-64 10321 So. Hwy 9, Cupertino, Cali:f., 95014 252-4505 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFÕRN":ÍA-- EIGHTH WORK SESSIÒN ON THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE BY THE PLANNING COMNISSION, NAY 28, 1964 PLACE: City Hall TINE: 7:30 P.M. Commissioners present: Frolich, Gates (9:30), Rampy, Snyder, Thomson (9:10) Commissioners absent: Adamo, Johnson Staff Present: Assistant City Engineer, City Planner Consultant present: Mr. Schoenfeld Citizens. present: Mr. Burrell Leonard, Vallco Park Mr. Frank Halstead, County Builders' Assoc. There was a general discussion until 8:00 P.M. Review of the PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE commenced with SECTION 10 R-4 MEDIUM DENSITY NULTIPLE DWELLING DISTRICT. Sec. 10.1 Uses Permitted should read as follows: (a) Two-family dwellings, multiple dwellings, and multiple dwelling groups. (b) Boarding homes. (c) Nuseums not operated for profit. (d) Golf courses and country clubs. (e) Public parks and public playgrounds. The Commission then backed up to page 34, Sec. 9.3 Uses Requiring a Use Permit: Add: (e) Públic parking areas. (f) Temporary multiple tract offices and tract signs. -1- SECTION 10 -- Continued -- Sec. 10.3 Uses Requiring a Use Permit (c) Should read as follows : Public and quasi-public buildings and uses of a recreation- al, educational, cultural, or public service type; corpora- tionyards. storage, or r'epair yàrds and warehouses, are not permitted, except as noted 1n 10.2 (d). (e) Should read as follows: Temporary multiple tract offices and tract signs. Sec. 10.4 Height Regulations Mr. Schoenfeld is to prepare wording to the effect that build- ings greater than six stQries will be' considered in the Planned Community Zoning. Sec. 10.5 Area, Lot Width, Coverage and Yard Requirements (a) Delete "Single family, single family semi-detached." (h) Change "9.4(h) II to "9.5(h) ". Sec. 10.6 Other Requirements . (a) Delete "in groups. " SECTION 12 P-O PROFESSIONAL AND ADNINISTRATIVE OFFICE DISTRICT Sec. 12.0 Purpose Suggested rèwording as follows: This district is created to provide an environment for profes- sional, medical and administrative uses which do not 'require the intensive mix of goods and services and heavy traffic tYPical in a commercial development, and are most conveniently located and made compai:1ble with adjäCEnt'residential districts. Sec. 12.2 (a) Sec. 12.3 (a) (c) Sec. 12.5 (a) (b) (c) Accessory Uses Line 4 should read "frontage, whichever is the lesser. II Uses Requiring a Use Permit Remove the comma after "Commercial." There is a possibility this whole item will be left out. To be reviewed again; before deciding. Area, Lot Width, Cov~rage, 'and Yard Requirements Lot area: 1 acre rather than 10,000 square feet. ,Lot width: 150 feet rather than 100 feet. ...' Maximum coverage of bul1dings: 25% rather than 30%. -2-