PC 06-11-64 1!"3~1.50. Hwy 9. Cur>eL't1.llo, Calif., 95014' 252-4505 '.. '.1 ,., C I 'T'Y' 0 F C U Þ E R T I3~ 0 CUPERTINO~-CALïFORNIA TENTH WORK SESSION ON THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE BY THE PLANNING COMNISSION, JUNE 11, 1964 TIME: 8 P.N. "" PLACE: City Hall -: t Comm. present: Comm. absent: Frolich, Gates,_'I'h.::imson, Adamo, Rampy, Snyder ,,-, Staff present: City Planner, Adde Laurin .Assistant¡,City Engineer, Robert Shoo!{· Recording~Secretary, Lois Inwards (¡j, Uzens PrefJE!!}t, :', Mr '. .Jack 'Hir"han, l'lannì¡:¡' c6rpmi~~10ner Ap¡jointèg. .,'r MÏ' Burrell L<30narâ:"Va~'1coar '. Nr. Frank Halstead, County Builders' Assoc. ',,', The City Planner said he had met with the Citizens' Committee the previous night· regarding' the Mountain Shadows dévelopmel'J.t but that fifteen or twenty people were present and very 1ittle was accomp: lished, constructively. The City Planner announced that the zoning ordinance according to functions is shaping up. Comm. Frolich gave a resume of the adj.ourned 'meeting of the City. Council the previous Nonday night and specifically about the Wilsey, Ham and Blair contract. . " Nr. Frolich said he had advised the Council that, since these work sessions are going to take longer than was anticipated and that we' are not asking for much help from Mr. Schoenfeld at this stage of the game, that it might 'be weU to :keep the consultant 'scontrªct ,on the basis that we will call them when we need their assistance. The Planning Commission is willing to go through the entire PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE, very carefully; then check the City P],anner'sintet!,-:" pretation of zoning by function; and then ask the consultant down to go through the modified ordinance with the Commission and to attend the public hearings to answer quest ions of the citizens . <) , . ~: , ' ~-; " :,',. Comm. Frolich further stated that he felt it was the obligation of the consultant to clea3:!.up any misprints or déletions [from the ordinance' but that Cupertino.: ahould be held financially reáponsible for exten- sive changes. Nr. Schoenfeld has estimated that 2(JjG· of the :cost of" the changes would be the consultant's and 80% would be Cupertino's. , .' Comm. Frolich suggested to the Council that they either set up a limit on the consultant's services in Cupertinò or to leave it open, and that work orders should be issued when the consultant's services are used in order to keel) a cO,ntrolon his titTle " Comm. Frolich learned that the Council will check this out with the City Attorney and have him work out the details. In any case, we must have the ORDINANCE to go with the ZONING MAP. -1- ';') , .. Chairman Thoro"0-!:. ~').j.:'! to",,,,,· ,,- ""''''~-'-~'''M''{, ohould be set up for the <./~,,,,,,~~"''''Vll 'Co visit the Ruth & Krus)1kho" :-1ire. Nr. Leonard said estimates were that Wolfe Road work will be completed around Christmas of this year éŒ.d S';evens C!'Gr~){ BliTd., from Lawrence Station Road as far west as the money goes, shGuld be completed in about 16 months. Nr. Leonard outlined strategy which could be used to get the traffic problems on the west side of town solved. Individual and small develop- ments could not be expected to do extensive and costly road work, but when a large development, involving millions of dollars, is planned that is the time to bring the traffic problems to the attention of the developers and see if they can do something about them. Page 42, Sec. 13.1 (b) should be checked out with Mr. Schoenfeld. It was the general feeling that the ordinances for C-l need extensive rework. Comm. Frolich :felt there was a they should be expanded to 3 sections for the C zones. the City Planner would wor'k over the commercial zoning and C-2 will possibility It was decided ordinances. Sec. 14.0 Purpose. The second sentence is to read as :follows: "The C-2 district will ordinarily be applied only in the general location of the community shopping cer~ers as dcslg¡~ted in the General Plan." Sec. 14.1 (b) Auto service stations should be in Sec. 111.3. Sec. 14.1 (c) Should be checked out with Nr. Schoenfeld in regard to II " the last half of the sentence beginning with provided..... Sec. 14.1 (f) Has been left open for discussion. Possibly requires a separate "c" district. Sec. 14.3 Add: (h) Service stations Sec. 14.5 Area, Lot Width, and Yard Requirements - Explanation of a minimum lot size needed here. Sec. 14.6 Other Requirements -- P.G. & E, asked for their amendments here. Sec. 16.0 Purpose - "Non-nuisance" should be defined somewhere in Section 16. The Commission asked the City Planner for a comparison chart between the existing M-I-H, O~H,PA-PH. M-I-PH Ordinances and Sections 16 & 17 of the PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCES. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. APPROVED : /,',/ 0......obt; T.tlomSOn - --- -- Chairman ATTEST: It ~). jL_T/~ Robert S. Shook Planning Commission Secretary -2-