PC 06-04-64 10321 So, Hwy 9, Cupertino, Calif „ 95014 252-~5~5
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
PLACE: City Hall ~
TIME: 7:30 P.M. -
Commissioners.present: Frolich, Gates (8:25), Johneon, Thomson
Commisaioners sbsent: Adamo, Rampy, Snyder ,
S£aff present: Assistant City Engineer, City Planner
Citizena present: Mr, Burrell Leonard, Vallco Park
Mr. Frank Halstead, County Builders' Assoc,
Mr. Lou Tersini, Mason Enterprises
The Consultant was not .present at this meeting, The first order of
business wa~ a discussion on how to improve eommunications betwee~
the City;Council, the Planning Commission and the C1ty Staff,
Comm. Frolich felt it was important for the CounciT to read the
Planning Commission Minutes, not only to get the facts of each cas~,
but to also get the.feeling of the Hearings themselve~s.
Mr. Leonard stated that a few yeara ago:a pro and con sort of~summary
of the applications was prepared for the Council on the lssues at
It was decided that the City Planner.was authorized to ~1ve his. opinion
on cases, but that he is not to be expecLed to speak for:the Planning
Commisalon, A pro and ccn digest should be made up by the City
Chairman Thomson and.the City Planner are going,to be at the-Council
meeting's at 7:30.in.hopes that they can ~ecap the Hearing~ ~rhich toak
place on the P2enning Comr.~is3lon lev~l.
Comm, Frollch sugge.sted that bhe Plannin~ Commission mot3oris should
be made up of "whereases" and "thereforea" to explain the reasoning
behind the Planning Commission decisions. Mr. Leonard said this was
done successfully in years past.
Mr. Leonard said that, in years past, the Planning Commission Chair-
man would u~rite to the applicante, telling him that body wpuld go
along with his application if he would agree to thus and so. This
was followed by the establ2shment of the 12 atandard conditions, He
felt that lmproving communications between the two governing bodies
could be accomplished by:
1, Planning Commission should go the "whereas" route on motions,
2. Pro and Con Digeat prepared by the Chairman or City Planner.
3, The Chairman should give a synopsis of •the applications at hand
to the City Council. -
'1_ _
It was suggested by the Assistant City Engineer that, in order to be
sure the lon~ motions with their °whereases" and ~~therefores" are
accurate in the minutes, the person makir.g the motion should write
out h1s motion in duplicate and give one copy to the reeording
Chairman Thomson announced that PRr. Schoenfeld called him at 5 P.M.
this day to say he had been contacted by the City Manager to esti-
mate how many more meetin~s are necessary to complete this pro~ect,
He, in turn, asked the Chairman what his estimate'would be, The
Chairtnan then asked those present what they thought about this,
Comm, Frolich felt it would take a minimum of five more meetings. He
felt we should terminate the contract with Wilsey, Ham & Blair since
we are not getting our money's worth. C,hairman Thomson felt that,
rather than terminate the contract, hold it i~ abeyance and keep
Wilsey, Ham and Blair on call for their assistance wnen needed.
Comm. Johnson felt that, after we go through the PROPOSED ZONTNG
ORDINANCE, we should have the consultant down at the end of it to
help "wrap it up.°
It was decided that Comm. Frolich would meet with the City Council at
their ad~ourned meeting this coming Monday, June 8th, at 9~3~ P•M•,
to discuss the Planning Commission's opinlon on the need for further
services of Wilsey, Ham & Blair and how any contract with them should
be written.
The City Planner was asked if he would go through tlle PROPOSED ZONING
ORDINANCE with its modifications after the Planning Com~nission has
rev~ewed and altered it and offer any suggestions, He said that he
would be most happy to do this.
Mr, Leonard wondered if a rough draft of the town house, etc., ordi-
nance should be carefully reviewed and commented upon by the
Consultant also.
Review of the PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE began on Page 40.
Sec, 12.4 Height Re~ulations
Mr, Leonard suggested a~~line of sight~~ treatment to this section.
Comm, Gates and Mr. Leonard felt Section 16 can possibly take
care of offic~ buildings of, say, 6 stories for data processing
firms and the like. -
Sec. 12.5 (a), (b) &(c) To be resolved.
Sec. 13.0 .Purpose. This'tnay be reworded later regarding the minimum
acreage. Comm. Frolich has offered to work on this.
Sec. 13.1 Uses Permitted
(a) Line 2, insert between the words ~~as" and ~~a~~, ~~but not
limited to.°
(c) Delete
Sec, 13,2 Accesaory Uses
(a) Last line should refer to "Section 23" instead of
"Section 26."
Sec. 13,5 Area, Lot Width, and Yard Renuirements
(a) Should read: "Lot area: 3 acres,"
(b) Should be what was origir.ally (a) except the last 2 lines
should read "all front yards shall be at least 20 feet,'~
(c) Shall read: "Side and rear yards: No side and rear yards
shall be required except as follows:"
(1) Should be what was originally (b) except the ~~five
feet" on the last line shall possibly be changed later.
Sec. 13.6 Other Requirements
(c) Needs some rework,
(d) Omit the last four words: "requiring a use permit,"
It wae agreed that the next work session would be at 7:30 P.M, on
Thursday, June llth.
Meeting ad,journed at 10:40 P.M,
/s/ Scott Tho;nson
Robert S. Shook
Se cretary, Planning Commission