PC 06-25-64 10321 So. Hwy g, Cupertino, Calif., ~0:14' ?:2-4505
C 2 T Y`0 F C U P E ft T I N 0 -
TIP~: $;15 P.M. .
PLACE: City Fiall
Comm. present: Gatea, Thomson
Comm."absent: Adamo, Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Snyder
St~ff'-present,; Assistant City Engineer Ro~ert Shook
City Planner Adcle Lau.^in " ' ,
Consultaz~t.prese~t: Ray Schoenfeld -
Citizen pre~ent: Bizr~ell Le,onard
Mr. Scho.enfeld presented trie`PROPOSFD.ZONiNG fi7AP, indica~ing that it
is to',be a specific~~uide.which is in conftirmance with the General
Plaii. ,J _ .
The Regional" Sriopping tiC~nter area Y~s been shown• kaetweers~ the Juni.pero
Serra ~'reeway and Homestead Road and between I~ighway 9' aYid Stel~.ing
Road, as it is tk~e .most a.ppropriate corner of-the Highway 9, Tunip,ero
Serra intersection. The other-cor~ners at this intersect~.on are. to::~1e
the hfgh:der~Sity areas. ~ _ ~
The Saich property at Universlty Avenue has been designated as an
"Interim Study"'area due to the.pro'alems connected yrith the parcel'
which are yet to be solved. The same is true of the a•rea.at Homestead
Road and.the Stevens Freeway. _
`'The R-1:B-10 designation is the same as the'current R-1:B-2; 1.e.,
10,000 sq. ft. lots, :
The Voss Avenue area has been shown as entirely sirag].e family
residences becaizse:the high denaity uses should be'located near
ma,~or roads and shopping are3s.
Some existing P.C. zoning has been left out because it.has not been
used and it would be the time to wipe the slate ciean.-.:
The Deeg Cliffe area has been shown as built. ' • ,
Stevens Creek Blvd frontage -from Blaney Avenue east is.s;ho~rn as C-1
'~.nasmuch as it will no doubt;go that routie and.the'Counail probably
would not'be inclined toward the wholesale ehange 'of ex~:sting C-1.
There was some discussion of making transparent overlay for existin~
and proposed zoning for easier seading;.how.euer,`,the Qonsulta,nt did
not feel this was withln the scope b'f their contract.
The Chairman asked what the mcst controversial areas might be. The
Consultant indicated th~t probably S. Hi~Yiway g fron*age would create
quite a stir. Comm. Gates felt that pernaps the ~reatest problem
would be areas ad~acent to developed R-1.
Mr. Leonard suggested that a~reat deal of time Could be saved if a
one or two page tabulation of th~ exiuting and proposed zoning on
well known parcels were p~ssed out at ari~ public nearings on the
ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP. Another tlme savi:r would be to break
down this base map into several larger• sca7.e area maps to Ue exhibit-
ed around the Hearino Rocm. Later th.is year the County will have an
excellent 200 scale map that could be uti~d £or this purpose.
The City Planner asked how the population of the proposed zoning
agreed with the General Plan. The Consul'cant answered that it had
not been checked but should 'oe in general agreement.
The City Planner asked how it is pUG31bl? ~;o redur.e the density on
existing zoning. The Cor_sultant state3 that it is difficult laut it
is a pro and con situation with regard to developer and sp~culators
versus R-1 owners but a lower d~ns9_ty would have to be a quality type
development by necessity, r
The City Planner asked ].f the Open Space Zon3.n~ wouldn't encourage
rather than discourage scatteration. The Cbnsultant stated that
development costs would be too proh:Lbitive f'or this to take place,
The City Planner felt that perhaps some of the hilltops should be
kept open, preserving the view for the general public rather than
allowing one or two homes on the tops of each hill_, The Ccnsultarit
felt this could be regulated in the Zoning requirem~nts.
There were several questions for the Consultan+ tnat had come up
during previou~ Study Sessions:
1. Sec. 13.1(b) Place the word "ar.d" between "entertainment" and
"dancing" und delete the wo_~ds "ar~d tne sale o.f liquor, beer
or other alcoholic beverages ior constamption on the premises."
2, Add: Sec. 13•3~g) If there aze to be more than three persons
engaged in the fabrication, repair ar.d other processing of
goods in an establishment and/or more t:ian three aooregate
horsepower employed in the operation of all maehinery employed
for the aforesaid purposes.
3• Add: Sec. 13.3(h) Restaurantu pr.oviding entertainment and
4. Sec. 14.1(c) Strike the word "theaters,"
5. Add Sec. 14.3(i) Bars, re~taurants,,cocktail lounges and similar
enterprises not conducted completely within enclosed building
provided that 2/3 of the seating capacity shall be within
completely enclosed buildings.
6. Sec. 16.0 The C3ty Planner was directed to review the defini-
tion of "non-nuisance" as outlined in the existing M-1-PI3
Ordinance and include same i.r_ liat of definitions after review
by the Commission.
The City Planner questioned the Commissioners present concerning a
couple of County applications that were scheduled for Hearing p.rior
to the next regular Planning Commission meet.ing and was inetructed to
write the County opposing the spo~ zoning ~.ppllcation,
The next 5tudy Session will be held July ~6, 196!+.
Meeting ad~ourned at 10:45 P.M.
/s~ Scott Thomson
Robert S. Shook
Secretary, Planning Commiss3on