CHC 10-28-04 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION October 28, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Mahesh Nihalani 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Frances Seward (aJTived at 6:20), Housing Commissioners Richard Abdalah, Sarah Hathaway-Feit, Kim Mosleh, Mahesh Nihalani and Plmming Commissioner Lisa Giefer Absent: None Staff present: Vera Gil, Senior Planner 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 4. ORAL COMMUNICA nONS None 5. APPRO V AL OF MINUTES a. Approval of July 8, 2004 minute Action: Approve above-mentioned minutes with correction specified by Chairperson Seward. Motion made by Commissioner Hathaway-Feit; seconded by Commissioner Abdalah. Vote: Ayes: Abdalah, Hathaway-Feit, Seward, Nihalani, Mosleh, Noes: None 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Jobs Housing Linkage Analysis (Nexus Study) i. Presentation from Kate Funk, Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. ii. Discussion of study and current fee structure. Kate Funk with Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. presented information on the Nexus study. Ms. Funk explained the purpose of the Nexus Study is to establisha correlation between new development and the need for housing units affordable to certain income levels. Ms. Funk explained that the buiJding types analyzed for the study were office, retail and hotel. Next, the detaiJs of the study were discussed, such as job growth in Cupertino, the number of new units constructed, and the relationship of new worker households to new units. Ms. Funk went into greater detail about the building types, the employee density of each building, and how many employees each building would generate in each income category. The discussion also included an analysis of the monetary gap between the cost of housing and what the workers in the different income levels could afford. Ms. Funk explained how this correlates to the mitigation fee the city could charge for new development. Ms. Funk explained that although the fees in the formulas appeared high, that the City could choose to implement a fee for much Jess. The Housing Commission entered into a discussion of what the appropriate fees for each building type should be and whether fees should be charged for retaiJ development. In the past, the City has not charged a housing mitigation fee for commercial/retail development beeause the City wanted to attract the sales tax generators. The Commission reviewed tables showing the fees charged by municipalities throughout the bay area and California. The Commission decided to continue this item untiJ they could receive feedback from the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce and other interested parties. 8. COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORTS None 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. to a special meeting on November ]8, 2004. SV:;3Y- Vera Gi], StaffJiaison to the Cupertino Housing Commission