SC 03-16-2017CITY OF CUPERTINO SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center 22221 McClellan Road Thursday March 16, 2017 4:00 PM MINUTES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The meeting convened at 4:02 pm Commissioners Present: Meera Ramanathan, Angela Chen, Anna Weber, Gary Latshaw and Vignesh Swaminathan (arrived @ 4:06) Commissioner Absent: None Staff: Misty Mersich, Sustainability Manager; Cheri Donnelly, Environmental Programs Manager; Roger Lee, Assistant Director of Public Works Guest: Councilmember Darcy Paul, Robin Grossinger, SFEI APPROVAL OF MINUTES Draft minutes of February 16, 2017 meeting approved . Motion by Commissioner Ramanathan, 2nd by Commissioner Weber. Motion passes 3-0-2 with Latshaw abstaining and Swaminathan absent. POSTPONEMENTS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS 1. Subject: Update on Sustainable Strategies for Recycling and Waste Management Roger Lee, Assistant Director of Public Works gave a brief update on staff's findings to date on sustainable strategies for recycling and waste. In the Recology franchise agreement is 75 % diversion, and we are not meeting this goal based on population. We are meeting the goal based on employment. Staff has been studying the issue and some of the ideas proposed in January. To get single digit diversion numbers, could mean double digit increases. We don't want to do this. Instead utility and leverage the franchise agreement amendments to increase education and look at our current barriers in our current system to increase diversion without having to increase rates or go with an entire new way of dealing with our city's waste streams. Staff wants to make sure we do all that is possible in our current system before going to extreme measures. Staff answered questions from commissioners. 2. Subject: Feedback on Zero Waste Policy Item postponed to May. 3. Subject: Earth Day Commissioners discussed and agreed to host a table at Earth Day. Commissioners are to send Misty their availability. Commissioner Vignesh let the group know that he will not be available . Commissioner Latshaw was not sure if he would be available, but would let the group know. Misty will work with Commissioner Chen on logistics and organizing possible prizes. NEW BUSINESS 4. Subject: Presentation-Resilient Silicon Valley: Designing healthier landscapes for people and nature by Robin Grossinger San Francisco Estuary Institute. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 5 . Commission Reports Commissioners decided to cancel the special meeting for April. Motion by Commissioner Latshaw, 2 nd by Commissioner Swaminathan. Next Meeting will be May 18th, 2017. 6. Staff Updates Misty gave a brief update on the Silicon Valley Clean Energy launch event taking place on April 2, 2017 at Community Hall. ADJOURNMENT-6:07pm.