P&R 12-07-04 APPROVED PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF CUPERTINO REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brown called the regular adjourned meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission to order at 7 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff present: Rod Brown, Roger Peng, Cary Chien Jeanne Bradford, Frank Jelinch Therese Ambrosi Smith, Director; Mike O'Dowd, Supervisor, Blackberry Farm; Barbara Banfield, Naturalist, McClellan Ranch; Marie Miller, Administrative Assistant I. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - Regular meeting of October 7, 2004 ACTION: The minutes of October 7, 2004, were unanimously approved as written. 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider a request from A YSO 64 for Sunday play at Jollyman Park from Noon to 2 p.m., March through the first week in June, for the VIP program and make a recommendation to City Council. ACTION: A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to recommend an approval of A YSO 64's request to City Council. 4. STUDY SESSION A. Study Session - Stevens Creek Corridor Restoration Director Smith gave a PowerPoint update on the Stevens Creek Corridor Park Project. The project is moving forward in environmental analysis and planning, future programming, and fundraising efforts. It was reported that the Stevens Creek's stream alignment is being studied, water table height has been measured, and the riparian vegetation is also being studied. In the near future, there will be a traffic review, and proposed activity in the park will be considered with the environmental review. Outdoor learning and recreational opportunities were Parks and Recreation Commission December 7, 2004 Page 2 of 4 outlined for future programming options. It was stated that the biggest decision yet to be made involves the alignment ofthe Stevens Creek Trail- either east or west alignment. Fundraising, thus far, has been successful with over $1,400,000 in funds secured. The transition of Blackberry Farm staffing is being investigated and the City Council will begin discussing its transition at the next Council meeting in January. The future focus of the park operation will be environmental education and recreation, with a key component of that focus being the expansion of the naturalist programs. A proposed McClellan Ranch environmental classroom model and floor plan were displayed, and a cost estimate of $1,145,900 was provided. Bob Levy, resident, offered to lend maps to stafffrom the late 1800's and an aerial from 1939 of the Stevens Creek area. Commission Comments Commissioner Peng asked about the relationship between the flood plain and the water table. Director Smith reported that hydrologist's investigation of the creek, via a 30'L by 5'D by 3'W trench, discovered that the stream depth is 5.8' and the water table is II'. This translates to mean that the trees along the creek are getting the water from the creek, not from the water table. If the water table were higher, the opportunity to grow water-loving plants (riparian plants) would be greater. In terms of mitigation banking, the City does not have this situation in the Stevens Creek. There is, though, other valuable habitat that can be restored in the Corridor. She pointed out that a flood plain does not equal a high water table. Chairman Brown asked if moving the creek was seriously being considered over to the western alignment at this point. Director Smith stated that investigation is looking at maintaining a certain grade over a distance and that an answer to that question has not been formulated. The answer will be driven more by the geology and grade of the creek alignment as opposed to the historical location. Chairman Brown said it appears that a lot of funding is associated to restoration of riparian zones. He asked if the diminished riparian zone will have any effects other than on the litigation banking - does that potentially reduce other sources of funds? Director Smith stated that the primary source of funds is going to be the Santa Clara Valley Water District and they are required to do this because of a lawsuit. With the barriers to fish passage, the City will be applying to the Department of Water Resources to match our half. According to information, the Stevens Creek is the second best passage for steelhead trout. This funding would be directly related to the stream restoration. Chairman Brown asked about other funding opportunities. Director Smith reported that she will be developing a grant proposal with the Water District that is due January 25. Parks and Recreation Commission December 7, 2004 Page 3 of4 Director Smith reported that in January she would like to begin discussions of the Stevens Creek Trail with the Commission. She would also like the Commission to consider a recommendation on the Blackberry Farm transition at that time. She stated that there would be departmental reorganization issues that will need to be addressed. Chairman Brown asked for a brief update of the Blue Pheasant. Director Smith reported that the business is still for sale. The owners of the business signed a lease that stated that they would close at II p.m. and they agreed that the City Council would have the final say on re-assignment if they sold the business, but these have proven to be inconvenient for them. Per the lease agreement, the City has re-roofed the building. A judge has determined that there was no irreparable harm with the business staying open until 2 p.m. Though the case is expected to go to trial; there is a possibility of mediation. Chairman Brown thanked Director Smith for sending out an update letter to all interested parties. In the letter, it stated that the trail alignment would be discussed at the February meeting and he asked that we stick with that February date. Public Comments Bob Levy asked if it would be possible to do a phased changeover. Director Smith stated that would not be possible during construction. There will be six months when the park is completely offline. He asked about the inclusion ofthe Water District land at McClellan Ranch and asked if the area will stay a preserve. Director Smith said that the only project that is planned for McClellan is the construction of a classroom building and the trail going through there in some manner to connect it to the rest of the Corridor. Those are the only things that the City is pursuing. The Historical Society has received permission to raise money to improve the historical buildings. If they don't succeed in that, the City would have to take that part on at some point in the future. In terms of the boundaries of the preserve, she can see the City having a discussion that would change the boundaries of the preserve - if we create restored area along the creek, it would make sense to her, particularly on the west side, to expand the boundaries of the preserve. She stated that in the future, this would need to be looked at because it is an artificial boundary line. When the restoration plan is done, this would be an appropriate time to have that conversation. Deborah Jamison, resident, said she wanted to lobby to make the Stocklmeir property Cupertino's second natural/rural preserve. She asked if the design of the proposed environmental classroom will be architecturally compatible with the preserve and will it be sited with various green building principles? Director Smith stated that green building principles would be a part of the building. Jasper Parks and Recreation Commission December 7,2004 Page 4 of 4 Ridge is being used as a model. Ms. Jamison asked about the plans to convert the golf course maintenance to a more environmentally friendly operation using pest management techniques. For her, the trail alignment should be determined by the restoration possibilities, and she was wondering if that would be settled by January or February if we don't know the restoration issues. To her, alignment should be determined by accessibility. Director Smith answered that as far as the trail is concerned, at this point we are looking at gross east or west side at this time. She believes this decision needs to be made in January or February so that work can begin. Supervisor O'Dowd stated that there is an integrated pest management plan in operation now at Blackberry Farm Golf Course. MISCELLANEOUS - NO ACTION REQUIRED A. Staff Oral Reports: a. The California Association of Parks and Recreation Commissioners & Board Members is holding a workshop in February 2005, for $25. There is money in the budget for commissioners to attend. b. There was a successful Tree Lighting and Breakfast With Santa. c. Meetings have taken place with DACA, who want to make a capital investment in the Sports Center pool for a longer-term lease. At this time, they are offering $700,000 to improve the bathhouse and the pool. The estimate to do the work per DACA's vision is $1.3 million. d. The next Commission meeting will take place, for the first time, in the new Community Hall. To introduce the new layout, it was suggested to find out if commissioners could meet at 6:30 p.m. for a brief training session prior to the regular portion of the meeting. B. Commissioner contacts: None 6. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at 8 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ ' .~ M '~M'll Adm" . A . arle 1 er, lmstratlve sSlstant Minutes approved at the January 3, 2005, meeting.