SCC 06-24-04
Senior Citizens Commission
Vice-chairwoman Smith called the meeting to order at 2 p.m.
Commissioners present:
Commissioners absent:
Staff present:
Linda Walker, Estelle Incociati, Mavis Smith
Frank Yapp, Christine Pierce
Julia Lamy, Supervisor; Marie Preston, Administrative Secretary
A. Regular meetings of February 18 and March 25, 2004
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to accept the regular
meeting minutes of February 18 and March 25, 2004, as written.
Bill Mannion, Cupertino Senior TV Productions, introduced himself and briefly
discussed his group's activities. He stated that he came to the meeting to find out what
topics the commission is interested in so that they can include those items in their shows,
The Better Part, seen on Cable IS, at 7 p.m. He reported that they meet at the Senior
Center on Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. They are currently assisting the Historical Society with a
project whereby they are interviewing Cupertino "old timers." The group also has an
article in the Senior Center's monthly newsletter.
A. Staff Oral Reports:
a. FY 04-05 Budget Update - Supervisor Lamy reported that the City Council
adopted the 04-05 budget. At that time, City Council adopted a new revenue
source proposal increasing the membership fee for 2005. This additional
revenue will fund the case manager position. Recruitment will start
immediately for the new case manager. Membership for residents will be
$15/year and nonresidents will be $20. Starting in November, parking permits
for the Senior Center parking lot will cost $20/yr., which will be used as a
fundraiser for the case manager position. Nonresident volunteers, working 20
Senior Citizens Commission
June 24, 2004
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hours or more, will be allowed to pay at the resident membership fee. Several
programs will not be funded: evening programs, emergency fund, holiday
basket program, health and safety fair, and flu shots. Also, funding for staff
professional memberships and training will be eliminated, as well as reducing
spending on materials, supplies, and services for this fiscal year.
Senior services that were adopted by City Council were in the Community
Development Block Grant Fund (CDBG).
Commissioner Incociati stated that the fee increases might impact many
seniors. Supervisor Lamy stated that those seniors who are financially
challenged to pay the membership fee increases could apply for scholarships
through the case manager. She also stated that some seniors did contact City
Council saying that the $20 membership fee was adequate for people to pay.
b. Website - Supervisor Lamy reported that the city's website now has a link
that will enable the community to read the Senior Citizens Commission
agendas and minutes.
B. Commissioner Updates:
a. Commissioner Smith reported on her attendance at the Mayor's breakfast. She
would like to add to the next agenda whether the commission will intend to be
reactive or proactive, and would the commission be willing to consider
making an effort to contact other commissions that seem to be working on
similar issues and programs.
b. Commissioner Incociati reported on her attendance at a Mayor's breakfast and
information shared by other commissioners. At the meeting, she mentioned
that Cupertino does not have a senior citizen discount with Comcast unless
they are housebound or disabled. She told Steve Ting, Telecommunications
commissioner, that other cities had a senior discount. Commissioner Ting
told her he would look into this issue. Other information: there will be a
ribbon cutting for the new library on October 30; the initiative may have
enough votes to go on the ballot; artist of the year is Kate Curry; Cali Mill
Park will be formally opened on July 24,10 a.m., Helios' name will be
changed to Park Place and will have a new menu; Bicycle and Pedestrian
commissioner reported that accidents occur, where cars are at fault, at the
average age range of 40 and 49, when bikers are at fault the average age range
is 10 to 14 years, and when pedestrians are at fault, the average age range is 6
to 9 years.
c. Commissioner Walker reported that she sent an email to Council members in
support of the case manager position. She was scheduled to attend the July
Mayor's breakfast, but needed to trade with someone, and Commissioner
Smith agreed to go to the July meeting.
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June 24, 2004
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d. In reference to Commissioner Smith's comments about the commission being
reactive or proactive, Supervisor Lamy referred the commission to their
handbook, page 13, item 1., Work Program, she suggested that the commission
discuss the development of a work plan at their September 23 meeting. She
encouraged the commissioners to contact the City Council about their vision
for the commission.
Commissioner Incociati suggested discussing having meetings closer together.
Supervisor Lamy stated that could be a part of the work plan discussions.
Supervisor Lamy did offer to schedule a meeting prior to the September 23
meeting; July would be the earliest date, August would probably not work
because of vacation schedules. Commissioner Smith stated that with two
absent commissioners, they are unable to explore an additional meeting date.
She asked if they could schedule another meeting earlier in September. The
commission was told they could have a regular adjourned meeting that would
be prior to their September 23. Commissioner Incociati asked if it were
possible to call the other two commissioners to get their opinions. Supervisor
Lamy reminded the commissioners that there was a quorum at the meeting
and if the commission decided that they would like to see an item happen,
they have the three technical votes to move forward. With that information,
Commissioner Incociati stated that she would like to stay with the regular
September 23 meeting, Commissioner Walker agreed.
Supervisor Lamy reviewed the direction that the commission gave to staff: at
the regular meeting on September 23, they would like added to the agenda:
Work Program Development, and then any other agenda items that might
come up over the summer. All commissioners agreed.
Vice-chairwoman Smith adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Televised Council meetings may be viewed live on Cable Channel 26, and may also be viewed
live or on demand at www.cupertino.on!. Videotapes of the televised meetings are available at
the Cupertino Library, or may be purchasedfrom the Cupertino City Channel, 777-2364.
Minutes approved at the September 23, 2004, regular meeting.