P&R 02-02-2017CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Community Hall 10350 Torre Ave, Cupertino, CA Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:00 PM MEETING AMENDED MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chair Stanek called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Commw1ity Halt at 10350 Torre Ave, Cupertino, CA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Carol Stanek, Judy Wilson, Helene Davis, Neesha Tambe Staff present: Jeff Milkes, Christine Hanel, Molly James, Kevin Khuu Chair Stanek introduced and welcomed Jeff Milkes to the commission, acknowledged Christine Hanel as her role of acting director, and congratulated David Fw1g with his move to the Plru.ming Commission. Mentioned the opening of Parks and Recreation commission position to the audience and viewers. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Anooj Vadokar, representing the Cupertino Teen Commission, spoke to the commissioners about the Teen Hackathon event on April 8 th and 9th • Requested a commissioner become a judge and referred questions to the Teen Commission liaison, Dru.my Mestizo. David Fw1g, Cupertino resident, thru.1ked the commission for his time on the board and shared his thoughts on the commission, the Recreation ru.1d Community Services department, ru.1d wished Jeff Milkes luck in his position. Chair Stru.1ek requested item four, the ChairNice-Chair selection be next on the agenda. 1. ChairNice Chair Selection Commissioner Wilson moved to have Commissioner Davis as the new chair, Commissioner Tambe seconded, motion passed w1ru.1imously. Chair Davis asked for a motion to nominate the new vice chair. Commissioner Wilson moved to have Commissioner Tambe as the new vice chair, Commissioner Stanek seconded, motion passed tmanimously. Chair Davis thanked Commissioner Stanek and David Fw1g for their services to the commission. Commissioner Wilson and Tambe also thanked David Fw1g for his services. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Special Meeting of November 11, 2016 -Vice Chair Tambe moved to approve the minutes of November 11, 2016. Commissioner Wilson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 3 . City Wide Parks Master Plan Gail Seeds updated the commission on the current status of the City Wide Parks Master Plan. Reviewed the history of the project, and explained the future plans for 2018. Will present updated reports to the commission on a recurring basis. Jeff Milkes emphasized the need to involve many different groups with the plan, highlighting the commtmity, city staff, and key stakeholders. Commissioner Wilson added to include city parh1ers such as the local schools, businesses, and other organizations . Vice Chair Tambe encouraged asking the other commissions, such as the Teen Commission, for their input to also have age diversity. Commission Stanek asked if there were any impacts on the Stevens Creek Corridor, as both projects are w1der MIG. Gail Seeds responded that the two plans would hopefully be integrated in the future. Chair Davis asked to move the Blackberry Farm Report to be the next item on the agenda. STAFF REPORTS 4. Blackbeny Farm Report Molly James presented a power point on the current status and trend analysis of Blackberry Farm and compared it to last year's numbers. Introduced the new park rangers, Ryan, Roger, and D'Miles, and presented future plans for 2017. The commission showed support over the d1anges and trends. Vice Chair Tambe inquired if the rain has impacted the programs. Molly James confirmed that the rangers have been prepared for the weather. OLD BUSINESS 5. Rota1y/Stocklmeir Agreement Commissioner Wilson recused herself from the topic as she is the current president of the Rotary Club of Cupertino. Chair Davis confirmed her status at the president elect elect of the Rotary club, but affirmed to be fair and impartial to the subject. Christine Hanel reviewed the history of the subject, updated the commission on the status of agreement, and requested feedback and recommendations from the commission on how to proceed. Jennifer Griffin, a Cupertino resident, emphasized the restoration of the home and to designate it as permanent history house. Vice Chair Tambe asked for clarification about the gardens near the home. Chair Davis and Jeff Milkes confirmed that the house and the surrounding property would be public property. Discussion followed. The commission asked to see a more developed agreement and inquired about the specifics. Judy Wilson clarified the details of the agreement. Discussion followed. The commission recommended continued negotiations with Rotary, but confirmed that the Parks Master plan and Steven Creek corridor should be completed first. NEW BUSINESS 6. Godbe Survey Questions Jeff Milkes presented to the commission about the city wide survey conducted every 2 years and asked for input on what questions they would want to see included in the survey. Commissioner Wilson asked to include a question about what the residents would like the city of provide and what they like or don't like . Commissioner Stanek asked for more open ended questions . Vice Chair Tambe recommended to expand the survey to include all demographics in Cupertino. Christine Hanel confirmed with the commission that the survey is a phone survey. David Fung clarified the survey is conducted to accotmt for diversity, age, and gender. 7. Farmer's Market Location Jeff Milkes presented a potential agreement to host a farmer's market, run by the Pacific Coast Farmer's Market Assoc., at Creekside Park on Friday mornings and asked for guidance from the commission. Commissioner Wilson expressed support of the idea. Jennifer Griffin, a Cupertino resident, responded in concern against the idea and asked to have the farmers market move to a different mall parking lot instead. Vice Chair Tambe recommended to survey the local neighborhood for their input on the matter first, but was in support of a pilot program. Chair Davis also supported the pilot program. Commissioner Stanek requested a shorter pilot program, but also expressed community outreach first. The commission agreed that community outreach is important to this agreement. COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORTS Commissioner Wilson attended the Tree Lighting Ceremony and Mayor's meeting in December. Commission Stanek also attended the Tree Lighting Ceremony, but expressed a need for better commmucation and coordination with Main Street, due to the conflicting events in December. Attended the January Mayor's meeting and agreed with community outreach and focus. Attended the City Council meeting on Jan 24 th . Chair Davis attended the February Mayor's meeting, reported on the Teen Commission hackathon, the Public Safety Commission working on a gw1s policy and seminars for senior safety at the Senior Center, Safe Routes to School event on February 8 from 3pm to 5pm, the Library Commission appointed a new Commmuty Librarian Clare Varesio, and the Sustainability Commission is working on reaching out to the commw1ity about sustainability. Direct Jeff Milkes reported on the upcoming recruitment for the vacant supervisor position in the Recreation department. Also reported on the following event: • 1/14-Cupertino Sports Center Open House -500 people attended with 58 new single members and 10 new family memberships. Reminded the commission about the upcoming Volw1teer Recognition event at the Senior Center on March 25 and the Big Bmmy Fw1 Rw1 at the Cupertino Civic Center on April 15. ADJOURNMENT -Chair Davis adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~;tL Kevin Khuu, Administrative Assistant Recreation and Community Services Department Minutes approv ed at the 03.02 .17 regular meeting