Thursday December 8, 2016, 6:00 p.m.
Cupertino City Hall, Conference Room A
Commissioner Huang called to order this regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety
Commission at approximately 6:04 p.m. on Thursday, December 8, 2016 in the Cupertino City
Hall, Conference Room A, located at 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014.
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Huang
Robert McCoy
Gerald Tallinger
Hymanand Nellore
Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Sahai
Staff Present:
Staff Absent:
Others Present:
Lieutenant Robert Durr, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Chief John Justice, Santa Clara County Fire Department
Kathy Chole-public crime reduction
Lynda Ellingson-Public burglary prevention and self -defense class
Leonid Grossmin-PSC Interest
1. Subject: Approve the November 2016 Minutes
Recommended Action: Approval of the November 2016 Minutes
Commissioner Tallinger motioned to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2016
meeting with no corrections; Commissioner McCoy seconded the motion; Ayes: Tallinger,
Huang, McCoy, Nellore. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Sahai
Public Safety Commission Minutes
2. Subject: Report by Santa Clara Cormty Fire District
Recommended Action: Receive Report by Santa Clara Fire District
December 8, 2016
Deputy Chief John Justice was absent from the meeting and no report was received.
3. Subject: Report by The Santa Clara Cow1ty Sheriff's Office
Recommended Action: Receive Report by The Santa Clara Cormty Sheriff's Office
Lieutenant Durr explained that during the month of November the city of Cupertino had
one robbery and 13 home burglaries. They have decreased from last year during this time
when we had 27 residential burglaries in the month of November 2015. Commercial
burglaries were 8, Vehicle burglaries were 19, which have gone up from last year. Grand
Theft is down to 6, Auto Theft 3, Vandalism 11, which are up from this same time last year.
The city had 7 reports of Identity Theft, 6 reports of Domestic Violence, 9 reports of Simple
Aggravated Assault, and 2 Sex Crimes.
Lt. Durr continued to explain for the month of November the city had a total of 417 Moving
Violations, 148 speeding citations, 273 other types of citations, 1 DUI, 8 Accidents, and 6
property damage collisions.
Commissioner Tallinger asked if all the reported vandalism occurred in one specific area as
it appeared that vandalism increased in the month of November, compared to previous
months. Lt Durr explained that many of the vandalism reported to the Sheriff's Office was
related to people taking down election signs.
Commissioner McCoy asked if the Sheriff's Office will be having a DUI Check Point and Lt
Durr explained that the grant that paid for DUI Check Point has come to an end but the
Sheriff's Office is planning on enforcing more stops by having more rmits out during the
holidays. Commissioner Nellore asks what are the main issues on New Year's Eve for
Deputies in Cupertino. Lt Durr responds that more alcohol consumption occurs and as a
result of the alcohol consumption, calls for service increase.
4. Subject: Receive Commissioner's Reports
Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner's Report
Commissioner McCoy explained that the community is urging cormcil to contact
congressmen and senators to start dialogue with FAA about planes flying over the city,
would like to see flight path not flying over the city of Cupertino. Commissioner Nellore
states that he attended a commrmity meeting with Congressman elect Ro Khanna and
spoke with him about the Cupertino Public Safety Commission. Mr. Khanna said he was
Public Safety Commission Minutes December 8, 2016
willing to work together on this matter and adds that he will invite Mr. Khanna to the
January meeting.
Commissioner Sahai-Absente
Commissioner Huang-Attended Mayor's meeting and discussed many items but only the
items related to Public Safety is of importance to the commission. Parks and Recreation
announced a new Director, TICC had a discussion about a cell tower, City of Cupertino will
be holding a Smart City Conference on May 26/27, 2017 at Memorial Park. Topics will
include Transportation, Education and Communication and the city should be expecting a
lot of traffic during these two days. In regards to Sustainability, the city will be posting a
video on the City of Cupertino website about a resident from Cupertino that has a
"Negative Energy House" which is that they make more energy than they consume
including their car, which is battery powered. The Sustainability Commission would like to
help other residents on creating something similar.
In regards to The Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting, they had a presentation related
to Safe Routes to Schools .
Commissioner Nellore-None
Commissioner Tallinger-Bike Pedestrian Commission, the draft ordinance proposal for
riding a bicycle on the sidewalk was sent to Commissioner Tallinger. The draft ordinance
states that no person shall ride, use or operate a bicycle on any sidewalk within the City
except as specifically permitted in this chapter, except these rules should not apply to a
child age 12 years and under and an adult accompanying a child age 12 years and under
who is also riding, using, or operating a bicycle on a sidewalk. We are handing a copy of
this ordinance to the Sheriff's Office for review since they will be enforcing the new law.
Follow up meeting will be on Thursday December 16, 2016. Commissioner McCoy asked Lt
Durr if the committee had been in contact with the Sheriff's Office. Lt Durr advises he will
ask the Traffic Sgt and report back.
5. Subject: Crime Reduction Initiatives
Recommended Action: Discuss Crime Reduction Initiatives
Commissioner Nellore presented a power point to the group on crime reduction explaining
that an increase on patrol checks around the more vulnerable areas would help. He adds
that having block leaders get connected with the city would help the block leaders
disseminate information to residents. Lt Durr explains that we need the help of the
Public Safety Commission Minutes December 8, 2016
residents, for them to call the Sheriff's Office for anything that they think is suspicious.
Commissioner Nellore asks about heat maps. Lt. Durr explains that it is a crew that works
off a certain area until they are caught. Lt Durr goes on to say that looking out for one
another is best. If you are going to be away let your neighbor know so they can keep an eye
out on your house. Invest in a security system and cameras. Let your security company
know when you will be on vacation so they call the Sheriff's Office before calling you so no
time is wasted and the thieves can be caught in the act. He adds that when home alone, and
someone knocks at the door, respond to the knock. An example to the knock could be, "hey
dad there is someone at the door" they will hear that and they will move on. Lt Durr
further explains that Stephanie Turini and Laura Lee can help Commissioner Nellore obtain
more information as they run the neighborhood watch program and block leader program.
6. Subject: 2017 Chair and Vice Chair Elections
Recommended Action: Elect 2017 Chair and Vice Chair
Chairman Huang explains that it is the end of the year and it is time to assign a new Chair
and Vice Chair. Commissioner Huang nominates Commissioner Tallinger and
Commissioner McCoy seconded the motion; Ayes: Tallinger, Huang, McCoy, Nellore.
Noes : None. Abstain: None. Absent: Sahai. Commissioner Tallinger is elected as the new
Chair for The Public Safety Committee for 2017 and Commissioner Huang is elected as Vice
7. Subject: Future Agenda Items
Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items
Lt Durr explains that Deputy City Manager Guzman or her designee will be presenting the
new Gun Safety Ordinance at the next meeting.
8. Subject: Participation in the Cupertino Alert System, Alert SCC and Pulse Point
Recommended Action: Discuss Participation in the Cupertino Alert System, Alert SCC and
Pulse Point
Commissioner Huang explains that he usually has a graph report which depicts the
number of residents that have signed up which was always provided to him by Robert but
because Robert has moved to a new job assignment, no one is able to provide
Commissioner Huang with the information at this time.
9. Subject: Public Safety Education and Outreach; a) next Forum "Situation Awareness, Avoid
Incident and Self-defense", b) Event Plans for Information Forums (Sahai), c) Proposals for
Future Forums (All)
Public Safety Commission Minutes December 8, 2016
Recommended Action: Discuss Public Safety Education and Outreach Opportunities
Commissioner McCoy explained how the women's self-defense class had a great turnout
with about 42 women in attendance. The feedback was great and Commissioner McCoy
suggests having the class frequently. He looked into RAD (Rape Aggression Defense
course), which offers a training package for $9,500 to train 10 instructors. Commissioner
McCoy suggests training 10 employees that can teach the class as an ongoing basis. It could
be taught to women, men, children and seniors. The package includes pads, manuals and
training materials. The training class is three days. He further suggests if it would be
possible to find out if any city employees would be interested in becoming instructors to
teach this class to the public. Commissioner McCoy further asks if someone from the
Sheriff's Office could potentially teach the course. Lt Durr explains that deputies are
trained to react to a situation and deescalate a situation in order to take someone into
custody. The training Deputies receive is not similar to the defense training provided by
RAD. Commissioner McCoy adds that the instructor does not have to be law enforcement
individual. Commissioner Huang states that the next defense class taught at San Jose State
University will be in March 2017.
Commissioner Huang adds that he mentioned the RAD training course to current Mayor
Chang who responded that the city staff would need to conduct a study prior to
implementing the program.
As a result of the feedback from the self-defense training presented to residents of
Cupertino recently, Commissioner McCoy makes a motion to suggest the city look into the
RAD training course and to use the Public Safety Commission's remaining budget to
implement the program for future courses. Commissioner Huang seconds the motion
Ayes: Tallinger, Huang, McCoy, Nellore. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Sahai
Commissioner Tallinger presented a proposal for a Transportation Safety Forum. He
explains that Cupertino is a city of busy people, residents taking their children to schools,
residents rushing to work, residents going shopping and out to restaurants, doctors and
other appointments
Also, many non-residents work, shop, visit or commute through Cupertino. It seems that
many of the people on the streets and sidewalks are in a hurry: some are on the phone:
some are consumed with some activities other than paying full attention to safe passage
throughout the area.
Many of the people who roam the streets are just not respecting the rules-of-the-road and
believe that their agenda is more important than others, not showing respect to others . This
is a recipe for accidents and frustration .
Public Safety Commission Minutes December 8, 2016
Part of the issue is education, part is enforcement, and part is infrastructure. We need to
work together on a constructive manner as a community effort involving the city and the
Commissioner Tallinger thought of the Transportation Forum as a manner in which to
provide an avenue to residents to learn how they can be part of the solution and to gather
their feedback and ideas on how the city, the sheriff and the community as a whole can
make it safer in the city. This can be a proactive educational opportunity for both the city
and the residents.
The focus will be on drivers' going back to work or school, parents dropping off kids, kids
going to school and during rush hour situations. Commissioner Tallinger states that he
would like education and feedback from residents. He would like multiple parties
associated to the forum and he has already contacted Safe Routes to School, Walk Bike
Cupertino, and sent the proposal to The Bike Ped Commission who are waiting for this
Commissioner Tallinger is envisioning a 3-4 hour mixed format Forum with multiple Panel
discussions of specific topics, informational sessions, moderated feedback sessions, and a
meet the presenters' pizza lunch session.
Commissioner Tallinger wants to get ideas from other groups for the topics. The Forum
requires support from the city manager and council. The preferred location would be at
The Quinlan Center sometime in May 2017 on a Saturday.
Commissioner Huang suggests adding this Forum to the Smart City Conference which is to
be held on May 26/27, 2017. The Smart City Conference covers Transportation and
Education. Commissioner Huang adds that the city can then sponsor the Forum and help
with costs. Commissioner Huang suggests volunteering to participate on the Smart City
Commissioner Tallinger makes a motion to move forward with The Transportation Forum
as part of the Smart City Conference in May 2017. Commissioner Nellore seconded the
motion; Ayes: Tallinger, Huang, McCoy, Nellore. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Sahai
10. Subject: Collaboration and cross training of volunteer groups (All)
Recommended Action: Discuss the collaboration and cross training of volunteer groups
Commissioner Tallinger explains that county fire has provided a lot of training city wide.
Commissioner Huang requests Ken Erickson and the new Director of Emergency
Public Safety Commission Minutes December 8, 2016
Management to attend a future meeting to ensure that the commission has addressed the
cross training of volunteer groups sufficiently.
11. Subject: Firewise proposal promotion within Cupertino
Recommended Action: Discuss Firewise proposal promotion within Cupertino
Not discussed due to the absence of Deputy Chief Justice.
Chair Tallinger adjourned the meeting at 8:28 pm
The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Veronica Lara
Executive Assistant
West Valley Patrol Division
Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff
December 27, 2016