10 10185 N. STELLING ROAD • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3110 www.cupertino.org
Meeting: October 25, 2016
Citywide Parks, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan consultant services
Recommended Action
Provide input for consideration by the City Council regarding assignment of consultant
services for the Citywide Parks, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan.
The Citywide Parks, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan (“Master Plan”) is
included in the city’s current Capital Improvement Program. This project is to prepare
a citywide master plan to address the city’s long-term needs and goals for parks,
recreation and open space. Objectives of the process include identifying the values of
the community, providing a citywide vision for park and recreation facilities,
establishing priorities for implementation, and developing a strategic direction for
future improvements and a funding strategy.
Upon conclusion of a consultant selection process, in August 2015 the City Council
authorized execution of a consultant services agreement with the top choice firm. An
agreement was executed in September 2015 and services commenced. The consultant
team evaluated background information and reviewed city parks and facilities with
staff. Reports were prepared on topics such as demographics and recreation trends. A
public outreach process was launched in spring 2016 including a multi-month
community-wide survey which continued into summer.
During the last several months, progress has been slower than anticipated. The
consultant firm has experienced staffing issues for many months that have affected this
assignment. It has also become clear that the consultant’s typical approach to
delivering services is not what was expected by the staff project team. The content,
style, and organization of work tasks that is consistent with the consultant’s typical
practices has not been compatible with our expectations. It appears that this
assignment was not the best fit for the strengths and style of the consultant relative to
the city’s goals and the desired outcomes.
Alternatives for proceeding with the project in a manner to help ensure an excellent
outcome have been explored. Staff evaluated similar-size cities that have recent park
and recreation master plans and that have won the prestigious Gold Medal award from
the National Parks and Recreation Association. Two firms stood out as having prepared
outstanding master plans for such cities.
The first firm has extensive experience in the Midwest and is based there. However
their experience in California is limited, and they would need to partner with a local
landscape architecture firm for site reviews, meetings and to provide local knowledge
and presence. Cost and schedule inefficiencies would result. The second firm has
extensive California experience, has ample recent local experience, and has nearby
offices in Berkeley and San Jose. The second firm was interviewed in our selection
process last year for our Master Plan, and was highly ranked as one of the two top
firms. This firm was deemed very well qualified at the time and a strong choice. Staff
additionally reached out to a well-regarded local firm that was recently a top choice for
a nearby city’s similar process, but did not submit a proposal to us last year. However
this firm lacked recent citywide or system wide park planning experience.
An option for proceeding is to conclude the existing services agreement with the
current firm, and initiate a new agreement with the other firm that originally ranked in
our top two. This firm, Moore Iacofano Goltsman (MIG), is fully available to take on
this project should the city wish to assign it to them. They can complete the work
within the existing project budget. Their firm’s project team would be the same as was
proposed last year with the exception of a different senior project manager. References
were checked for their staff, and recent clients have provided very positive feedback.
If the project continues with the new consultant team and a new agreement, staff
recommends some tailoring of the remaining services. The recommended
modifications can be accommodated within the existing project budget. The
modifications are:
After a vision and draft goals are brought forward, conduct a short on-line public
survey, to allow wide community feedback and better include those who are not
able to attend meetings.
Provide graphics and content for a more engaging website.
Add professional biological/ecological input to strengthen the plan by
addressing healthy creek corridors and greenbelts, native species, habitat values,
and our park system’s role in supporting these.
Delete bubble diagrams of city parks. Instead provide vignette illustrations of
sample design solutions, and identify desired facilities and amenities with park
sites that are suitable to consider for such amenities. This will create more of a
“toolbox” approach, and help match good opportunities with good settings. This
approach is recommended as more flexible and useful in implementing the
variety of goals which are anticipated to result from the planning process.
Retain the task to develop conceptual alternatives for Memorial Park.
Memorial Park holds unique status as the city’s largest, busiest, and most
centrally located park. It also enjoys a unique setting flanked by the
Senior Center, Sports Center and Quinlan Community Center. It therefore
warrants developing conceptual alternatives and continued special
consideration in the Master Plan.
The Parks and Recreation Commission is invited to provide input on assignment of
consultant services for proceeding with the Master Plan. Commission input will be
forwarded to the City Council with a recommended course of action.
Fiscal Impact
No fiscal impact will result from this action and no change to the project budget is
Prepared by: Christine Hanel, Acting Director of Recreation & Community Services