FAC 04-23-91
Regular Meetinj--Apr. 23, 1991
CUpertino City Hall
'Ihe meetinj was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chaiman Sheila Ettinjer.
Commissioners present:
Jelinch, Jim Pizor,
(entered 8:48)
staff present: Donna Krey, Laura Doioc>ndon
Ettinjer, Roberta Hollimon, D:>ris Harry, Frank
victoria Robledo (entered 7:43); Robert Lerner
Hollimon asked that "Roberta" replace "Robert" in reference to Holl.iroc>n's
committee assigrnnents. She also suggested that "and Robert Lerner" be
added as a member on the next grants cammittee. Harry made a Irotion to
approve the March minutes as corrected, Hollimon seconded and the motion
passed unanincusly.
Ettinjer read a letter fran fonDer cammission member Val Ramsay thanki.nJ
the PAC for flowers sent durinj her recent hospitalization. Ettinjer also
distributed announcements and letter relatinj to art groups and
Krey reported that the $2 , 500 increase request from Euphrat Gallery was
not included in the staff budget proposal. Krey mentioned that city
manager Don Brown suggested that the FAC also not include $3,000 for the
Irorion in the council chamber. 'lhose increases represented a 23% chan:Je
over last year. She said the total budget is nCM a 3% increase and that
Jan Rindfleisch will make an appeal to the council directly on May 28 or
29 durinj bud:Jet reviews.
Holl.iroc>n suggested that the Public Art Committee review the Irorion
proposal and summarize its findi.n:Js with the FAC. Krey said the FAC could
discuss the Irorion with the council on May 28 or 29. Krey also mentioned
that she could ask the mayor hCM she feels about a Irorion on the wall of
the chamber behind the mayor's seat.
Krey said the next scheduled meetinj is the same day as the budget
review sessions and that all conference rooms will be occupied. 'Ihe
commissioners asked that the next FAC meetinj take place on wednesday, May
22 at 7: 30 p.m. in Conference Room A. Krey told the FAC that she will
reserve the room and notify commissioners of any chan:Jes in date or place
for the meetinj.
Krey received a call from sculptor C1Jris Boissevain, who said the
6-foot sculpture for city Hall alIrost is complete. She mentioned that the
sculpture could be placed where the large paintinj was located in the
lobby .
She brought in artwork given to mayor Koppel from Toyokawa and said it
needs to be framed. Ettinjer agreed, however, she said the FAC may not be
responsible for framing costs. Krey noted that 50% of the FAC budget
has not been spent. HolliIron said she will contact fonrer commissioner
Deborah Arden to determine the value of the print am suggestions am
costs for framing.
Jelinch recapped the conference held in Sacramento. He told commissioners
that the conference focused on: where to find grant m::>ney; how to get MEA
grants (a min:imum of $150,000 is needed to match 50%); fiIrling hidden
cammunities for art projects; and how to organize local arts agencies.
Jelinch JreJ1tioned that CAIAA has regional meetings and Saturday
workshops, sometimes held in the Santa Clara area. He stated that the
conference discussed raising grants ¡roney, not how to spero. it.
Ettinger said she spoke with the Creative Arts Dept. at De Anza am the
president of the Student Art Assoc. about the proposed representation on
FAC. Both responses were positive. Harry distributed a draft letter to
be sent to the high schools in the district. Jelinch suggested the letter
indicate that students be a least juniors in high school. Robledo told
commissioners that the FAC also should write a letter of intent. Jelinch
said he will obtain a copy of an application used in Los Gates' program.
Jelinch made a motion to adopt the policy to include student
representation at the FAC meetings; HollÌIron secorrled am the ¡rotion
passed unanimously. 'Ihe commissioners agreed to run the program from Oct.
1 through June. 'Ihe application am letter will be discussed at the May
'Ihe newly-formed "Student Liaison Committee" will include: Ettinger,
Jelinch am Harry.
Ettinger said students in private high schools should be considered
and Harry suggested including student liaison information in the Scene.
Postponed until next meeting.
Pizor said the. Hands on the Arts program should JreJ1tion that it is
sponsored in part by CUpertino. Krey told the l1'elTIbers that she has not
received any information or program advertising this year. Robledo
suggested putting up a banner to advertise CUpertino's sponsorship.
HollÌIron mentioned that purchasing a banner is expensive am that the
wording should be generic so it can be used ¡rore than once. She also said
the commission could borrow a city banner and discuss its usage with parks
and recreation director Steve Dowling. Ettinger stated that the Special
Events committee should consider obtaining a banner for the Tan::1y Beal
Harry reported that the music teachers in the CUpertino union School
District were planning a celebration in the park, but wasn't sure if it
would occur or not.
Ettinger suggested that the FAC write a letter to state
representatives opposing Proposition 98. Krey said Ettinger could write
the letter am it would be typed on city stationary, on behalf of the
commission. Ettinger told the FAC that the letter will be completed by
the ezrl of the week.
HollinDn reviewed the
productions is covered.
policy .
Sponsoring television
Pizor told carnmissioners that the "Infonnance" is scheduled for SUn:Jay,
June 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Quinlan Center. Krey said the FAC should
advertise in other na:l.ia besides the scene. Ccm1\issioners Jl'eI1tioned
publicity in the Courier, Metro, Mercury and other media. Krey Iæ11tioned
that she could write a press release and distribute it and will produce a
Pizor said the perfonnance will cost $750 for the artist. Krey told
the group that she has same c:ha1rpagne left from a previous FAC function.
Ettinger volunteered Lerner to be in charge of refreshment donations.
Cancelled - already covered.
Art in Public Places: Holliroon said the city attorney reviewed the
guidelines for the public art ordinance. '!he cammittee made same changes
and HolliIron said she will bring these changes to the larger cammittee.
The cammittee decided to replace oonstruction permits with use permits;
and changed 10,000 sq. footage to 20,000. Krey mentioned that she is
meeting with Ciddy Wordell regarding ordinances and policies of other
Ettinger reported that she spoke to a representative of the Library
Commission and said the FAC will set up a joint meeting with the
cammission about placing art pieces in the library.
&1siness Relations and DevelOPInel1t: Holliroon told the cammissioners
that Measurex oontributed $500 for the Quinlan Center piano. Ettinger
JæITtioned that she and Holliroon will meet with SUmitomo Bank on Friday.
She also said Dayton Hudson will serrl a grant application this week.
Suecial Events: No further report
Grants: Harry reported that sri Lama called and expressed
disappoinbnent in not receiving a grant. Harry said the group requested
$5,000. '!he cammission said Commarrl Perfonnance did not acknowledge
CUpertino for a grant received.
Directories: Pizor suggested listing the directories on a Macintosh
program and making the list available at the library. Krey Iæ11tioned that
permission may need to be obtained from artists to use the information
publicly. Holliroon suggested that Pizor oontact John statton, govenunent
affairs specialist at Apple and CUpertino energy cammission chainnan.
Robledo said she will be meeting with a San Jose art commissioner on
Surrlay. She Iæ11tioned that she has had a difficult tine oontacting a
representative in Mt. view. Ettinger suggested that Robledo call Ramsay
for a contact.
Lerner told the cammissioners that the Euphrat Gallery will spotlight
a a1ildren' s Art Show on Saturday.
Harry said Commarrl Perfonnance will be featured on Sunday, Apr. 28 at
the Flint Center. She showed West Bay Cþ=l fliers and raffle ticket
fonns in support of the opera. Harry also showed the group a Trader Joe's
grocery bag that advertised the SJ Symphony and told the cammissioners
that a car lot in Raleigh has been oonverted to artists' quarters.
Pizor said the City of Palo Alto is workin::J on a Public Art Ordinance
and holds its arts cammission meetings at 7:30 a.m.
JelÌI1d1 reported that the tcwn of Los Gatos raised $7,500 so far to
purchase the sculpture "Space Dance for Peace" am. is sponsoring a nnlSic
in the park program. He also said an annual art auction is planned for
Saturday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Santa Clara University.
Krey said the Bicentennial Cammittee is planning a ball an:'! another
re-enactment coordinated by Nancy Steele. '!he ball will be held at the
Quinlan Center.
Holli1ron discussed her trip to Washington D.C. arrl said she visited
the National Gallery of Art am. heard the National Syitphony.
Ettinger said the Graro Blvd. concept was the main topic of discussion
at the Mayor's lJ.mcheon. She att.errled the see Arts Council's brown bag
luncheon am. said the council is askin:J for a draft review. '!he next
brown bag lunch is scheduled for June 7. Ettinger will meet with Krey
regarding soliciting contributions in the Scene.
Pizor made a m:>tion adjourn the neeting at 9:22 p.m.; Harry seconded am.
the m:>tion passed \.111aI1Í1roUSly. '!he next neeting will be held on May 22 at
7:30 p.m.