FAC 07-23-91 FINE ARTS CXMfiSSIŒ Regular Meeting--July 23, 1991 CUpertino City Hall COnference Rccm A ~ CALL '10 ORDER '!be neeting was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. by Chairperson Ettinger ROLL CALL Ccmnissioners present: Ettinger, Harry, HollinPn, Jelinch, Pizer, Lerner, Robledo Cannissioners absent: None Staff present: APPROVAL OF MINlJI'ES Dorothy Cornelius a. Regular neeting of June 25, 1991. It was I!DVed by Can. Jelinch, seoonded by Can. HollinPn and passed 5-0 to a¡::prove the minutes anended as follC7WS: Page 2 , correct the misspelling of " consensus", éIIœIId next to last paragraph to include stataænt that Can. HollinPn attended an ethnic dance festival and reception sponsored by Awle CaipUteri under Business Relations and Developœnt, delete reference to Dayton Hudson and insert "Target" and "Mervyn's". ORAL cnMJNICATICNS-None WRITlEN CXJ«JNICATICNS A letter had been reœiyed £ran Pat Lamson, CUpertino Union School District, thanking the Ccmnission for their grant. An inyitation to "Hats Off" reception was received £ran Triton Museum. Staff was directed to send in the response card indicating that two amnissioners 'NOuld be attending the reception. Written Cœmmications included oc:mmmication fran People for the American Way, Pathway to Cœmmity CUlture and Tandy Beal. STAFF REPORI'S City Clerk COrnelius inquired about the possibility of infonnation on COuncil ChaJrber pertaining to the various flags around the roan. -1- Can. Hollim::m said she 1NOuld look into this. City Clerk Cornelius also inquired about updating the Fine Arts Camlission brochure . OlD BUSINESS a. Student representative on Fine Arts Cœmission-ëg;>lication and procedure Ik>ris HarJ:y stated she had been told to 1NOrk through the Inter District Council. Copies of the Fine Arts ordinance , cover, and awlication will be sent to high schools and DeAnza College. Publicity will be placed in the Cupertino Scene, Courier, and Mercw:y News. It was ncved by Can. Hollim::m, secx>nded by Can. Jelinch and passed 6-0 to accept the cover letter and awlication æœnded to show an October 4 filing deadline and that the municipal axle chapter pertaining to the Fine Arts Camlission be included. b. Fbllow-up on Public Art/Goals meeting (Can. Pizer arrives 7:55 p.m.) Can. Hollim::m' stated that the Planning Camlission expressed amcern that an aà:li.tional requiraœnt 1NOuld discourage developœnt . Staff is reamœnding that there not be a percentage for art for private developœnt. SUnnyvale has this requiraœnt only for certain gateway areas. It was suggested that it be left at the discretion of the Planning staff to neçptiate for art. '!he problem is having a set percentage for art in private developœnts. Is the crrrmission interested in changing policy? Can. HollinDn revie<Ned the I}Jal and the General Plan. In regard to the I}Jal and policy for the arts, she stated that the I}Jal is g:xx:l in the General Plan, but not the policy. '!here a¡:pears to be no precedent for 1% of total construction costs. 'Ihe Public Art Cœmittee is meeting. It will look at why others are saying they do not have a set percentage. She also requested that this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting and pointed out that there are many other fees on deyelopœnt. Can. Jelinch said there is a precedent for other fees, why not art? He felt the cxmnission needs to push even if the policy is not accepted at this t.iIœ. -2- Can. Hollim:m stated she IoIOUld ~rk with Parks and Recreation and see if sane of the park fees oould be spent on "Art in the Park". Also, a general question will be put on Citylink as to how other cities handle this. Next nDnth's agenda will include oonsideration of a possible change of policy. c. piano donation JW.ia Lamy, of Parks and Recreation, has awroved the donation. Tuning of the piano will a:me fran the Parks and Recreation budget . A thank you letter will be sent, as well as a letter regarding the value of the piano ($1500). Can. Harry stated she had received a donation of $29.00 for the piano fund fran 'ß1arpBon/Williams concert. Chair Ettinger will prepare a letter to service clubs requesting a donation tcr.Iards the piano fund. She reported that letters had been sent to Syva and Oliyetti, as well as to SumitaIp. '!he piano will oost in the $4,000-4,500 range. d. Friends of the Arts Group Discussion was held regarding the POSswility of putting on a breakfast in SeptatDer or October to enrourage Friends of the Arts. NE.W BUSINESS a . Senior Center Poetry Contest. Chair Ettinger reported that the Fine Arts Cannission is listed as judges. b. Consideration of change of date for SeptatDer Iœeting '!he Cannission will leave the date of the Sept:a1ber Iœeting at its regular t.llœ. Can. Hollim:m reported that she ~uld not be present at that Iœeting . C£IoMITmE REPORTS a. Art in Public Places Jackie June of A¡:ple, wants to meet the Art in Public Places or Business Relations and Developœnt subcamtittees regarding art in new developœnt. Roberta HolliJron, Frank Jelinch, and Victoria Rcbledo will Iœet with her. (Robert Ierner leaves 8:25 p.m.) -3- '!he Chair reported that the Historical Society had referred saneone to the Camdssion regarding a piece of pottery and requesting the name of an a¡:praiser. Debbie Arden had sul:Jni.tted the name of one awraiser. It was suggested that the directory being prepared could include appraisers. In the meantiJœ, the person will be referred to a Museum or the Yellow Pages for appraisers. victoria Robledo suggested the use of students or video equi¡:.ment fran the cable station to prepare a tape showing art in various cities. 'Ihis tape could be presented to the Planning Cannission. In ac:kli.tion, she stated she does have a friend who does de this type of 1oIOrk. '!he tape could include an interview of persons in various corporations stating what they feel is the benefit of public art. It was suggested that Can. Robledo encourage her friend to awly for a grant to de such a piece. b. Business Relations and Develcprent c . Special Events Can. Harry addressed the group regarding Tandy Baal, who has received another grant. '!he perfonnance must be in schools and a program for students. Staff was requested to send a copy of Ms . Baal . s letter to IœIIbers of the City Council. Can. Harry will contact Ms . Baal regarding future perfODll3Ilce . d. Grants Can. Jelinch stated that publicity 1oIOuld be conducted as in the past. Articles will be placed in the CUpertino Scene and the Courier. '!he a:mnittee will meet after the deadline and review the awlications. Can. Harry mentioned that the ~ Canmmity Center à:x>r needs sound absorbers as there are reverl:Jerations when the à:x>r closes. Following discussion, it was deteDnined that activities receiving grants should be listed in the cultural calender of the CUpertino Scene and when grant recipients are notified, they should be told that the event will be in the cultural calendar . -4- e. Directories 10. Can. Pizer said he had nothing to report. '1hDse listed in the directory will reside or 1oIOrk in Cupertino. CXMŒSSICN REPORTS Sheila Ettinger stated that she has been awointed to the Santa Clara ColUlty Grand Jury. She felt it awropriate for the Camtission to ac:k:natlledge Danna Krey for her service and a flcr.ær or plant and a card will be sent. Chair Ettinger felt that one representative of the cxmnission should attend the Arts and the Camcn Gocxi Conference in San Diecp. 'n1e registration 1oIOuld be rovered by the budget. Can. Harry stated that perhaps she could 1oIOrk saæthing out to share the cost between the City and schools. Chair Ettinger will cx:.IIplete the California Confederation of the Arts survey. Can. Hollilron attended the brown bag llUlch of the Santa Clara ColUlty Arts ColUlcil. 'n1e Council is preparing a document expressing suwort for regionalism. Can. Jelinch requested that the Bicentennial Camtission be deleted fran future agendas. Can. Harry anIIOlUlced the foDl'ation of the California Coalition for Music Education. Can. Hollilron requested that each na1ber contact their liaisons for other cities regarcling those cities' public art status. It was IIDved by Can. Harry, seoonded by Can. Jelinch and passed unaninDusly to adjourn the Iœeti.ng at 8:55 p.m. tlat~ -5-