FAC 09-24-91 FINE ARI'S aMITSSICN Regular Meeting--SeptaiiJer 24, 1991 CUpertino City Hall COnference Roan A MINUTES 1. CALL '10 ORDER Chairperson Ettinger called the meeting to order at 7: 37 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Ccrrmissioners present: Lerner, Pizer, Robledo, Chairperson Ettinger Ccrrmissioners absent: Harry, HollilIDn, Jelinch Deputy City Clerk Wolfe Staff present: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular meeting of August 27, 1991. It was IIDVed by Can. Lerner, seconded by Can. Pizor and passed unan.i.uPusly to approve the minutes as suhnitted. 4. ORAL CXM1UNlCATICNS - None. 5. WRITI'EN CXM1UNICATICNS Chair Ettinger reviewed the following OCII1IIl.UÙcations with those present: a. b. c. d. Letter fran Target pledging $500 grant to piano fund. Letter fran Mervyn' s stating their policy regarding grants. Letter of thanks fran Redwood Consort. Announcement of convention at lake Tahoe. Letter fran Senior Center - poetry contest. Announcement from Euphrat - citizen receiving California Arts COuncil award. civic service Awards announcement - October lO. Layne Longfellow event announcernent. Business of Art magazine subscription announcernent. Brochures. Invitation to Arts and Business awards dinner, SeptaòJer 26. Letter fran Music Perfonnance Trust Fund acknowledging payment. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. 6. STAFF REPC>RTS - None. -l- 7. OlD BUSINESS a. Status of applications or student representative. :One application has been received. Can. Pizor suggested extending the ,deadline past October 4 and getting IIPre publicity, possibly an article in the San Jose News Extra section. It was decided that the deadline 'WOuld not be extended at this tirre, but the schools will be contacted and the Public Information Officer will be asked to seek IIPre publicity. B. NEW BUSINESS a. Review of grants applications. Recomœndations for grants will be given at the October rœeting. Five applications were receiyed. Can. Lerner said it 'WOuld be helpful to have a history of who had applied for and receiyed grants in the past. Can. HolliIcvn is CXIIpiling such a history. b. City wishlist priorities. The follCMing items were placed on the list to be turned in to Laura Newœan tarorrow: 'Ibpiary and/or climbable an:irnals in MalDrial Park. Portable mural. lDaned wind sculpture - plaza between Library and City Hall. Art for Library. rnproying concert facilities at MalDrial Park anphitheater - band shell. piano for Quinlan Center. Inproved acoustics at Quinlan Center. c. Recomœndations regarding $5, 000 in fine Arts Ccmnission budget. The follCMing recx:mændations were rrade: Can. Lerner - special event in January or February. Can. HolliIcvn - piano. Can. Pizor - lendable art distributed through Library. Art-related yideo tapes for Library. Ccmnission brochure. Rent sculpture. d. Request for Co-Sponsorship Chair Ettinger discussed the request fran The Baroque Sinfonietta for a concert to be held November 9 at the Quinlan Center. -2- It was noved by Com. Lerner, se=nded by Com. Robledo and passed unanim:msly to ro-sponsor the event with the stipulation that it be a low- or no-charge event. Changing the Co--Sponsorship Application fonn to include a question regarding mst to attendees at events will be placed on the next agenda. 9. CXMfiTIEE REPORTS a. Art in Public Places. Com. Robledo reported that nothing has been done on posting the flags. Framing of Council pictures is in progress. '!he sub-cxmnittee had decided on the placerænt of the City Manager's photo. Ms. Robledo said that a Jœeting with the Library has been scheduled for October 21. She will check with Com. Hollim:m regarding the watermlor dedication/reception. b. Business Relations and Develo¡:rœnt Ms. Robledo discussed the upkeep on the =al. The Ci~erk will check to see if there are provisions in the mntract ~with ~ artist for maintenance of the =al. . Can. Lerner said Chair Ettinger is seeking and getting donations toward the piano. Ms. Ettinger asked staff to send SUmitam Bank another =py of the letter sent to them earlier. Mr. Lerner suggested sending a similar letter to all financial institutions in the city. Ms. Ettinger will mntinue to review business groups other than Kiwanis and Rotary who might donate toward the piano. ~ Can. Lerner said that perhaps a surcharge ($25) muld be added to th~k-~": char~. for use of theliQuinlan Center which 'NOuld rp toward the Fine '/) CaTroiss1.on. ~¿;.:I-1/:.". ~. z5 c. Special Events. ~ I/P.~'~ Com. Pizor said the subconmittee had been r¡¡;>m'~.'e;8à ~ assist thfFriends of the Arts by planning a a:mnunity function. They were thinking about a Saturday norning breakfast meeting in early Novenber. A panel of former grant recipients 'NOuld be asked to speak and a nDdest mntinental breakfast 'NOuld be provided. Mr. P:Ï,zor said that they want to get non-Calmission people to 'NOrk with Calmission people for a nore conmunity based organization. It was noved by Can. pizor, semnded by Can. Lerner and passed l.I11ðIl:iJtDusly for tl¡e Fine Arts Comnission to sponsor an organizing breakfast actiyity to fonn Friends of the Fine Arts. Approyal was mntingent upon oonfinning that this is an awropriate expense for the Calmission. -3- Can. Pizor stated that the artist award had been missed last year and they want to start planing now and shoot for early April. Maybe an art event could be c::ari:>ined with the artist rerognition. '!he sul:xx:mnittee w:>u1d like input iran the full Conmission. ~Chair Ettinger said that the award had not been conceived as an annual 'event. The sul:xx:mnittee will continue to plan for the eyent. d. Grants. Recomœndations will be given at the next ¡œeting. e. Directories - None. 10. CD1MISSIOOER REPORTS AND LIAISONS Sheila Ettinger - Can. Harry had reported on the Mayor's lunch. Conmission nenbers were encourage by the Mayor to have a positiye attitude toward City staff. Jim Pizor - None. Robert Lerner - Can. Lerner said he had attended an excellent performance of the San Jose Syilphony. victoria Robledo - None. It was !!DYed by Can. Pizor, seconded by Can. Lerner and passed unanim:>usly to adjourn the ¡œeting at 8:45 p.m. Deputy City Clerk -4-